While messing around with AGM enabled for the first time I encountered some really strange damage behaviour with vehicles. Basically it seems that vehicle crews are overly sensitive to damage.
I don't know if this is intended and I just lack a good understand of the effects of weapons, or something is wrong with the mod on my side, but as far as I know 30mm grenades impacting on the front armour should not be able to injure or kill the crew of a MBT.
Other issues include the entire crew of a ghosthawk being killed by a single 40mm grenade impacting the tailrotor, the pilot of the Mi-48 being killed by a single hit on the tail by a AAA round, the crew of a Patria AMV being killed by 2 40mm grenade hits to the side.
So yeah, idk if I just don't understand weapon mechanics, or if I may have broken something with the mod, but something just seems a bit off. Would appreciate any help.