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Everything posted by BadHabitz

  1. BadHabitz

    Using A2 Serverkeys for A3?

    Keys are keys are keys. Whichever mod it is, you use whichever key is provided for it, regardless of which game you're using it in. Creating a new key is unnecessary, and won't work. Yes
  2. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    I'll take a look at it within the next week. But I don't really see anything where any of these issues are related enough to be causing problems. You also have another mod in the mix, AGM, and you might want to get with them as well. If something is greyed out in AGM, then maybe the AGM guys have an idea what could cause that to happen.
  3. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    If I had more understanding of the problem then maybe it could get fixed.
  4. No, because I believe that you're linking us to your forums, and we don't have access.
  5. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    No, I haven't considered uploading it to Steam. Not that I'm against it, I just haven't thought about it. I have nothing against PWS, but like you it frustrates me. I'd have no qualms working with them, but as I said, no one contacted me. All I do now is I upload my current version to Google Drive and send a link to Foxhound, who posts it to Armaholic. That site has done me well over the years and I'm proud to deal with them.
  6. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    I'm not sure' date=' as I've never had a single conversation with anyone representing PWS. Despite the rpt errors the mod is usable, so I don't feel the need for an emergency fix. But, there are some fixes that I've identified and I'm targeting Monday, Jan 11 for a new version release. I'll repack all four pbo's, as changes will be made to all of them. I've got a few uniform additions, and some tweaking of morale patches as well. The errors from the weapons pbo are absolutely genuine. The '[i']new_trg.wav[/i]' reload sounds should not have the '.wav' listed, and that's been fixed. For 'PMC_m4_base: Invalid parent bone 'ammo_belt' for 'ammo_belt_bottom', I have no idea and I'm looking for help with an answer. Conflicting addon PG_Services_PMC_UNITS in 'pg_services_pmc_config\vehicles\', previous definition in 'pg_services_pmc_config\characters\pmc\' has been fixed. That was easy. All of the other errors should be fixed (I'm hoping) when the pbo's are repacked. Those scripts are no longer present, and neither of my two cpp's (uniforms and characters) call for them anywhere.
  7. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    Thanks for the rpt. I'll get to work on figuring these out. I think the randomize script errors tell me that you might be using an old version, or the Armaholic version is incorrect, since those randomize scripts were removed in favor of a new setup. I'll work on the other issues and repack. Hopefully that will clear most of them.
  8. BadHabitz

    Alien's M41 Puls Rifle design question

    Maybe it allows them to use various types of ammunition.
  9. BadHabitz

    medical systems

    I agree. It makes the game more complicated than just healing items, but doesn't go overboard and make Arma a medic simulator.
  10. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    The earpiece works in the NVG slot. this additem "pmc_earpiece";this assignitem "pmc_earpiece"; That should add the item to the inventory and then equip it.
  11. BadHabitz

    Dear Mod Makers, Sign your Mods.. Its easy....

    Yeah, that makes sense.
  12. Don't get me wrong, I'm not disagreeing. I like when mod makers make decisions that maximize the use of their mods. It just feels insulting that the OP comes across thinking that people don't already know, and that we're lucky he's here to tell us such things.
  13. BadHabitz

    Dear Mod Makers, Sign your Mods.. Its easy....

    Is there a reason we shouldn't be binarizing our mods?
  14. Really? What makes you say that? If I want to make a mod of the US 101st Airborne division, and I put all of the patches on the uniforms, well maybe I'm not too worried about you using it for another purpose.
  15. I think people are going to make the mods they want, and they're not always really thinking of what the greater community wants... and that's perfectly fine. If I want to make a mod that has national specific patches, then perhaps I really don't care if you want to use it for whatever it is you're doing. It's fairly obvious that some of the choices I make might decrease the overall options that end users can take advantage of. Maybe I want my mod to be used by the greater community, and if so then I should know that I need to make design choices that make my work palatable by a wider spectrum of users. You're saying mod makers should keep in mind flexibility and usability of their mods, but in the end we're making the mods the way we want them to, and I don't think you need to tell anyone anything.
  16. Wish I could fit this into my schedule. Best of luck to you.
  17. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    Thank you for your diligence, and thanks for using PG Services.
  18. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    If you know that they're 'wrongly defined' do you know the proper method to defining them? Yup, I've already done that.
  19. BadHabitz

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    Looks like 34 donations just today.
  20. Sioux indians... Higher incomes have higher tax brackets because the thinking is that the more money you make, the more you should proportionally pay into the tax system. This can be avoided by being compensated through means other than income, which are normally taxed as capital gains. Steve Jobs famously declared that he was only taking $1 as income, and people cheered, not understanding that doing so prevented him from having to pay 45% in taxes in his income, but only 25% in capital gains. The reasoning behind the different rates is an incentive to invest money into the economy, which then receives a boost. The only caveat is that capital gains carries an element of risk. As an American, I'd still rank my freedoms up against anyone elsewhere in the world.
  21. It depends on what the 'American Dream' means to you. Does it mean you can go from nothing and become fabulously wealthy? You can do that, but it's certainly not the norm. Does it mean that through hard work you can achieve happiness for you and your family? That's absolutely achievable, and happens to those that put effort into it. Unfortunately, there are too many who don't try, and then get disgruntled when their dream doesn't come to them. For every Bill Gates and Steve Jobs there are millions who are not so lucky. But for those that have reasonable expectations, you certainly can reap the benefits of hard work and perseverance. It's more than just a fine line. We can be patriotic, and maybe even nationalistic, but we're nowhere near the megalomania of eras past (assuming you're referring to WW2), because no one is going to war over who thinks who is best.And, the whole reasoning behind WW2, and the roots that spawned from WW1 is a whole history lesson unto itself.
  22. They're not sneaking out. They're leaving to avoid taxes. I'd venture that few, if any, die in their attempt to leave, while many do perish in their journey while sneaking in. These people are risking their lives to get in, so there's a big difference. It's called patriotism.
  23. I'll agree with you when people start sneaking out of the US, instead of sneaking in.