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Everything posted by sahloknir

  1. Hello, :) my question is, when i place a few planes on my uss freedom, is it possible to close the canopy? Can't find anything in the attributes. And it really looks better when there not open. Thanks in advance. :) Greetings
  2. Ayee works like a charm. Didn't know that script command. Thank u very much. :)
  3. sahloknir

    F/A-181 Black Wasp II Close Canopy

    Hey thank you very much :) Works, now it looks much better. Really don't know why that is not in the vehicle configuration menu.
  4. Hello, is it possible to have scalpels with the black wasp? Would be cool to engage ground targets with that. :)
  5. sahloknir

    How do I use the Mk41 VLS ?

    Here is a cool tutorial, that helped me out. :)
  6. Hello, is it possible to get the beacons to work from the civilian repair vehicle? I already found this: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/153801-police-beacons/ But that only works for the normal offroad car and with blue beacons. But the repair vehicle got yellow beacons. Sorry for my bad english. Hope someone can help me :) Thanks in advance. :)
  7. sahloknir

    Jets dlc - AG MACER

    Yeah macers dont work for me either :( Never managed them to lock on a target.
  8. Is this already available? Would be really nice if that is possible in the future :) And thanks for the mod i really love it :)
  9. Hello, so i managed to get my insignia in arma 3. But when i open the Virtual Arsenal than i can't find it at the insignia section. But it is ingame and i have it on my left shoulder. This is how my description.ext looks like: class CfgUnitInsignia { class WOLF { displayName = "Wolf Troop"; author = "Sahloknir"; texture = "wolftroop.paa"; textureVehicle = ""; }; }; What else do i need? My other question is, how can i manage it to get the insignia at a vehicle or a chopper? I found this, but that helped me not. Sorry for my bad english^^.
  10. Hello, but my path is correct or not? Because i can see my insignia ingame on my left shoulder. But its just not visible in the Virtual Arsenal Menue. Aaaaand i don't know how to make it available on my chopper :D
  11. sahloknir

    Apex Vehicles Feedback

    A question about sling loading for the V-44, is there any chance that this feature will be added in the future? I really miss it :(.
  12. sahloknir


    Hey i got one question, will the V-44 Blackfish later support Sling Loading? Just like this.
  13. sahloknir

    [R3F] Logistics

    Yeah i got no R3F Menu at all. I dont get it. All the commands are there. at the description.ext "#include "R3F_LOG\desc_include.h"" in the init.sqf "execVM "R3F_LOG\init.sqf";" R3F_LOG folder is in the missions folder. What am i doing wrong? :D Sorry for bad english :D Edit: Okay i fixed it. my init.sqf looked like this: if !(isNil{BIS_RunOnce_Init3dEditor}) exitwith {}; BIS_RunOnce_Init3dEditor = true; //0 fadesound 0; //Titlecut [ "","BLACK FADED", 10e10 ]; #include "initBriefing.hpp" //Titlecut [ "","BLACK IN", 10e10 ]; execVM "R3F_LOG\init.sqf"; So i deleted everything except for "execVM "R3F_LOG\init.sqf";" now it works lol :D.
  14. sahloknir

    [R3F] Logistics

    Since i ported my mission from the 2d editor to the 3d editor it looks like this works no more. Is there a fix or something like that? :)
  15. No problem tpw ;). Its really strange because i deleted it and reinstalled it. I downloaded it again but i always get the same error on start up.
  16. Hello, first i need to say, i love this mod. I use it since it's available, so thank you very much for you're work tpw. :) But sadly i have a problem. I wanted to play a little bit arma 3 again so i deinstalled all my mods and updated them. Now when i try to start arma 3 this happens: I tried it already with no other mods than tpw but everytime i start arma 3 i get this error message. :(. I reinstalled it a few times but that worked not either. Hope someone can help me and sorry for my bad english.
  17. sahloknir

    UH 80 Ghosthawk with Rockets?

    I found a mod and its awesome :) Armaholic Link
  18. Hello, i just got a small question. Is there a mod out with a UH 80 Ghosthawk that looks like this? :) I already googled a little bit, but found nothing. I dont want a black hawk or something.Just the normal Ghosthawk with Rockets and maybe a Refueling Boom. :)
  19. Hey, i tried to lift up some small ammo boxes with the hellcat. And it worked not. Can someone tell me why?^^ I mean it should be no problem for the hellcat to lift up these small things^^. Or does this chopper not support the sling load feature? :) Maybe there is a mod out that fixes that? :) Thanks in advance. And sorry for this shit english :D
  20. Hello, i'm talknig about this plane. What happened to it? Maybe we can see it as an DLC? Would be awesome, i mean i really like the A-164 but the F-35 would be damn cool. :) Thanks in advance and sorry for my english :D
  21. sahloknir

    What happened with the F-35?

    Oww that's sad because i really like this plane :) But thanks for the link Kecske i try this one out :)
  22. Hey, thanks for the help you really helped me out :)
  23. Hey, where can i find the showcase "Fixed-wing aircraft"? I searched in missions_f.pbo, missions_f_beta.pbo and in missions_f_gamma.pbo but i can't find it. I want to change a few things so it would be really cool if i can edit it :) Hope someone can help me :)
  24. Awesome mod i love it! :) Only one question, in the new ArmA 3 Trailer you can see sharks. Spawns this mod sharks at water? :) Because it spawns other animals like chickens and goats. Or must i place them by myself? :)