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Everything posted by BadHabitz

  1. BadHabitz

    Potential DLC Ideas and Proposals

    Because it's not their priority. If/Once the decision is made to have ships with walkable decks you'll get walkable decks. It just has to be on their to-do list.
  2. BadHabitz

    CJTF101's EDITOR v1.1

    No, because all of the assets are already in the game, they're just not normally displayed as options in the mission editor.
  3. BadHabitz

    C-5 Galaxy work

    That's all I was trying to understand. Thanks.
  4. BadHabitz

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    This is the one that will probably get the most mileage in our modpack http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?160602-Russian-GRU-and-OMON-Spetsnaz-A3 It would also make sense to have multiple factions to take into account for your 'side' paramater, in case you want to play as OPFOR and only want to have FIA or NATO covered under your script. As A3 matures you'll have more and more robust addon factions, so figuring that out now might be a good idea.
  5. BadHabitz

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    If I'm running a mod with a custom faction, is there a way I can select units from that faction and not just the side of the AI? I'd like to be able to use them exclusively, and I'm hoping this could work.
  6. Or you can copy everything from the old mission folder, with the exception of the mission.sqm, and then paste it into your new mission folder. That's what I do at certain points, in case I need to scrap things and take a few steps back. Once the mission is complete I either trash the old versions or I keep them around for mod/script testing purposes.
  7. I unpack the pbo and open the config.bin That way I find the info and I also learn how things were put together, so I can improve my own config skills.
  8. BadHabitz

    Potential DLC Ideas and Proposals

    The free stuff you'll get will be the stuff they couldn't finish on time. There might be some other freebies along the way, but for the most part the future DLC's you'll have to pay for, or I want a partial refund for my Supporter Edition.
  9. BadHabitz

    CJTF101's EDITOR v1.1

    This is a must-have for me. Thanks for putting in the work.
  10. BadHabitz

    CIA - SAD Operators

    Wouldn't "_vest addmagazinecargo ["SmokeShellGreen", 1];" work? _this addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_cbr"; _this addweapon "arifle_TRG21_ARCO_point_F"; _this addPrimaryWeaponitem "muzzle_snds_H"; Help any?
  11. Genius! It works. At first I had to do a double take, because it looked just like the code I presented. Thanks a ton!
  12. BadHabitz

    C-5 Galaxy work

    So what will it do besides move vehicles? Just wondering if you're leaving those out because it's not the intended purpose, or what. I'm thinking passengers and jumping would be the two most desired functions for something like this. I'm just trying to understand what your thinking is for the project.
  13. BadHabitz

    Flash Bangs?

    Flashbangs are cool, but the mod doesn't have a bikey unfortunately... :(
  14. BadHabitz

    What is the deal with servers and mods!! >: (

    Mods present a barrier to entry for new players. If your server is set up to feed new blood into your milsim unit, then the perceived hassle of downloading the necessary mods may be a turn off. They might not even know how to do it. You might have a modded server with the newest hotness, but 'Joe Noob' that could have been a great asset to your community, decided that he didn't feel like installing mods just to see what your server is like. 'Joe' saw that my server doesn't have mods and comes in to take a look. He likes what he sees and signs up on the forums. Next thing you know he's installing the unit's modpack and things are going great. Just an example of one way to look at it...
  15. First, you don't need to add entries into CfgPatches. The binarization does it for you. Try this: Your errors look to me like it's trying to treat your vest like a weapon, looking for animations. I can't see anything besides that.
  16. If you have to use this then you failed to buy the proper computer chair with the proper arm rests.
  17. Imagine the future... NATO develops and standardizes the MX series rifles. Mk14 EBR's end up getting sold as obsolete for 'modern' armies. The weapons end up in the hands of the CSAT forces.
  18. I think you need to make sure your stringtable.xml is in the mission folder.
  19. People like to mix and match what they like and not use the stuff they dislike. Adding everything in is just overload and I don't see it getting used very much at all.
  20. Thanks for the reply, and the UI.
  21. Download. Tested. Looks good. How do you change the munitions? The PDF says something about a user interface, but I can't find anything.
  22. Black helmets are misspelled... 'balck'
  23. Need help making a proper config.bin, I guess. I thought I had everything right. I've looked around the forums, and I've seen some help threads, and I thought that I'm complying with those, but I'm still not getting it to work. I'm getting errors that prevent the config.cpp from turning into a config.bin Please help. Thanks in advance config.cpp error log
  24. BadHabitz

    What's wrong with my description.ext?

    Try this. Change is in red bold... overviewText = "Lead your elite squad on a night raid on a CSAT port."; overviewTextLocked = "File classified."; overviewPicture = ""; author = "Strelnikov"; class CfgDebriefing { class End1 { title = "Outstanding success"; subtitle = ""; description = "Your team's heroic efforts have ensured that the CSAT's presence on the West side of Altis has been crippled. Well done."; pictureBackground = ""; picture = "b_inf"; pictureColor[] = {0.0,0.3,0.6,1}; }; }; class Weapons { class arifle_MXM_TWSS_bipod_mzls_F {count = 1;}; class LMG_Mk200_ARCO_bipod_F {count = 1;}; }; class Magazines { class 200Rnd_65x39_cased_Box {count = 4;}; class 20Rnd_762x45_mag {count = 6;}; }; class CfgIdentities { class Stranger { name = "Regalis"; nameSound = "Stranger"; face="GreekHead_A3_02"; glasses="None"; speaker="Male01GRE"; pitch=1.0; [b][color="#FF0000"]};[/color][/b] class Nomad { name = "Octavius"; nameSound = "Nomad"; face="GreekHead_A3_09"; glasses="None"; speaker="Male01ENG"; pitch=1.0; }; }; onLoadName = "JTAC"; OnLoadMission = "Sneak attack at night.";