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Everything posted by BadHabitz

  1. BadHabitz

    =BTC= Logistic [A3] - BETA

    I think he's talking about how the revive, logistics and vehicle respawn scripts are interacting with each other.
  2. BadHabitz


    The hangar seems fine, and the flight deck seems fine, but if you go into any of the smaller rooms you take the chance at falling through.
  3. I've heard that if you drop the fuel tank while inverted the tank will pass through the fuselage. Not sure this really requires a fix, because how often would that be an issue, but I thought it was worthy of mentioning.
  4. I use this in my group's modpack, and it works in MP as far as I know. And for those talking about it not working in the editor, I refer you to the first page of this thread where it says 'This DOES NOT work in single player', and the editor is single player, so it will not work there and it never has. Most definitely. Adding it to our modpack means our mission creators have one less script to add to each and every mission. TAW VD is simple and gets the job done without cramming in unnecessary features other scripts attempt to do.
  5. nvm, cuel beat me to it
  6. Once/if Chops finishes his DDG project then I'll be content and happy. Anything after that is just bonus stuff.
  7. BadHabitz

    I34dKarma's Roadblock Site Script

    The instructions seem to be pretty simple.
  8. BadHabitz


    I think it would be cool if this could become a community project, with work being split up and farmed out to volunteers. Besides the functionality of the scripting, I think there's a bunch of texturing work that could be improved. Also, having a way to change the hull number without disassembling the pbo would be amazing.
  9. BadHabitz


    It seems about right to me, and I served on one for 4 years. Even if it's not exactly right, it is game appropriate.
  10. Add classnames to line 50 in the config.sqf... that's your exclusion list. I use it to hide all of the different weapon+attachment combos from the NATO/Spetsnaz weapons pack that inflates the VAS weapons list. vas_r_weapons = [yourweaponclassnamehere]; And as KevsnoTrev stated, line 26 is for including only the weapons you want VAS to display. But, you should be restricting the mods that are on your server in the first place. Otherwise it's easy for someone to run hacks from a mod.
  11. BadHabitz

    Fast Ropes for Helicopters?

    I'd love to use it, but your mod calls for RSC Titles, and another mod I use also wants to use it, and until I can figure out how to make them work together then I can only pick one.
  12. Singleplayer? Multiplayer? Dedicated?
  13. Does 'transportWeapons' work in CfgVehicles? I'm trying to get a weapon to populate as an item in a backpack in my config.cpp As it stands now I just get the empty ghost object when I run it. When I remove the "_xx_" I get that same ghost object but then with an error. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgVehicles_Config_Reference#TransportWeapons_Class doesn't help me at all. I know that TransportMagazines and TransportItems work, so I thought naturally TransportWeapons would work too. I've been able to put a weapon in a backpack through a *.sqf in the INIT field of a unit, but I want to get this to work on a unit in the editor with a backpack assigned. Any help would be appreciated.
  14. You'll always see the AI when you're previewing in the editor. Otherwise, in multiplayer when you're picking your slot, there's an option to Disable AI.
  15. BadHabitz

    AC-130X for Arma 3

    When you release the next update, please include a *bisign and *.bikey... PM me if you need help with that.
  16. Sorry to hear that, I guess we'll have to pass on this one then. :(
  17. Please add custom sounds. Tired of hearing MX's...
  18. Can't wait to try it out. Custom sounds?
  19. Someone can correct me or amplify, but it's used to initialize scripts and commands from the beginning of the mission.
  20. I like this pack. The only thing it's missing for me are real SUVs.
  21. BadHabitz

    Anime Mod for Arma 3

    My eyes!!! What has been seen cannot be unseen... :computer:
  22. It might be easier to create new soldiers in an addon with a config.bin/*.pbo, so you can just place them through the mission editor. The drawback is that everyone has to download and install a new addon (it would be really small), but the benefit is that your JIP problem is completely eliminated.