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Everything posted by BadHabitz

  1. I'm working on an existing vehicle mod with permission and the wheels don't work with the ACE system. What do I need to do to be able to enable the ability to repair the wheels?
  2. BadHabitz

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Thanks. A Steam friend explained it to me. Stop Lights will enable/disable your brake lights, so you can be super stealthy at night. Looks like Svc Drive is a bunch of running lights you can disable. I'm guessing the "Deploy Shelter" is just an animation and currently doesn't do anything. I was just hoping to confirm it.
  3. BadHabitz

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I saw the questions asked a few times prior and I didn't see them get an answer... does anyone know what the "Svc Drive on/off" and "Stop Light on/off" on the US Army trucks do? I'd like to know what they do so I can tell if they're working as intended or not, so I can send in a bug report if needed. Also, the medical and MHQ trucks have the ability to "Deploy Shelter". Does that do anything besides cause the extension animation and prevent the vehicle from moving? Thanks in advance...
  4. New maps are always appreciated.
  5. Awesome! We were going to update this into our modpack during our weekly maintenance tonight, but because of the broken SATCOM we were going to have to delay. Looks like we're back on now. Thanks for the timely fix!
  6. nvm, found my answer on a second pass thru the thread. Awesome mod. Good job!
  7. BadHabitz

    Malden Screenshots.

    They already said they're going to reuse A3 (Altis/Stratis) assets. From screenshots I see a few new models (or models I'm unfamiliar with) and a bunch of reskins. Especially since it will be free I wouldn't hope for too many original assets.
  8. If this project ever is completed and is no longer free, will people with the Supporter Edition have this product included as a part of their package?
  9. I've experienced this as well. After a few minutes I just deleted the wreck.
  10. Can you share how you sorted that out? In case other people need to look for answers.
  11. BadHabitz

    Orange DLC (wild) SPECULATIONS !!!

    I'll venture a guess that it's a radio/communications plus command & control thing. I don't think it's going to focus on content, as the vague description didn't really lend itself to content. The roadmap used the term "innovative", which doesn't sound like something content-focused to me. "An interesting and unique perspective on the battlefield" and "a valuable, innovative addition" are the keys.
  12. BadHabitz

    TAC-OPS DLC discussion (speculation and hopes)

    I hope they add more options for mission makers in their modes and campaign. I like the recent addition of the 'hold space' function. We need more things like that added to the game instead of relying on scripts. Like a supported option for adding keypads to doors, or bombs. Maybe a computer interface, in the same idea as the adjustable radios in TFAR or the cTab; so when you click on a laptop in game you'll get a usable interface. Should make downloads more immersive. Stuff like that...
  13. BadHabitz

    Teleport to players!

    And it doesn't need to be uploaded to the server. Unless your server doesn't allow for optional mods.
  14. BadHabitz

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    The definitions of weight and mass and how it works in Arma is Off-Topic for this thread.
  15. ACE gives me the option to use a bodybag on a dead person, and then gives me the ability to drag the bodybag. How do I enable the 'Body' class name in the editor to act like a body placed in a bodybag while ingame? I'd also like the bodybag to have the dog tags options with a person's name. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
  16. You need editor categories. class CfgEditorCategories { class my_category_name { displayName = "my_category" }; }; class CfgEditorSubcategories { class my_sub-category_name { displayName = "my_sub-category" }; }; class CfgVehicles { class inherited_class; class new_class: inherited_class { editorCategory = "my_category_or_existing_category"; editorSubCategory = "my_sub-category_or_existing_sub-category"; }; }; If you want to see what exists already look through CfgEditorCategories and CfgEditorSubcategories in the config viewer. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Eden_Editor:_Object_Categorization#Categories
  17. BadHabitz

    F.R.O.G.S -- Combat Diver Project

    I feel your pain. I was in the same position. You never knew what version they were using, because they used their own version numbers. Also sucked when people were reporting errors because if they were using Pw6 you didn't know if they were using the current version or not. I messaged them plenty of times and never received a reply. Frustration.
  18. Seriously waiting for a release for this one. We currently use other mods that we know are of a lesser quality. Will be great to have a high quality H-60 pack.
  19. Can you put Apex props (like the computer screens) into a mission in Eden editor and still have non-owners of Apex successfully join the server? I don't want to create missions that half of my crew can't join. Thanks.
  20. I think that the game/community just naturally declines and fades over time, and it's the DLC/expansions that extend that decline. The DLC packs were not bad. Apex was far overvalued at $35, which I would suspect has affected sales, and has eroded the excitement some felt for the game.
  21. SEAL TEAM 7 Welcome! SEAL Team 7 is rather laid-back realism unit, all things considered, but when it comes to gameplay, our top priority is creating a fun and immersive, yet serious experience for all members. When it comes to ranks/ratings and training, we follow Navy structure and the SEAL training pipeline, but we don't call ourselves a MilSim unit. We don't try to simulate a military experience out-of-game, but in-game we use realistic combat techniques and SOPs. Our #1 goal of the unit is simple: to have fun while still maintaining a serious environment. Our official operations are held on Sundays at 1900 CDT, but we also schedule other events during the week. Unit Attributes Realism Official time is CST (US Central) Versus AI and TvT operations. Participant in FNF! Official operations on weekends, and casual operations during the week (Zeus, MCC, ALiVE)(Tanoa Tuesdays!) Navy structure with SEAL training pipeline (BUD/S -> SQT) ACE3 - TFAR - RHS (among other mods) Game and TeamSpeak server, and forums Positions Infantry (Role descriptions can be found here.) Pointman - Open Breacher - Open Corpsman - Closed Communicator - Open Demolitions Man - Open Weapons Specialist - Closed Looking for experienced fireteam and squad leaders! Aviation 160th SOAR Pilot (Rotary) - Open Aircraft Used: UH/MH-60, MH-47E, A/MH-6M Requirements Be at least 17 years old Have a working microphone and be able to use TeamSpeak Be able to make operations on Sunday at 1900 CDT Be reasonably active Have at least a basic understanding of how Arma 3 works, and have a valid copy of Arma 3 Applications Once you register on the forums, you can submit an application here, just create a new thread. If you have any questions, you can post them here, on the forums, or hop into TeamSpeak @ Thank you for taking the time to read this; we hope to see you soon! Website and Teamspeak Website : www.sealteam7.us Teamspeak : TL;DR Squad name: SEAL Team 7 Timezone/location: US Central Time Gamemode preference: Co-op, pvp Website address: www.SEALTeam7.us Short description: SEAL Team 7 is an Arma 3 realism unit. We're a rather laid-back unit, all things considered, but when it comes to gameplay, our top priority is creating a fun and immersive experience for all members. Our #1 goal of the unit is simple: to have fun. Language: English, Military Speak
  22. BadHabitz

    Water, Water & Water

    Things I would like to see: Better interaction with objects while underwater. In most cases I can't get addAction to work with objects underwater. I can't normally open large containers while underwater. Makes many possible gameplay options impossible. Attach explosives to vehicles/objects while under water. In most cases the only real option to use explosives under water is to put the explosives on the water's bottom and hope the effect reaches your target.
  23. BadHabitz

    Spam and reporting

    I offered to help, but received no reply. :(
  24. BadHabitz

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    I look forward to it. Also, not sure if you have a project list (didn't see one specifically on your site) but I'd love to see some MP5 style weapons. Not sure how widely used they are around the world, but I know from my usage when I have limited inventory space I prefer to operate with an SMG. Not so much a request, but consider it having my vote if there's ever a conversation going on in your team.