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Everything posted by Dedmen

  1. It now errors because _spawnPos is a string if no players were found. Move the isFlatEmpty check into the if statement too. Btw nice idea to just remove the waitUntil completely, I didn't see that. while true loop with exitWith is basically same as waitUntil. You only want to check if atleast one? You can use findIf then and not have to iterate the whole array with count. Both these variables are undefined, atleast in the code snippet you sent. They are defined in the waitUntil scope but not outside of it. Also please start using the private keyword, it makes your scripts faster and safer.
  2. May I inform you about our rules/guidelines? https://forums.bohemia.net/guidelines/ You just lost help from one person who can most likely solve your issue because he is annoyed by people who violate the rules. Have a good day sir.
  3. Dedmen

    Loading Screen Stuck + Crash

    Try performance branch https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/160288-arma-3-stable-server-192-performance-binary-feedback/ If you can still reproduce, get a crashdump (the mdmp file, bidmp file and rpt file together) and upload it somewhere and send it to Dwarden via PM on the forums.
  4. Use https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/selectRandom They are strings in your code though? You probably want to remove the quotes? You are randomly selecting a string and passing it to getPos, but getPos doesn't take string https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/getPos
  5. You know we have rule that you have to report rule violations? If you think it's spam then report it. According to the rules, your reply is also considered spam. https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/54604-forum-rules/
  6. Probably running some other mod that depends on ace.
  7. Dedmen

    Dedicated Server / Headless client - future developement

    This is the Arma 3 forum, from BI who make a military Action game. BIS is a completely different studio making high-profile military simulations which you seem to be talking about.
  8. You can access CBA options in editor, to set the mission settings. But you might need to do something special in your init script for that.
  9. Dedmen

    Your opinion?

    really dude? This is mods "COMPLETE" this is clearly not a complete mod. opinions of already made scripts == scripting. But you have a question, so "QUESTIONS & ANSWERS" sounds fitting. Moved thread to there.
  10. Supporter Edition contains everything directly made (or directly contracted) by BI. CDLC's aren't. Author and Publisher are different things. BI won't just decide about other peoples stuff and give it away for free. And even if they would, how do they decide how much money share of the supporter edition sales to give to CDLC authors? If there are a dozen of CDLC's they couldn't give 50% share to each of them, and even now they cannot decide for a percentage because they don't know how many CDLC's will be coming.
  11. Dedmen

    count magazine left

    Doesn't take magazineWells into account. There might be weapons with dozens of supported magazines, but empty magazines array in config. also the second condition will never work properly, you are checking if an array is inside an array of strings. A string is never an array though so it will never be inside there. The second part is always !(false) thus always true. So you might aswell remove the whole second part. ((count magazines player) == 0) If you want to check how many compatible magazines for current weapon the player has private _compatibleMagazines = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> currentWeapon player >> "magazines"); private _availableMagCount = {_x in _compatibleMagazines} count magazines player; There you have number of magazines, though again not magazine wells compatible. I'd say just use the CBA Function but I don't know if you have CBA.
  12. Set up a proper pboprefix and use proper tools to pack your pbo's.
  13. By loading RHS. Your mission needs RHS so you also need to load it. You are not loading mods. Cannot play modded missions without any mods.
  14. No that's correct. https://github.com/intercept/intercept-database/wiki/Commands#dbcreateconnection-configname While we're at it.. New documentation! And anyone can now make Pull Requests to improve it. https://intercept-database.rtfd.io/
  15. Dedmen

    Maximum number of AI and/or players

    Was changed a year ago to 288.
  16. Dedmen

    Binarize rvmat files?

    can be binarized just like configs. Not sure if they are usually binarized though, usually they are embedded into the models on binarization.
  17. You can still check without waitUntil. I already showed you how in previous post. Just check once, and only if not successful go into the waitUntil. uiSleep takes uiTime instead of gameTime. In singleplayer if you press Esc you pause the game and gameTime would freeze, while uiTime continues running. But, on the server there is UI, thus no uiTime, so on server sleep and uiSleep are the same thing. And in multiplayer you cannot pause the game anyway.
  18. https://www.google.com/search?SQL+DEFAULT https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_default.asp
  19. You are still always sleeping one second, and executing the waitUntil loop, and then rebuilding the _allPlayers list. If the waitUntil condition was true from the start, there is no reason to go through the waitUntil at all. Also why uiSleep? I told you to use params, shorter and safer. in the spawner. you are doing that 3 times in one place. Just do it once and store it in a variable. Why did you switch all your sleeps to uiSleep? That makes no sense.
  20. https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/blob/master/addons/main/script_mod.hpp https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/blob/master/addons/main/script_macros.hpp Comparing the RKSL compat code with yours looks like they are both identical. So no idea what's going wrong then. Though I'd say your mod isn't being loaded at all when the requiredVersion is not supported.
  21. Dedmen

    Maximum number of AI and/or players

    It's written on the community wiki on the createGroup page, but it's community made not from BI.
  22. Dedmen

    Maximum number of AI and/or players

    Limit is 288 groups per side
  23. It's included in the ACE download. Just compare yours against the ace one and find all differences. uh. what? We are on version 1.92 currently.