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Everything posted by BadHabitz

  1. BadHabitz

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Keeping the naval theme, I'm hoping Gnat updates his civilian tankers/frieghters for A3. I loaded them in, and they're static (which is fine) but the landed helo slid over the side because the weight of it pitched the vessel to starboard. Then I was walking from fore to aft on the port side and fell through the deck and into the drink. Would be great to have a ship, even if it's static, for troops to board and search, or disarm IEDs or bombs, seize nuclear materials, etc... It would be nice to actually be able to enter the ship and go below to a cargo hold, maybe even the engine room. It would also need a way for players to be able to board from the water.
  2. I'd go with C-17. The C-130s have been around for almost 60 years, so I see no reason the Globemaster III won't be around in a near-future setting.
  3. BadHabitz

    =BTC= Logistic [A3] - BETA

    I put this on one of my training maps and the pilots reported issues while picking up boats that are floating in water. They say that when the vehicle attaches it puts it on top of the helicopter.
  4. I think that could work. If it just sits unattended at it's spawn point it will despawn, but then respawn again right in the same spot. I was thinking of adding a scroll wheel option to despawn it, but I don't want someone to do that by accident.
  5. I saw kylania posted on my thread and I thought I could put all my troubles behind me... but alas... Thanks for the chuckle though. :cool:
  6. Perfect. Thanks. I have some people that want =BTC= Logistics incorporated into Invade & Annex. Delivering vehicles by helicopter is sexy, but I also wanted the ability to fly in crates for ammo resupply. The problem then is that mission can be played into perpetuity. I can drop some crates, but once they're used they're gone. I don't want to include 100 ammo crates. Your script gives the option to fly ammo into a battle area, and when it's no longer needed it can be destroyed and respawned so it can be used somewhere else. Thanks. I will include your input into the sqf. One problem with my grand plan. Seems that ammo crates are made from a substance that is impervious to damage. I need to find a way to despawn the crate. I loaded the area of an ammo crate with about 20 M6 mines and dropped an explosive charge. The result was something that would make NASA proud, but it survived the explosion and the impact of returning from the upper atmosphere.
  7. BadHabitz

    UAVs have unguided rockets?

    It's one of the first steps in bringing Skynet to fruition. AI in drones in Arma3 leads military leaders to wonder why they're paying for people to operate their real drones. Operators are replaced with AI developed in conjunction with BI. This AI is then ported over to tanks, then to civilian automobiles. Then, cue Judgement Day. Arnold is too old to help us now, so, yeah...
  8. So I can use 'myfillerscript' on the initial map startup, or do I need a 'initialfillerscript' in addition? I'm thinking 'myfillerscript' will handle it all. Also, 'mycratemarker', do I type that in? I'm guessing I need to substitute that for something, but I'm not sure what. Otherwise, I'll assume that when I do this as is it is written, it will spawn a container with two NLAW_F, and the crate will respawn when it's destroyed.
  9. BadHabitz

    AC-130X for Arma 3

    Wanted to chime in this thread to state that I and a few guys had a great evening playing with this things. Kudos to the designer! My only advice (other than what's been stated) would be for an increase to ground acceleration. Oh, and the empty blue space when entering the vehicle. If it can't be a graphic interior I think most would prefer that to be black.
  10. Does an 80 pound, 5 inch HE round qualify as 'light artillery'?
  11. BadHabitz

    =BTC= Revive

    FYI, I see "Respa" as well, and when I put your script into a MP mission the other three guys saw the same thing as well.
  12. Your main mission folder. Right next to mission.sqm
  13. BadHabitz

    =ATM= Airdrop [A3] - Beta

    ^^Thanks. I'll give that a shot.
  14. Didn't I see an LHD in one of their videos serving as the launch point for Harriers? I know it wasn't the LPD because it had an island tower, but I can't remember if it was a CVN or LHD/LHA
  15. Marines on destroyers? I can't remember a single one in the 4.5 years I was on DD-989. The closest thing would be midshipmen visiting for whatever it is they do.Carriers are different. Obviously, if there's a VMFA as part of the CVW then the whole squadron will be Marines. Besides that you'll get the Marines that specialize in the intelligence community. That's about it for carriers. LHDs, LHAs, LPDs, etc, all of those amphibious ships are going to have Marines embarked with their vehicles/gear.
  16. Spent a lot of time on a mission. I got everything done. I went through it twice by myself; once in the editor another in multiplayer. Worked fine. The first time I had a second player enter the server everything seemed fine, except one of my tasks triggered; a trigger that fires when a certain Independent AI is killed. We progressed, and found that certain OPFOR AI that I placed are missing. I thought all of my OPFOR vanished. The only OPFOR AI on the map that remained was a squad that I gave move orders to occupy a building. So something is removing my enemy/independent troops. Second, the second player didn't see my briefing modules, even though I've triple checked the links. Lastly, when he opened up an ammobox it didn't let him swap out gear, or remove a uniform. He dropped his stuff (wetsuit & rebreather) on the ground and was unable to pull replacement items from the box. Any help would be great.
  17. BadHabitz

    Task Modules are out of order

    Thanks. Too many lines!
  18. I have a mission with ten tasks that are supposed to be accomplished in order. They're not supposed to be assigned until the previous task is completed. Every one of them is designed the same. For some reason tasks 1, 4, 6, and 10 show up at the beginning of the mission and I don't understand why. I looked around and couldn't find if this is an issue that has already been discussed. Please help.
  19. BadHabitz

    =ATM= Airdrop [A3] - Beta

    Is there a way to completely remove the chemlight options? I just want to HALO and deploy parachute, nothing else.
  20. BadHabitz

    Steam API / Achievements

    I would guess that achievements will be tied to all of the official BIS content, like the showcases and campaigns. Maybe even creep into the multiplayer, but not more than "Played multiplayer" and "(number) of hours in multiplayer". I highly doubt there would be any type of stat tracking and achievements tied together for multiplayer. Otherwise I'd design a scenario to pad my stats to a ridiculous level.
  21. Would there be a difference in using fixed-wing targets vs rotary-wing targets when it comes to testing countermeasures? Maybe a difference in speed? But not sure that would make a difference.
  22. Add that to your parameter string?
  23. BadHabitz

    Grand Theft Auto V

    no PC, no buy
  24. Probably, but more than likely it's a business decision. BI isn't raking in cash, there's just trying to survive as a company.