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Everything posted by BadHabitz

  1. BadHabitz

    Camo vs camo1, camo2

    Insignia is there for the patch that goes on the left arm. Camo, Camo1, Camo2 or whatever, is the name of the hiddenselection that the model looks for. It's absolutely important that you choose the correct one. Do those two units have stuff in hiddenSelections and hiddenSelectionsTextures?
  2. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    So has anyone had JIP issues with this latest version? It means that when someone JIPs ('join in progress', while a mission is already running with players) that PG uniforms suddenly change. Also, if anyone knows a special trick to getting ammoboxes to appear in Zeus, please send me a PM. I emulated BI's boxes but for some reason mine still are not available.
  3. BadHabitz

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    That's correct, but just part of it. Add in that there was commercial activity going on ("If you want ____ then you have to pay $____"). Also the A3L team is taking assets from other games and using them in Arma 3, most likely without permission of the original creators. People here care about copyrights, and don't want their work being associated with the douchebaggery that's going on.
  4. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    I'm not sure how the mod could cause any of these issues, but I'll take some time at my next opportunity (Sunday night) and try to reproduce them.
  5. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    I'm sorry you feel that way. The idea to introduce common weapons was more for the AI units, rather than making the latest super uber weapons pack. With the recent additions you have the option to not use the units that carry those weapons, if you're using AI. When you're loading your own gear you can avoid them as well. There should be no confusion, as all PG weapons begin with '(PG)'.
  6. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    Ugh. I thought I fixed that! Good ideas. Noted. And, I've submitted a corrected version to Armaholic, 29OCT14. I don't like to push two revisions that close, but I didn't want those two incorrect lines of code to languish for a week or two. So the current version is 29OCT14, so if you downloaded it yesterday then please do download it again. The script error mentioned should be gone.
  7. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    Revision 28OCT14 Added 'PG Services Patches', which consists of 82 morale patches that can be worn on the left arm of some uniforms. More attempts at Zeus compatibility. Tested and appears to work now. All entries in cfgVehicles are included in 'units' in cfgPatches. All entries in cfgWeapons are included in 'weapons' in cfgPatches. Removed 'hiddenSelections' from configs to make various things work better with the insignia system. Added scripting to solve JIP issues (again). Please provide feedback. Thanks to 'Kerc Kasha' for supplying the proper scripts. Added M4, M4/M203 and M249; assets provided by 'EricJ'. Also updated most units to use the new weapons. Renamed old MX units to signify MX weapon used. Should not break any previous missions. Mirrored original units and equipped them with M4, M4/M203 and M249. Changed original group names to signify they use MX weapons. Created new groups based on new weapons, M4, M4/M203 and M249. Added black version of Titan Compact. Bug: When item is placed on the ground it reverts to original texture. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=5153 Credits -28OCT14 Thanks to 'EricJ' who graciously supplied models and other assets for the M4/M249 weapons in this mod Thanks to 'Kerc Kasha' for supplying the gear randomize scripts that work for JIP players
  8. BadHabitz

    USS Iowa

    I think that's something the mod can control. Other ships mods aren't so bouncy. It's a matter of adjusting the weight.
  9. BadHabitz

    USS Iowa

    I'd think that passengers should at least have some generic space modeled for them to sit in. Like the mess decks, or a ready room, or a crew berthing.
  10. BadHabitz


    Nice. Can't believe I didn't think of this before!
  11. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    Correct. It's mostly done. Final count should be at 80. Morale patches, mostly. Just some fun stuff people might like to play with. No real plans for a heavy armored trooper. That's more of a government military type, where PMC guys normally don't go into full combat like a front-line combat soldier. I'm willing to push the limits of what PMC's are known to be (or perceived to be, like in the movies) but a 'heavy' is just a bit too far out of the scope of this mod.
  12. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    I think I can do something to make people happy on both sides, without optional configs. Stay tuned. As far as the website, I don't really have the talent for that. That page was created by Pomigit. I'll have to talk to him about it. If you're referring to the vehicle I teased, I think that's a bit off. sykoCrazy is working on that, and my part doesn't come in until it's ready to actually be put into the game, and I haven't been able to start yet.. If you're talking about the A2 SUV, it's on my list of things to do after the next update of this mod. And another tease for the next release...
  13. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    Yes, I've gone through and added more selections into the Zeus list. I'll spend some extra time testing before the next release. Other than that I'm waiting on a few textures that someone is working on. So I'm guessing things should be ready in a few days. My intention was to have M4's replace MX's. Some have gone so far to say that they avoid the mod entirely because PG units use MX weapons. I've already altered the configs. It will take some work, but perhaps I can create a compromise and add mirrored units that MX's and M4's. But if I have to choose one over the other, it would be M4's. Either way, the black MX in this mod won't be removed, it just wouldn't be used by units.
  14. BadHabitz

