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Private Evans

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Everything posted by Private Evans

  1. Private Evans


    I am playing around with such scenarios a lot in the editor and I found out that removing all kind of roadsigns etc that provide information about your location helps a lot with immersion making it even more mystical and let you feel also even more lost.
  2. Fu..ing Hell :)) This works incredible....let's hope your scripting talent will not make the devs going lazy now xD
  3. Private Evans

    [WIP] Terrain - Woe Betide, UK

    https://www.goodreads.com/series/220151-the-dead-walk-the-earth The perfect read for this terrain 🙂
  4. Private Evans

    Prarie Fire discussion

    Very good points froggy ! I am not expecting that BI is going to overhaul the AI movement for Arma 3 but we all do exactly know what causes the most problems. Half arsed made props..may it be surfaces of rocks, bridges, rooftops of Tanoa Office Buildings, the flightdeck of the Carrier, bad collision boxes or configs that stop AI movement even if there seems to be enough place to walk through.... So if these things would be fixed at least and map makers also would care more about AI movement...things would look better.
  5. Private Evans

    Conspiracies: Origins

    So this will be a SP campaign ?? If yes I really hope this will not come with that many requirements xD Will underground facilities be on a different map ?? however this is looking pretty good 🙂 keep it up
  6. Private Evans

    Prarie Fire discussion

    Yeah but for me it seems that absolutely none testing has done here regarding AI movement. Look at the PKL map , it works far better because Bludsky used raised ground for the rice paddy dikes instead of objects, he used a lot of rock ground textures instead of using large rocks, the trenches are real trenches and not objects, the small waterways are not too deep, so that you can walk through the water at many places...there is a lot you can do with object placment also...for example leaving enough gaps in fences and walls etc...and finally it needs a lot of testing. I don't think it is possible to get it perfect within Arma 3...but a lot better. This dlc really offers a lot and I am sure there is more to come but as it is right now for people playing mainly SP I would suggest to wait for the next patches and see if they fix the most annoying problems for AI movement ....
  7. Private Evans


    Fu..ing hell the new showcase is awesome !! The map looks amazing, perfectly showing civilisation has been gone for good. Watching or just hearing the scavs and phantoms fighting all around me was absolutely scary. Not speaking of being hunted by them. I of course did not make it before darkness and I of course ran out of chemlights XD. I had to crawl the last 1500 meters navigating only by map and the odra cam. Seeing all the Vrana stuff...I think this idea should/could be extended. Having different mega corps as the remnant of human civilisation could provide some nice faction gameplay..Vrana, ION, Vantland Industries etc... cheers
  8. Private Evans

    Baby Faces by Hautautuja

  9. Private Evans

    Prarie Fire discussion

    The map itself is awesome, it looks awesome, it nails the setting and it has a ton of interesting locations for making scenarios, it's focus lying clearly on SOG ops best played in COOP. AI movement, commanding AI units or even having AI units work and navigate indipendently over the complete map is atm a complete different thing. As mentioned the jungle areas work quiet well for AI as long as there are no rocks, bridges, waterways and structures involved. The rest of the map works really bad for AI...from rice paddies that can not be traversed to bridges and walkways that do not work, rocks blocking paths or having no collision etc etc. We will have to wait and see if they are willing to revise the map ( there is a lot on the bug tracker) to make it better for AI movment.
  10. Private Evans

    Arma 3 - Creator DLC Discussion

    Hmm well the creator dlc series clearly shows all the glory that Arma can bring even today but at the same time brutally shows all the shortcomings and how outdated it really is. I also think there is no real need for a new game but on the other hand even I will stopp buying dlcs at some point if the tech behind the plattform is not brought to a new level.
  11. Private Evans

    Prarie Fire discussion

    Hahah if you want a real challenge try to play the Allive mission that lets you fight the Battle for Hue with friendly AI. It starts at your camp and your first task is to enter some vehicles, form a convoy and head for the town center of Hue.....this will make you smash your keyboard and uninstall Arma for good xD
  12. Private Evans

    Prarie Fire discussion

    Well I posted some stuff on their forums so they are at least aware of the rice paddies. I also asked for a sticky thread for all the map related issues but had no success which is not very conducive😕 Beside the not working Rice paddies I found some more issues like AI boats are not able to drive below the bridges. Bridges and also some of the dirt paths can only be traversed in column formation , which is not only very slow but also fucks pathfinding up completely if there is another unit trying to cross at the same time from the opposite direction. BIg Rocks/Rockformations and also a lot of the bigger buildings are blocking AI paths even if there is a gap in between. I guess this has something to do with the collision boxes and is only noticable when AI path finding is tested. AI driving seems more worse than on vanilla maps, as mentioned before I noticed a lot of zig zagging. Like on so many other maps, streetsigns and lamps are placed to close to the roadway and crossroads which always ends up AI ramming them all over the place. Another common mistake is the placement of fences and walls around orchards, fields, villages and compounds, Most of the time there is only one entrance/exit...so if you as a Teamleader vault over a fence your team has to make all the way back and all around the whole place which often leads to confusion xD. Beside that there are also some buildings and rocks where AI units simply fall through the floor and get stuck....Spiderholes and the tunnelsystems seem to have problems with AI too but I have not tested those yet....What works pretty good regarding pathfinding is most of the jungle terrain as long as there are no big rocks 🙂 This map needs proper testing and then to be revised for AI movement. My guess is that most of the testing has been COOP against placed AI which is always fun and also always working without major problems.... Edit...a few things can be done by removing blocking objects or by placing objects more AI friendly....but the serious problems we have here with objects that are simply not optimized or made for AI ..like the dyke walls, dirt paths and bridges
  13. Private Evans

