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Everything posted by BadHabitz
I'll have to look into it and see if it's something on my end that needs to be changed. Update: I need help fixing the root JIP problem this mod has.
Thanks. Not sure how I didn't catch that. I'll hotfix it within the day.
Update: Version: 11OCT14 Download: Armaholic Changelog: Added scripting to solve JIP issues. Please provide feedback. Replaced black Offroad with a 'dirtier' custom texture by sykoCrazy. Altered config armor values to match PG Services vests to BI vanilla versions. Also, a tease for the future.
This mod is not going to be entered in that contest. I did not create this mod, pomigit did, and since he's passed it to me I doubt he wants to enter it. I'm not going to enter the work of someone else, and even if I did make this from scratch I wouldn't enter it. I do what I do for my friends and also the greater Arma community. I have no desire for contests. The body armor issue has been brought up. It was on my 'to-do' list last weekend, but got squeezed out by spending family time. I have 5 nights off starting Sunday (with no kids around) and I will fix the issue. The Medic and Engineer stuff is an easy fix. All this will be fixed soon. {After a look under the hood, the units have the proper values, so the medic and technician should work in this current version}. I'll take a second look, but I made adjustments to the current 22SEP14 version to bring capacity levels of the uniforms and vests to make them comparable to the vanilla gear. Just keep in mind that slacks and a polo shirt combo is not going to have the same capacity as pants and shirts with cargo pockets. I'm sorry that I had to make changes to some of the internal structures of the mod. It's not something that's done lightly. Because of changes to the game there was an opportunity to cut out a few redundant parts of the mod, and that caused one of the three pbo files to be no longer needed. Also, since the mod is moving in a new direction and stewardship, I altered the file names to bring the mod inline with the PG Services moniker, instead of retaining pomigit's name. PM sent. I have an almost fully functional version of the unarmed SUV. I just have to figure out what else I need to do to finish it off. The armed version takes more work, and isn't as important in my eyes.
I really hope this map runs well
Virtual Ammobox System (VAS)
BadHabitz replied to tonic-_-'s topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
It would take a lot of work, but it's certainly possible. There's a file that excludes items, and also can restrict to only certain items. You'd need to input the class names for all of the items you'd want to be available for the players. It's possible that it's a mod that's causing the problem, and not VAS. You also have MCC in the mix, so it's tough to point at what the problem actually is. -
It's a good question, so let me ramble a little bit... I'm not a huge fan of optional configurations. That means you're not likely to see a variety of optional configs where PG units will be using weapons from other mods (massi's weapons, RH rifles, etc). If other mods change and I have to react, there could be time where the mod isn't completely functional. It also means I have to react to changes that come from BI, and also from other modders. It's possible I could do something, but I'm not sure if it would be bundled with the main mod, and even then it would be stated that maintaining those configs would not be a priority. I'm not looking to reinvent the wheel. So if things are present in other mods, then I'd recommend using those mods. An example would be shemaghs and balaclavas... plenty of them exist in other mods, so I'm not going to spend time on trying to do versions of my own. I'm looking to add vehicles to replace the three Offroad re-texture versions I have in the mod now. I like the idea of a transport, armed and cargo version, but using the Offroad from the base game is just a placeholder. Working on the A2 PMC SUV is an option that I'd find acceptable, but I'm also interested in adding something completely new for the community. Not going to tip my hand, but I have a certain vehicle in mind, and I just need one of my friends to clear up some free time so we can start working on it. So adding new ground vehicles is something I want to do. As I'm looking through the files and thinking about what to do, I'm always paying special attention to the overall size of the mod. We're under 100mb now, and I don't want to push it too high. Like you said, a lot of people run with this mod, and I like the idea of this mod not being a massive download. That being said, I don't know if I want to add more uniforms or not. I think there are plenty now, and adding more at this point feels like we'd be adding just for the sake of adding something. Unless a good idea comes around which makes sense to add, I think the actual uniforms are set. I'd like to know what people are doing with the mod. Is it being used mostly for gearing up to go against AI, or for PVP/TvT? Is it being used for friendly AI using the PG units, versus opfor? What kind of things would you like to see? In the end, there are some things that I'd like to change and add, but the core reason I asked to take over the mod was to maintain it. When BI makes changes, certain things in mods need to be changed in order to remain in working order. I can understand pomigit's desire to step back, but in the end I know this mod is widely used, and as long as I'm interested in A3 I want to make sure PG Services is working and up to date for the community.
That's correct. It's just changed to use the MX models that are already in the game, instead of custom models in previous versions of this mod.Users will see no changes. It's just a behind-the-scenes config change that makes the download slightly lighter, since there's no longer a need for MX models other than BI models. I've updated the download links to point towards Armaholic. I'll work with them in the future to avoid these problems. I'll be working on an update this weekend, and the JIP issue will be a priority.
I'll look into it. If anyone has some script knowledge that will help, please PM me.
I'll check on that for sure. Probably not. Sorry. Unless someone wants to volunteer to create something like that.
