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About mactabilis

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  1. Short answer, yes with additional software and patience, but it isn't perfect. DK2 works with Arma 3 using VorpX, it's a pain to get it running right and I've experienced more than enough crashes and failures to get annoyed but when its working it's amazing. Using opentrack gives a TrackIR like head tracking out of it once you get it all set up. I love it for flying but distant objects can be a bit fuzzy making infantry usage a bit odd, even difficult at times. It does take time to adjust, your brain will think your moving when your not leading to motion sickness, I have the gift of being nearly immune to motion sickness but I could tell even those who rarely or never get motion sickness could be effected if you don't take breaks while getting adjusted to it. The first set up took quite a while but now that I have the head tracking set up in Arma and know how to get it all going it only takes a few minutes. I hope we can get official support for the rift in Arma eventually(hopefully sooner rather than later), for now though I will be happy to deal with juggling the set up every time I want to play with the DK2. Now that the consumer version has been announced it might be worth it to wait but if you want to rush into it and get the DK2 that's your call, I don't regret it even though if I had waited a few more months for the consumer announcement I would have waited. If anyone with DK2 is still having trouble getting it all to work send me a PM and I'll fill you in on what it took for me to get it running and try to help you out.