    Arma 4 a look to the future

    Talking about Arma as a plattform ...imagine a working 50 vers 50 players Arma combined warfare MP mode ( or two) with the possibility to simply swap settings from WWII over Vietnam to near future etc and the same for COOP. If I would be in charge I would do exactly that...a SP campain which follows the events of Arma 3, this time something around arctic warfare maybe and then provide the proper engine and proper coop and mp modes that can be adapted for all the third party content that covers all the different settings may it be Korea or Rhodesia, Vietnam or Afganistan.....the more flexible the engine the more settings would be thinkable....and all of that supported by mods 🙂 If done right, this would f..k all the wannabe military shoooters out there in the behind big time ....
  14. It would be super nice if the boar and buffalo could be added to the animal module 🙂
  15. is ist possible to simply put or use a single one of these awesome water buffalos in the editor ?
  16. So all we need now is a Tiger...which will make collecting Mangos a lot more fun 🙂
  17. Private Evans

    FRONTLINE - the WW2 story

    Looking good 🙂
  18. Private Evans

    Prarie Fire discussion

    Very good find !!! I can confirm that this is working...using the 1 m pieces looks really good. The question is...is it possible to implement these pathways into the rice paddys dike walls objects so that we do not have to place thousands of invisible pathways all over the map xD Also this seems to be the problem with the rope bridges and the wooden piers...the placement of the invisible paths simply is not fitting nicely ...
  19. Private Evans

    FRONTLINE - the WW2 story

    It is known that early versions and prototypes of the Tiger were tested during summer 1942 at the Eastern Front, mainly at Heeresgruppe Nord at Leningrad. It is also known that the 6. Panzerdivision, that was part of the counter offensive to rescue the 6. Army had some Tiger tanks. ...we are talking about just a handful of tanks though. First official unit being equipped with Tiger tanks was Schwere Panzerabteilung 501. It saw first combat in November 1942 as part of the 5. Panzerarmee in Tunesia when being redirected after the Allied landings. so much for the facts 🙂
  20. Really looking forward to the updated version ! Being a more SP focused player, your map for now, seems to be the only chance to make good use of the outstanding Prairie Fire dlc content for me. You are probably the only map maker that takes the really bad and outdated Arma AI pathing into consideration when planning your terrains. As we know AI units can not traverse obstacles like low walls and fences and rock formations etc.. So your decision to use elevated terrain for your rice paddies and rock textures in many places instead of rock formations works perfectly. Combined with a proper tested road system and an object placement that takes shitty AI driving into account your map is really working excellent for SP ! cheers
  21. Private Evans

    Unsung Redux

    Have you maybe thought about making the maps a seperate pack ? I personally will for sure stick to the dlc map for a long long time and would love toss see things more modular :))
  22. Private Evans

    Prarie Fire discussion

    @bigshot to be honest, without using third party tools and missions, there is not much to do for you if you are looking for sp/coop/PVE content that you can play on your own with some AI buddies. I tested some of the new made ALIVE Missions ( showcases) today which worked pretty good with AI though. Again I hope for some improvments regarding AI pathfinding on the map so that also solo players will be able to enjoy this awesome dlc a bit more 🙂 I am playing and testing now for 3 days in a row having a real blast ...had not so much fun with Arma 3 for a long time !!! nothing more to add from my side
  23. Private Evans

    Prarie Fire discussion

    @bigshot The main camapign is made for coop up to 16 players. You can simply hop on one of the active servers or play with a handful of friends and host the game yourself..I think at least 4 or 5 players should work fine. You can play it solo but meh . Also the campaign missions seem to provide a really good replayability. There are also all the established coop missions like Domination and Escape as well as mods like Dynamic Recon Ops etc.. Same again you can join a server or host your own. Beside Domination most of these these missions can be played with just a very few players. Then there is all the Alive, MCC or Socom mission generator stuff. Combined with the dlc's modules you can easily make your own missions which even can be played solo with an AI team. I guess we will also get TPW version soon that will bring the map to life with civis and stuff. I would go that far and say this is the most immersive Arma game / map / world / scenario I have ever played. So if you love to play COOP/ PVE and like the setting this is absolutely for you. I don't know if there are some of the devs around ( Icebreaker), but it would make the whole thing really perfect, if they could revise the map regarding AI pathfinding 🙂
  24. Private Evans

    Prarie Fire discussion

    To clearify...AI can not traverse the borders around the flooded paddies (little walls or whatever you would call it)