PG Services - Private Military Company
BadHabitz replied to Pomi Git's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?183539-PG-Services-(PMC) -
PG Services - Private Military Company
BadHabitz replied to Pomi Git's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
There's a class list 'spoiler' button towards the bottom of the first post in the thread.In the future there will be a class list file in the download, if there is not one there already. -
PG Services - Private Military Company
BadHabitz replied to Pomi Git's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
I'm honored to be taking over a truly awesome mod, and what I believe to be a cornerstone of the Arma3 modding community. No big changes coming, at least not at first. The Zeus compatibility has been fixed previously by pomigit and will be featured in my first iteration of the mod, along with a few config changes. I want to thank pomigit in public for letting me do this and I will do my best to not let him down, or the rest of the community. -
Do you have the latest version and hotfix?
Config.cpp for addon
BadHabitz replied to greywolf907's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS - CONFIGS & SCRIPTING
add the following before each instance of hiddenSelectionsTextures hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1"}; Also, looks like you're creating a faction called TIER1 Camouflage. If you want the choopers to be in that faction then you need to change BLU_F to ATACS_units. -
Virtual Ammobox System (VAS)
BadHabitz replied to tonic-_-'s topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Did you try this? // F3 - Functions // DO NOT REMOVE OR DISABLE THIS BLOCK OF CODE class CfgFunctions { class F // Defines the "owner" { class common // category { file = "f\common"; // Defines the function to preInit (the paramArray dosent seem to be constructed at preInit stage). class processParamsArray { preInit = 1; postInit = 1; }; class nearPlayer{}; }; class mpEnd { file = "f\mpEnd"; class mpEnd{}; class mpEndReceiver{}; }; class assignGear { // Defines the functions to preInit the compling of the assignGear function used by units. file = "f\assignGear"; class assignGear{}; }; class setGroupID { file = "f\setGroupID"; class setGroupID{}; }; class missionConditions { file = "f\missionConditions"; class SetTime{}; class SetFog{}; class SetWeather{}; }; class cache { file = "f\cache"; class cInit {}; class cTracker {}; class gCache {}; class gUncache {}; }; class groupMarkers { file = "f\groupMarkers"; class localGroupMarker{}; class localSpecialistMarker{}; }; class authorisedCrew { file = "f\authorisedCrew"; class authorisedCrewCheck {}; }; class FTMemberMarkers { file = "f\FTMemberMarkers"; class SetLocalFTMemberMarkers{}; class GetMarkerColor{}; class LocalFTMarkerSync{}; }; class bodyRemoval { file = "f\removeBody"; class removeBody{}; }; class setAISkill { file = "f\setAISKill"; class setAISKill{}; }; class mapClickTeleport { file = "f\mapClickTeleport"; class mapClickTeleportUnit{}; class mapClickTeleportGroup{}; }; class nametag { file = "f\nametag"; class drawNameTag{}; }; class preMount { file = "f\preMount"; class mountGroups{}; }; class radios { file = "f\radios"; class acre_removeRadios{}; class acre_addRadios{}; class acre_setRadioFrequencies{}; class acre_configureSpectatorChat{}; class tfr_removeRadios{}; class tfr_addRadios{}; class tfr_setRadioFrequencies{}; class tfr_configureSpectatorChat{}; }; #include "f\simplewoundingsystem\config.hpp" #include "f\spect\functions.hpp" }; [color="#FF0000"]#include "VAS\cfgfunctions.hpp"[/color] }; [color="#FF0000"]#include "VAS\menu.hpp"[/color] // ============================================================================================ -
A10 Mod! @2NT_A10 Thread
BadHabitz replied to MrHuachuca's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
I think the question is exactly how much of this is his work and how much is done by others, and does he have full permissions by all whose work is represented here. -
[WIP] Arma 3 Madness Mod Pack | "Biggest and Most Intense Mod Pack In Arma History"
BadHabitz replied to MrHuachuca's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
I think you'd have a better chance at getting help if you would show a sample of what you've already done. -
Look at his forum join date. He's new. No need to post a two paragraph tirade. Report his post as spam and carry on. The moderators will set him straight.
Does this also happen with the vanilla version of the helicopter? I don't think this mod alters the animations at all.
Virtual Ammobox System (VAS)
BadHabitz replied to tonic-_-'s topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I would just like to thank you one more time for one of the absolute top mods in all of the A3 community. Not sure if you've been thanked enough for the amazing work this truly represents. -
Virtual Ammobox System (VAS)
BadHabitz replied to tonic-_-'s topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Sounds like that mission needs an updated version of VAS. That's up to the mission creator. -
Firstaidkits not being added to supply box
BadHabitz replied to Genderbent's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I would think it would work. Not sure why it would make a difference, but try putting the FAKs at the top of the list instead of the bottom. And/or, change the MXC line to 'addWeaponCargoGlobal'. Perhaps calling it an item instead of a weapon would bug the items that come after. Not sure, but those are the troubleshooting steps I would take. -
what the Armed offroad config ?
BadHabitz replied to Marve_XT's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS - CONFIGS & SCRIPTING
change: class Offroad_01_armed_base_F; class myI_G_Offroad_01_armed_F: Offroad_01_armed_base_F to class I_G_Offroad_01_armed_F; class myI_G_Offroad_01_armed_F: I_G_Offroad_01_armed_F change crew and typicalCargo to 'O_Soldier_F' I'm assuming you have a 'MarveN' faction defined somewhere else? best I can do while not being at home... -
NATO SF and Russian Spetsnaz WEAPONS for A3
BadHabitz replied to massi's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Yup, need to have both mods active.