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Private Evans

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Everything posted by Private Evans

  1. Private Evans

    Eden Objects

    A field hospital labratories druglabs :) cheers
  2. Private Evans

    The Unsung Vietnam Mod 3.0 WIP THREAD

    Would it be possible to use the Mandarin Voice Pack from the Arma2 VME PLA Mod ( get permission) which is also used by the A3 China People's Liberation Army mod ? It's not 100% the same as Vietnamese but I think a lot better than Farsi :). If not let's hope for Chinese speaking units coming with Tanoa ;) cheers
  3. I was wondering if BI will merge new/more tech from the currently developed enfusion engine into the Arma 3Platform over the next years, bringing new platform updates, new features, resources and maps or start working on an Arma 4 engine based on the enfusion engine behind the scenes for the next full game realease which would be then Arma 4? I am talking about stuff like the new skeleton, new animations system, new player controls, inventory, UI and features like melee combat, advanced medic system, advanced radio chat advanced vehicle damage and repair etc etc which is all being made for DayZ. I personally would prefer them to do the first. Instead of working on a new game, new setting and campaign better improve the existing platform.There are so many existing projects that would benfit from such a strategy like Black Powder mod, Napoleon Wars, Blood Trenches, WWII Chronicles and Hell in the Pacific, Unsung Vietnam, Rhodesia Bush Wars and even scifi stuff like Halo and Star Treck mods...not forget to mention all the cold war and modern warfare stuff and units. ...with and without Zombies. So my wish...give us an even more amazing platform and sandbox to mod and play with than we we've even got right now...we do not need a new setting or huge singleplayer campaign but improved tech in some areas and more resources, functions and features...mini or small coop campaigns or showcase missions could come withe bigger updates and/or new maps... just my thoughts :)
  4. Private Evans

    Arma4 or merging new tech into Arma 3 platform ?

    What's about the new skeleton and animation system that comes with the enfusion engine. Would love to see that implemented :)
  5. (although AAF is going to get quite a number of CUP vehicles soon) does this mean CUP will bring remade Arma 3 factions using realistic modern gear ?
  6. Private Evans

    [IceBreakr/IBIS] Lingor & Dingor for A3

    oh man I really wish BI will allow modders to use Arma and DayZ resources for modding their games...this would really make the old arma2 resources obsolete :rolleyes:
  7. Private Evans

    [WIP] Black Powder mod

    Awesome project :) Regarding Melee...I might be wrong but for me it looks like we will see a lot of the new enfusion engine features being merged into Arma in the not so far future. This will hopefully also include the new skeleton and the new animation system that comes with the new engine. It would not only allow melee combat but also bring better and more realsitic animations. It was clearly stated that the enfusion engine will be the engine all future BI games will be based on. Question is, will it be introduced for the Arma series with Arma 4 or will they keep improving Arma 3 platform by merging in new tech, which I would prefer. Can't imagine they will keep melee combat, female characters and horse only for Day Z... ;)
  8. Private Evans

    [IceBreakr/IBIS] Lingor & Dingor for A3

    Will you overhaul your maps like Lingor and Duala in the future using Tanoa resources which will I guess fit in perfectly :) ?
  9. Private Evans

    NLD Units: OPFOR

    Ah ok thx :)
  10. Private Evans

    NLD Units: OPFOR

    Always happy to see new units for the Arma 3 2035 setting :) ....but why making units for a future armaverse setting and then using AAF uniforms and not CSAT stuff which is obviously russian equipment ? Not complaining just asking,,,
  11. Private Evans

    Spyder Addons

    Is it possible to edit the loadout of vanilla faction units using Arsenal ( gear and weapon mods) and save it that way that edited units will always spawn in saved missions using the new loadouts ( for example when spawned in groups using allive).This would be an amazing way to simply create new factions for mission makers without doing all the config stuff :).
  12. Since the new editor seems to allow loading different texture variations for vehicles on the fly, I would love to see your vehicles with different country insignias and flags combined with the Euroforce insignias. :) ( like it is possible with your infantry units and groups)
  13. Private Evans

