On the TEI forums some people were discussing how to mount the rocket/missile pods onto the gunship pelican. I haven't found any posts indicating whether this had been solved or not, so I wanted to put forward an idea I had. Please ignore this if you guys have already come up with a solution.
The pods seen on the pelicans in H3 are fixed to the underside of the wing, but as we know this would be hard to use since the wings/thrusters rotate on the pelican. So I had been thinking about it and I remembered that the Apache has pivoting hard points that allow rockets and missile racks to angle up and down (And I think the Russian KA-50 has this too, not a 100% sure).
The pelican in H:R has weapons pylons that can easily be seen in a picture of one. So I was thinking why not put whatever weapons on pylons like this and make them so that they're always stabilized towards the horizon in a fashion akin to the Apache hard points? I don't have any modding experience with Arma 3 so I'm not sure how difficult something like this might be, but I figured I would run it across you guys anyhow.
(Sorry for the lack of links, this is my first forum post so I'm not allowed to put any in. )