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Everything posted by samael21walter

  1. samael21walter

    A.I Sight

    Arma AI has always been a bit weird when it comes to spotting you. Sometimes you'll be right up under their noses and they'll just stare ahead, other times you'll be behind several trees and they'll gun you down before you even expose yourself visibly. I'm grown accustomed to it by trying to make missions that don't rely so much on stealth or anything. You could try lowering the AI difficulty a bit, but even then, it's pretty much up to chance a lot of the time.
  2. samael21walter

    ARMA 3 on consoles

    I honestly would love to see Arma on consoles. I want everyone to be able to experience these games, and I honestly can't run Arma 3 all that well on my outdated PC. Since I'm already getting a PS4, it would be nice to be able to play it on there until I get enough money to get a better PC. I think people are underselling the newer console's specs. If my Geforece 220 can still run this game on low (with 8 gigs of ram), then I'm sure the PS4/XB1 could at least run this game medium/high easily. The controls "could" be an issue, but with multitap button presses, you could easily access menus. I really think Arma needs to clean up its radio controls anyways, and simplifying the way you can order your units would be awesome. The only problem would be the editor, as you couldn't do the same things you could on a PC. Maybe cap the units that you can place to 150 or so. I know it could be done given the proper amount of time, I just don't think Bohemia has the resources to fully port it over completely. Modding CAN work on consoles, actually. Unreal Tournament 3 had modding, you just had to install the mods via USB, but it still had it. If made right, I'm sure Arma 3 on the newer consoles could do the same. I don't get all of the console bashing on here. Don't get me wrong, I love PC gaming, but consoles are convenient and easy to develop for since the games don't have to be scaled towards multiple hardware setups. I think PC gamers should stop belittling consoles and just embrace them for what they are while still enjoying their high-end PC.
  3. samael21walter

    Anybody else seen snakes opening doors?

    Next thing you know you'll find one hiding under a cardboard box.
  4. samael21walter

    Helicopter physics impressions - simplified

    I found the helicopter controls in the Alpha to be a lot easier than Arma 2 and 1. Now I can perform barrel rolls, loops, and fly dangerously low to the ground almost no problem, which is strange. I completely sucked at it in Arma 2 lol I don't know if it's that they simplified the physics system or what, but I find flying in this game much, much easier.