    USS Iowa

    Questions... is the flight deck capable of landing helicopters? Any plans for Harpoon racks or Tomahawk box launchers? You know, since it is supposed to be the 1984 version. edit: saw a pic with Harpoon launchers present.
  15. BadHabitz

    Lack of design consistency when it comes to mods

    It would support your argument better, and help the discussion, if you would state which guidelines you're speaking of, and citing some examples.
  16. Awesome to see this project continuing. I'd given up hope on naval ships. Though I wish a platform with Tomahawk TLAMs was near completion.
  17. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    A little preview of a change coming in the next revision...
  18. BAF is a paid DLC, but A2 and OA are paid products as well, and many of those assets have been made available to us. People are modding A2 assets and distributing to players who do not already own that game. In the end I don't see the difference. I'm not arguing the point, but if we're having this conversation, I was sincerely hoping someone could explain the difference to me.
  19. I think they're already committed to reusing the name USS Enterprise, so I'd go with that if it were up to me.
  20. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    If you're referring to the patches/insignia issue, I know how to fix it. I'm waiting on a fix for a JIP issue before I release an update.
  21. Can someone please look at this script and let me know where the JIP issue is. Players lose gear when someone JIPs. Scripting is so beyond me :confused: if (isServer) then { waitUntil {!isNull _this}; }; _magazines = magazines _this; _items = items _this; // Medkits, ToolKits etc. _assitems = assignedItems _this; // NVG's, GPS etc. If (local _this) then { Removeuniform _this; Removevest _this; removeAllItems _this; _uniform = (ceil (random 28)); switch (_uniform ) do { case 1: { _this adduniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformRS_BSGPBB"; }; case 2: { _this adduniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformRS_BSGPSB"; }; case 3: { _this adduniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformRS_BSSPBB"; }; case 4: { _this adduniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformRS_BSSPSB"; }; case 5: { _this adduniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformRS_GSBPBB"; }; case 6: { _this adduniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformRS_GSSPBB"; }; case 7: { _this adduniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformRS_IndPBSBB"; }; case 8: { _this adduniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformRS_SSBPBB"; }; case 9: { _this adduniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformRS_SSGPBB"; }; case 10: { _this adduniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformRS_SSGPSB"; }; case 11: { _this adduniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformRS_ChckDBS_GPSB"; }; case 12: { _this adduniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformRS_ChckLB_GPBB"; }; case 13: { _this adduniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformRS_ChckLR_SPBB"; }; case 14: { _this adduniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformRS_ChckP_BPBB"; }; case 15: { _this adduniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformLS_BSGPBB"; }; case 16: { _this adduniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformLS_BSGPSB"; }; case 17: { _this adduniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformLS_BSSPBB"; }; case 18: { _this adduniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformLS_BSSPSB"; }; case 19: { _this adduniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformLS_GSBPBB"; }; case 20: { _this adduniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformLS_GSSPBB"; }; case 21: { _this adduniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformLS_IndPBSBB"; }; case 22: { _this adduniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformLS_SSBPBB"; }; case 23: { _this adduniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformLS_SSGPBB"; }; case 24: { _this adduniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformLS_SSGPSB"; }; case 25: { _this adduniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformLS_ChckDBS_GPSB"; }; case 26: { _this adduniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformLS_ChckLB_GPBB"; }; case 27: { _this adduniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformLS_ChckLR_SPBB"; }; case 28: { _this adduniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformLS_ChckP_BPBB"; }; }; //------------ Body Armour ------------ _armour = (ceil (random 6)); switch (_armour ) do { case 1: { _this addvest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_rgr"; }; case 2: { _this addvest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_blk"; }; case 3: { _this addvest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_marpat"; }; case 4: { _this addvest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_khki"; }; case 5: { _this addvest "V_PlateCarrierInd_PMC_blk"; }; case 6: { _this addvest "V_PlateCarrierInd_PMC_grn"; }; }; Removeheadgear _this; //------------ Helmet/Hat ------------ _hat = (ceil (random 4)); switch (_hat ) do { case 1: { _this addheadgear "H_Cap_pmc"; }; case 2: { _this addheadgear "H_Cap_tan_pmc"; }; case 3: { _this addheadgear "H_HelmetB_plain_blk"; }; case 4: {}; }; {_this addItem _x} forEach _items; {_this addMagazine _x} forEach _magazines; {_this addItem _x} forEach _assitems; {_this assignItem _x} forEach _assitems; };
  22. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    I have a classNames.txt that I will include in the download for the next update. Besides that, I've updated the original post with a list.
  23. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    I need some help with scripting if anyone can provide it. Need some help solving the JIP issue that people are having. The solutions provided so aren't working or I've implemented them improperly. Either way, I need help in order for that to be fixed. Please reference this thread I went and added 'insignia' to hiddenTextures, but that sounds like a better solution.