    Von Quest Industries

    This is getting better and better :) keep it up
  14. Private Evans

    Enhanced Movement

    Since we still have the vanilla vault ( step over low fences and obstacles) animation.Would it be possible to integrate this in your mod as well? It could be used when moving slow (sneaking) while your animation could be used when moving fast. I still find the vanilla animation useful because you are still able to aim while stepping over a small fence. Integrating this in your mod would allow us to use one key only for both. just an idea loving your work :)
  15. Would be cool to have a version that also replaces weapons and vehicles too ...maybe even a complete Altis Conflict Pack that changes all factions :)
  16. Wouldn't it be cool to integrate CTRG units into your Euroforce. Could be some kind of European Special Force like your MP. That would be nice since I for example prefer to use your units beside vanilla stuff for Armaverse scenarios and this would provide some nice lore background and link to the CTRG units from the campaign. just an idea :) keep it up
  17. Private Evans

    Enhanced Movement

    Climbing and jumping over obstacles works and looks amazing so far. One think we talked about a few days ago though are the landing animations. I spent a good time today testing your mod together with TPW"s FAll which kicks in ragdoll animations after falling or jumping from a given height. The result was impressing and looked very realistic Would be cool if you could take a closer look at this too, :) cheers and keep it up
  18. Absolutely love the uniforms and insignias but for me changing the faction insignias/icons feels strange, especially when your units will be mixed with vanilla stuff ( I guess we will see some more CSAT and US on Tanoa) and/or other mods like the CSAT Snowtigers made by IndeedPete. Keep it up :)
  19. Private Evans

    Enhanced Movement

    I am so glad to see this is being worked on again , Any chance that this will include better falling/landing anims some day ? keep it up PS: found out today that it is even possible to climb through open windows using your mod :)
  20. Private Evans

    Zero Dark Zero

    This sounds amazing ! Talked to you about this whole Ops Center thingy some weeks ago and I am really happy to see this coming now​.Will this be something like a closed interior complex placed somewhere in a far away corner of the map ? Also will the armory work with the Virtual Arsenal ( I know this is not that immersive but the best way to choose different gear and to test if your char is looking sexy enough) ? Last but not least will the briefing area be large enough for at least a small group of players ( for coop/multiplayer missions)? keep it up :)​ ​
  21. Private Evans

    =ARC= Japan units (by Goticwar)

    Would love to see an A3 timeline only version...means futuristic units only that can be used for the 2035 setting, especially since there is a Pacific terrain on the horizon.
  22. Cool thx :) So maybe you could add British voices for the UK , Ireland, some Scandinavian countries and probably the Dutch and Altean English for most of the the southern ( and maybe some eastern) countries like Greece, Italy , Spain etc, leaving the American voices for the rest.This would at least simulate all the different european accents for a bit instead of all of us sounding like US boys.
  23. New uniforms, helmets and rifles etc are looking awesome. The whole thing now really feels like a complete new unique faction. In this case...would it be possible to a) link proper identities (names) to the different country insignias ( means if the script chooses for example the spanish insignia it automatically chooses a spanish ID as well...) b) use the british and greek voices instead of the american ( please !!) Maybe it would be possible to link both, voices and id"s to the country insignias...british for the western and northern countries and the greek voices for the southern and eastern countries...don't know what do with the french though ;) c) Would also be super cool if we could choose country insignias for groups somehow. d) and maybe even get some small country insignias for the vehicles ( similar to the random insignias for infantry units) ...imagine something like danish and polish fire teams being dropped into combat by german choppers ( possibilities are endless) just my thoughts :)
  24. Private Evans

    Zero Dark Zero

    Thx for your answer... a black site interior would also be very very cool :) keep it up :)
  25. Hahahaha I really was worried for a moment that Pete is going mad :D