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About marsk

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    Philosophy; graphic design
  1. marsk

    How do I use Rearmed?

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! It solved the problem! Of course it is workaround and it did not force Rearmed to work properly but it did what Rearmed had to do itself. Now Arma content is integrated. Thank you!
  2. The same. And nothing helps and I think I tried everything. Steam Arma, Steam TOH. Hinds installed correctly. But Rearmed does not work. E.g., an older thread about this
  3. marsk

    How do I use Rearmed?

    Hmm, I think, fact that I am doomed is better explanation... because I tried to install Arma and TOH on my laptop and had exactlty the same problem. There have never been instaled neither Steam nor Arma and TOH on my other computer. But the same.. what could cause it!? I tought that maybe Dayz mod done some evil magic to Arma+TOH but experiment with laptop excludes this. What I did on my laptop? Installed Steam. Ran as Administrator. Installed Arma2. Ran Arma2. Installed Arma2OA and ran it. Restarted Steam and ran as admin. Installed TOH. Ran TOH and it successfully installed Hinds. But... Reamrmed still don't work. Two different computers and the same problem. The common is that both have Win7 and some other stuff like Office etc. I have never done something extra-ordinary to my laptop registry or whatever else. I have to admit that this situation makes my very sad.
  4. marsk

    How do I use Rearmed?

    Thanks... but nop, does not solve. I think I am doomed. :(
  5. marsk

    How do I use Rearmed?

    Can anyone, please, take a look? If dropbox is not suitible I can try to shorten that file or post it somewhere else. Forum does not allow to post so much text.
  6. marsk

    How do I use Rearmed?

    Here is my report file. Too long to post as text. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/411006/TakeOnH.RPT
  7. marsk

    How do I use Rearmed?

    Aha, ok, it's clear. Unfortunately I can't do it today. Will post it tomorrow. Thank you for support!
  8. marsk

    How do I use Rearmed?

    eeee, sorry, what do you mean with "rpt"? Report?
  9. marsk

    How do I use Rearmed?

    Hello! I have exactly the same problem – TOH does not recognize Arma and so Rearmed just does not work. I have tried everything. I started Steam as an administrator. I disabled and enabled Rearmed multiple times. I reinstalled Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA and TOH. I launched Arma before TOH. I tried suggestion with .cfg file. I checked launch parameters. Tried both empty and with -mod=Rearmed. I done file verification multiple times. Nothing helps. I had also problem with Hindi but launching Steam as administrator solved this. But that does not solve problem with Rearmed. Everything is bought via Steam. Arma works properly. I have to admit that this situation makes me very sad. Hope to find some solution. At this moment I don't have any ideas.