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About iidk4me

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  1. Also I don't know if it helps but even in the main menu my frames jump around. Like if I sit in the menu on the high setting the frames go up and down from 5-40 constantly.
  2. Do I have an integrated GPU with my processor or something? I didn't think I had one. I'll check it out once I get off of work and give it a try.
  3. I applied the correct amount. If anything a tad bit too much but that's if anything. My GPU drivers are all up to date. I had to apply more thermal paste because when I picked up the heatsink while putting it together, I accidently touched the stuff that was on there and I wanted to be safe. I'm using fan. But what I don't understand is why would it run the first night awesome and the next day like shit? I just don't get it.
  4. So literally 2 days ago I built a new custom computer so that I was able to comfortably play Arma 3. The night I got the computer I installed arma 3 and it was running AMAZING on my 32in LED TV with atleast 30 or more frames on high/very high. The next morning I had a bunch of windows updates, and I also had to reapply some more thermal paste to my processor. I tried playing arma 3 later that day and the frames were horrible. They stay at 5-30 and constantly jump back and forth. These frames stayed the same whether I was on Low, Standard, High, Very High, or Ultra. I system restored to see if it was the windows updates but it wasnt. I also tried playing on a small 19in screen and the frames were exactlly the same. It doesn't matter if I'm in multi, single, or even the editor with nothing spawned. Along with these frames is also constant stuttering of the gameplay every couple seconds. I know it's not my computer because I can play shogun 2 on high/ultra with no problem. Anyone have any suggestions? My system specs are: i7-4770K 3.5 GHz GTX 770 16 GB RAM 750W Power Supply
  5. iidk4me

    Dual Graphics

    I may sound like a noob asking this, but will Arma 3 support AMD dual graphic capabilities?