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About Psychokinetix

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  1. Psychokinetix

    United States Air Force

    I was just wondering if you are going to make the circling radius of the AC130 bigger? I think that it would help with the utilization of that aircraft. For me it seems rather small and I don't get a lot of time to focus on providing support utilizing it. Anyways thanks for the consideration please let me know if that is a possibility.
  2. Hey I am having an MP issue still however it seems that it only occurs if someone joins the game after it has already started they are unable to see the options from the jumpmaster and crewchief. Is there any way to fix that? Maybe something in it's initialization? I am not quite sure but please let me know if you could help me with that problem.
  3. Psychokinetix

    TFA - Naval Special Warfare Gear

    If it is too much trouble the ECH and FAST helmets would work as well for the BDU, DCU, and MARPAT. Either way it looks really good and I really like what you are doing with the uniforms.
  4. Psychokinetix

    TFA - Naval Special Warfare Gear

    While looking at your mod I have only noted a few re-textures of the helmets that are the same as the Camo. I would like to request that you include the other Camo patterns with the helmets. For instance using the MICH helmets I was wondering if it would be possible to include re-textures with MARPAT, BDU, and DCU. Also on the 8-point covers (Utility Caps) and boonie hats I was wondering if you would include the MARPAT?