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Everything posted by Cype_Revenge

  1. I need help with Spawn Civilian I must spawn a civilian (Civ1) with script on a marker (M1), and in its init I need to add a AddAction and disableAI: this DisableAI 'ANIM'; this disableAI 'FSM';this disableAI 'MOVE';Civ1 = this addAction ["Marker", "marker.sqf"]; I found this here and works perfect: createCenter civilian; _group = createGroup Civilian; _group createUnit ["C_man_1", (getMarkerPos "M1"), [], 5, "NONE"]; but where do I insert the AddAction?
  2. Cype_Revenge

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    my modem is burning! Thanks for the hard work ;)
  3. a simple noob question? i can only update the server with the ArmA3_Steam_updater.cmd (i have the same, sample here in first post) ? or I need to change something in the updater.cmd ? Thanks
  4. I search for a Gunshopscript with dialog menu. Just as in Wastelandmod I have already looked at various forum, but unfortunately found nothing. I hope someone can help me :-)
  5. Cype_Revenge

    Search for Gunshopscript

    Yeaaaahhh its working fine! i launched the config in the init.sqf and the shop working perfect.
  6. Cype_Revenge

    Search for Gunshopscript

    Thank you wok! I have already tried to copy out the Gun Store . I can start the dialogue menu, but I don´t see any weapons in store, or items that can I buy the Gunstore is empty.
  7. Cype_Revenge

    Dslyecxi's 'Paper doll' Gear Menu

    @lavbo0321 this is a good idea if BI that would integrate in the editormenu.
  8. Cype_Revenge

    Italian Special Operations A3

    Hello Massi great work only I have a little problem If I want to go on our server when activated your mods I get the following error message ,server side read in the the log files: Missing addons detected: mas_ita_sftg_b I have everything downloaded again and looked up but this file is missing me, but this file is not included in any Download?