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Everything posted by t-bone

  1. Stumbled on this article on reddit again and now wondering if anyone (whoever observed or investigated this issue) can possibly update us on this major Arma 3 problem. Have anybody noticed significant improvements to the engine's multi threading (before Nexus and after Nexus)? As far as I remember launcher in Arma 3 has "Enable Multi threading" or at least used to have, did that check box really enable multi threading or it just was another "hype" button in the launcher? :)
  2. I am sorry I don't catch it, shall I put both lines in the very start of the script? What will it do, will it exit the script when bombActive = true? I have a trigger marked the hacking area around laptop, once someone started to hack the laptop, but let's say on 50% decides to leave from this hacking area, hacking should be aborted (basically the script)
  3. I have a slight problem with the following code laptop2 addAction ["Hack Terminal 2", "Triggers\obj2.sqf", nil, 6, True, True, "", "(_target distance _this) < 4"]; How can I define the SQF script here so that I can actually use "terminate" command on that SQF script? I need it to interrupt hacking process itself, which is the obj2.sqf (so basically cancel / abort this script while it's executing)