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Everything posted by BadHabitz

  1. Interesting. Where are you into the project? Is this the beginning, the middle, close to the end?
  2. BadHabitz

    BinPBO config.bin problem

    So I need to close out vehicles before I start on weapons?edit: That's exactly what needed to happen. It works now! Now anyone have an idea how I get my imported objects to show up on the bottom of the Virtual Ammobox list? In my experience VAS places modded stuff at the bottom, but mine is at the top.
  3. I would use 'player' instead of 'this'. Don't know if that would work, but you can give it a try until someone better gives a better answer.
  4. BadHabitz

    BinPBO config.bin problem

    Thanks Myke. Latest attempt... I made some fixes and I actually got BinPBO to run through with no errors ang gives what appears to be a clean log. Only problem now is the gear doesn't show in Virtual Ammobox. I thought all of the mods just would naturally show up in there. So I'm thinking I still have a problem. The good news is that I now have a config.bin in my pbo! I've updated my original post with latest config.cpp and error log.
  5. White is right. I mean, I can't remember yellow lines on the ships I was working on.
  6. I think that on the 12th they should give us an estimated time-frame as to when the new CAS planes will be coming out. I can accept that they weren't finished in time, and I don't want to say that BIS owes us anything, but in this case when there's something obviously missing I think we should get more information than we would from other topics.
  7. I've had this issue as well. I wanted someone to check out a mission I was working on, so I wanted to turn off the mods. So I closed the game and deselected all of the mods with Sync. Loaded the game up again and the guy said he still couldn't get in and told me I had mods on the server. I checked and a handful of mods were still turned on.
  8. Perhaps those vehicles have had their class names changed?
  9. Open mission.sqm in Notepad++ and delete all of the items in the addons areas near the top.
  10. I'm not all that concerned. I think things will get better as time passes. But for now, while I'm out in the field with my troops, moving around and ducking gunfire, I'm not going to be all that worried about what's been copy/pasted or all of that.
  11. BadHabitz

    Stuttering on Stratis and Altis

    You might want to list which parameters you've already tried. Have you defragmented your mechanical hard drive lately?
  12. Why should we have to do extra work for something that should be in the game in the first place? I could always re-equip CSAT to have insurgent-style combat, but then we get FIA which is perfect... saves time. Then it gets switched with no real explanation. That's why people are upset.
  13. How are we supposed to use the editor to set up conflicts with FIA instead of the organized forces of CSAT and AAF? To have to do it any other way (a more difficult way) makes zero sense.
  14. BadHabitz

    Does anyone read the sitrep's?

    There's a sizable community in the Arma series that are in it for the flying in a combined arms environment. The game might not be as good as a flight sim, but you can't get that ground/air combat interaction like you can in Arma. The developers know that and cater to that. That's not going to change.
  15. BadHabitz

    Does anyone read the sitrep's?

    I'm fine with just about everything so far. Disappointed that the NATO fixed-wing vehicle didn't make it in time for the 12th, but I look at it more from the long term perspective. So I don't know why you're asking what will make me happy, because I'm pointing out behavior that I predict we'll see in others.
  16. BadHabitz

    Does anyone read the sitrep's?

    I'm not panicking. Plenty of people are complaining that there isn't enough release content, and I'm just saying that I can see people using that as an excuse to moan about having to pay for any future content.
  17. BadHabitz

    Does anyone read the sitrep's?

    If they just ran out of time, then releasing it for free is the way to go. I'm just afraid that things will be developed for the sole purpose of being a DLC and people will cry that they have to pay for it because of the comparisons to launch content between A2 and A3.
  18. BadHabitz

    PC help for Arma!

    Looks like the power supply will just be enough. I'd raise that to 500 or 550 to be on the safe side. Other than that you'll be fine, assuming that's the limit of your budget.
  19. They're already working on two more jets, they're just not going to be done in time for the 12th of September.
  20. BadHabitz

    No women at all

    As a joke I was going to ask why we need women in A3 anyway if there are no kitchens in the game. :nerner: But seriously, adding females would really add to immersion.
  21. Make A2 vehicles work with A3 and let A2 owners download for free. Charge $__.__ for people who do not own A2. That price is the budget for devs to do the editing work. Or just charge everyone. Or just release the A2 MLODs.
  22. BadHabitz

    No women at all

    There's ladies shades in the goggles section
  23. BadHabitz

    No women at all

    Aside from resisting posting a chauvinistic joke, I'll inform you that I found interesting items at the bottom of the goggles list in the Virtual Ammobox.