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Everything posted by BadHabitz

  1. I'd like to do something like that and add it to my unit's custom mod, but I haven't even started thinking about how to actually do it.It's just a shame. We want to use this mod, but that means each mission creator has to include the code snippet for each mission, since only a certain few use the LR radios. Horribly inefficient. Who uses this mod and has EVERYONE using a LR radio pack? edit: Just want to add that I hope this isn't taken as a complaint. Just an opinion that I hope causes action to be taken. Either way, I am sincerely grateful for the creation and distribution of this mod.
  2. BadHabitz

    Helicopter fastrope script

    What do the numbers under the class name represent?
  3. I'll add it to my list of things to look at, but no promises.
  4. BadHabitz

    ASM - Arma Samples Mod

    I see no missiles in the quad launcher. Are they going to work?I hope that when you release this pack that you have individual .pbo's for each vehicle instead of a few large ones. It would be nice to pick and choose what you'd like to use, and not have to load the rest of the stuff for no reason.
  5. Thanks. Seems a bit backwards though. I'd think that it should be an option to include in the init.sqf if you do want LR radios on everyone. For everyone else you just load it up and you can assign LR radios to just the few people that need it.
  6. Forgive me if this is a repeat question... when I make a new soldier loadout in a new config, and then Preview with him in the editor, it places my backpack on the ground and puts a radio backpack on my back. Is there any way to pick and chose if I want this backpack to be a part of a soldier's loadout or not? I want some to have radio backpacks and others to have 152's.
  7. BadHabitz

    A-10C for Arma 3

    ^truthI have nothing but good things to say about Google Drive though.
  8. BadHabitz

    MK18 Mod 1

    I'm handy with configs, but by no means one of the best. I'd be willing to help out, but I'm not really sure what the job entails, since you already have a config.
  9. BadHabitz

    ASM - Arma Samples Mod

    My most eagerly awaited mod. Not even close.
  10. BadHabitz

    Update is out

    I rarely have an issue with performance. I doubt I'd really be able to notice any improvements other than major improvements. I was just hoping for stuff. If not weapons/gear/vehicles, then at least random objects like ammo crates or whatever. I was all amped to get something new. I only play multi-player, so the single-player campaign doesn't mean much to me. I'm not going to complain, because it appears that this update wasn't focused at the type of player that I am. I'm just disappointed overall.
  11. BadHabitz

    AV_IndUs (US Army inspired units)

    Every situation doesn't call for 100 pounds of crap.
  12. BadHabitz

    Update is out

    Was anything supposed to be added, other than the second part of the campaign? I'm looking through the editor and am finding nothing.
  13. BadHabitz

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    Is it just me or does the sky seem a little dark, on all of these maps, even when everything is set to be as bright as possible?
  14. BadHabitz

    RH M4/M16 pack

    I don't know much about ammo.What I do know is that the Mk262 packs a superior punch to the alternatives, and my unit wants tracers to be a part of a standard loadout. I'd hate to use a weaker round just because I want a tracer effect. I'm just saying...
  15. BadHabitz

    RH M4/M16 pack

    Still love this mod. Any chance for the update we can get some tracers for the Mk262 ammo?
  16. BadHabitz

    MK18 Mod 1

    I made a personal mod that gives these weapons the sounds from the TRG-20. Sounds pretty good. Even though they're sounds from in the base game, you don't hear them that much, so the change is fairly spectacular.
  17. BadHabitz

    A-10C for Arma 3

    Still, such questions are frowned upon. The creator is free to post timelines or percentages, or update anyway he pleases, but we're not supposed to be prompting him to give information.
  18. Can I get these files from someone? The links on the other thread are broken.
  19. BadHabitz

    Help opening p3d files

    They're binarized and cannot be edited.
  20. In addition, I don't think this is the proper place to request a mod http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148719-ARMA-3-Addon-Request-Thread
  21. BadHabitz

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    Adding names/links to maps that he has tested would be acceptable, no?
  22. BadHabitz

    Hellcat PSD Template

    The AAF Tank doesn't have any hiddenSelections, so unless you know of a way to use a new texture then the work is meaningless. Also, the AAF tracked APC suffers from certain parts not being covered in the two hiddenSelections that it does have.
  23. BadHabitz

    Turret Texture Location

    Did you look in the config viewer ingame at the HMG/GMG Hunters (B_MRAP_01_hmg_F, B_MRAP_01_gmg F)? The locations should be present under hiddenSelectionsTextures.
  24. BadHabitz

    [WIP] USAF Air Asset MOD

    Perfect! I know it's not a big deal to some, but sometimes it's the little details of immersion that make a huge difference in the end.
  25. BadHabitz

    A-10C for Arma 3

    I wish I could give three thumbs up for this