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Everything posted by kaelies

  1. kaelies

    TMR Modular Realism

    It seems that now bipods aren't working at all. Looked at the script in tmr_autorest, on line 37 changing to seems to make it work perfectly. Love the new scopes, by the way!
  2. kaelies

    TMR Modular Realism

    Awesome, great to see this update. Unfortunately, I'm getting an issue where its possible to rest any weapon on a bipod, regardless of whether it has one in the weapon, or has one attached (tested without any other addons). Also, would it be possible to add an optional pbo that adds the bipod to the default list of attachable items? Not sure if it already is and it was a mod conflict, but doing so would allow it to be usable on any weapons that might be added by a different mod, without any need for separate compatibility configs.
  3. kaelies

    TMR Modular Realism

    Sent a PM about the bipod. Another idea; what do you think about adding some sort of hi-capacity drum magazine for the Katiba, and Beta-C magazines for the F2000 and TAR-21? It seems like it would be mostly just icon and config work; these are things that either already exist in real life in at least some form. While on the subject of magazine tweaks: The Stanag magazines have choices for any of the three tracer colours, while most of the other tracer magazines don't; might it be possible to add variants for that?
  4. kaelies

    TMR Modular Realism

    Hello, I'd like to be able to make a bipod attachment for weapons, probably as a muzzle attachment. Would it be possible to make it so I can set "tmr_autorest_deployable = 1;" in the attachment somewhere, and allow the player to rest the weapon as if it had a bipod? Currently it does nothing, whether I put that in the attachment class itself, or into the ItemInfo portion of it.
  5. kaelies

    TMR Modular Realism

    I would also like to see this, and I'd love if there was some way to provide optional configs to make any weapon with full-auto be on auto by default.
  6. Looks awesome, I remember you mentioning a supply system, would it be possible to add supply to a truck via a script and then have it drive the supplies for building to you? Would be a good way of going about it for military-base applications. Also, do you think it would be possible to make a windowed wall where the window is higher up? It looks too low when up on the higher stories.
  7. kaelies

    Sham's M16A4 Pack Port

    I guess you could try to do it in the first LoD and zoom in as far as possible, then just cut the point out and paste it in the memory LoD? Might make it easier by making the lines be black.
  8. kaelies

    Sham's M16A4 Pack Port

    The method I used for my SVD in the past was to use the "left" view in oxygen2 to look at the gun from behind, found where the front sight aligns perfectly through the rear sight, and then placed the eye vertex at that point through the left view; afterwards, I moved it back to a good position using one of the other views (you can lock the movement to one axis using the X, Y, and Z buttons with the coloured triangles on them; for example, from the front view, this would make it so that anything you were moving would only move to the left or right relative to the camera, or front or back relative to the gun). Not sure if this method would work as well with the type of sight the m16 has, though.
  9. kaelies

    Sham's M16A4 Pack Port

    I believe the issue is in the eye memory LOD. In terms of the m203 zeroing, I think people are asking for it to be zeroable at closer ranges, i.e. 100m, 200m, 300m, or 400m.
  10. Looks pretty good, I assume its semi/full auto fire modes? As a temporary fix, maybe you could just change the material you use on the stock and handguard to be nothing? Might make it look flat, but probably better than the oily look we have now.
  11. The FAL looks pretty nice, but the RVmat on the stock looks off...its far too shiny. Looks like that soldier threw the gun into some oil or something :rolleyes: How does the view through the iron sights look?
  12. kaelies

    Sham's M16A4 Pack Port

    Thanks for the quick update with tons of fixes, and thanks for being able to keep the custom-trigger a4 :). Only significant issues I can find now is that the A4 model's iron sights seem to be off (using it with tracers, the shot hits above the front post even if I'm aiming at 600m but using a zeroing of 100m; optics work fine), and that the silencer does not appear on the A2/A3 models.
  13. kaelies

    Sham's M16A4 Pack Port

    I think you should be able to use all base attachments except silencer by simply not including anything to change them. For silencer, perhaps the easiest way might be to inherit from the TRG (instead of say, inheriting from Rifle_base_f). By the way, if you make the m16a3 the proper version where it is a full-auto m16a2, could you please add a full-auto version of the m16a4?
  14. kaelies

    Sham's M16A4 Pack Port

    Perhaps one of the easiest ways to get the attachments working would be to simply inherit from the default set? I believe some of the addons that add attachments either add them to all the default guns that way, or have optional configs for that allowance. By the way, the icons have white backgrounds; do you think you could fix that? One way would be to save as a .png with a transparent background before packing into a .paa.
  15. kaelies

    Sham's M16A4 Pack Port

    Also getting an error when trying to download,
  16. The unit you place down has to be the same side as the side of the uniform. i.e. if I play as opfor I can use any of the opfor uniforms. Vests and helmets aren't restricted in the same way, from what I recall.
  17. You should be able to attach it to the helicopter itself for use from inside of it, I remember doing so for some mission or another with an older version.
  18. Assuming BIS doesn't fix up the ghillie-suit issue, could you add the OpFor one to the exceptions as well? Currently only the BluFor one will appear. Seems like a change to using the following would be a good way of going about it: if(_entity == "U_B_GhillieSuit") then { _ret set[1,"Ghillie Suit [MTP]"]; }; if(_entity == "U_O_GhillieSuit") then { _ret set[1,"Ghillie Suit [Hex]"]; };
  19. kaelies


    Great to see the update! I love how the 1p29 sight has the secondary mode to look through the default iron sights, makes the ak74m very enjoyable to use. Thank you for the new items and features you've added :)
  20. On my screen it looked like the button for "remove" is a bit shorter than the box that shows you what items you have; maybe you can fit two boxes side-by-side, and have the one for "remove all" have text over two lines? Might make it look better than having remove all be below remove.
  21. With the current version, it seems that every time you add or remove an item/magazine/weapon/etc, it reloads the entire list of items/magazines/weapons on the left side, which makes it difficult to add multiple magazines or consumable items; it does it twice if you have a filter enabled, first loading up the entire selection, then reloading with just the filtered items. Also, would it be possible to add a "remove all" button to remove all of the selected item type at once? Would help a lot since sometimes the order of the magazines gets shifted, so spamming the "remove" button sometimes removes the wrong type of item.
  22. kaelies

    NATO Special Operations Command [BETA]

    As I understand, you added the "Crye Bio-Suit" with this mod, which is fantastic. However, there are two suggestions I'd have towards it: First, would it be possible to have the front and back colours be camouflage as well, like the on opFor uniform, rather than a plain green as it is now? It seems odd when being worn without a plate carrier, i.e. with the LBV harness. Second, it would be wonderful if you could add some of the other camo patterns you already have in this mod as choices for it, if it wouldn't be too much of an issue. One other bug I found while playing, it seems that a large portion of the gear is missing inventory textures, would it be possible to add some or use the default icons? Otherwise, great mod, hope to see an update soon :)
  23. Excellent addon, however, could you please make the AK4's drum sight rotate on changing the zeroing, similiar to how you have it on the AK5? I would like to be able to use the open sight setting on it, which looks like its on the back end of the drum atm.
  24. Since this is going to be released for A3, will the picture-in-picture feature be utilized on tank/APC periscopes and optics? Would love to be able to drive a BMP-2 or similar vehicle with the extra peripheral vision from all of the periscopes.