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Posts posted by armyinf

  1. I am looking for a thread that was done on Arma 3 here that highlighted the differences in OPFOR/ BLUFOR uniforms/ equipment, I have searched as much as I can, but I can't remember the title 100%, just needing a point in the right direction have you, Thanks for the help!

  2. You know your "infantry simulation" is lacking features when people suggest features found in mainstream games.

    UGL are done horribly in "Mainstream" games. They are powerful weapons not to be fucked with, but COD, BF3 and MOH, along with everyother FPS out there, make them to be super god like weapons, Youtube video of m203 hitting a fuel truck You will notice the tiny explosion then the big one, the tiny is the 203 round going off. The other reason for the big is the 2nd flammable contents of a fuel truck. The ability to remove and place the UGL back on the weapon means you have to re-zero the weapon. Now we have gotten to that, lets talk about taking off your flashlight or PEQ-15 for quadrant sights to shoot the m203,

  3. If you want real life, US won't ever use a "Removable" GL on a rifle, Current standards takes a level 10 or higher Armorer to remove UGL. simple reason its a sensitive item, I carried an M4/M203 and an M4/M320, If I wanted to have it removed to clean my rifle, YES I could do it, but YES its against the law for me to do. Even when I wanted to switch to the Standalone version and carry it on my hip, I had to have an Armorer do it for it because it requires a safety wire be placed to make sure the weapon doesn't fall off...

    Vertical grip I am all for! Although I don't like the AFG, I see the current trend of Vert. Grips are headed that way of the more angled way so I'd love to see that in game more than the standard VFG.

  4. How many cases of Hand to Hand Combat have you heard about from Afghanistan? Because I sure know that we were never shot at under 100meters, let alone 10meters or less... I guess maybe I just wasn't high speed enough living on a COB outside J-Bad... my bad I think all the Hand to Hand stuff took place in Camp Leatherneck's AO....

    For Night raid's yes we engaged closer than 10meters, but we always had ammo... and lots of it... Hell look even Acting Sgt Pun used a metal tripod before thinking about using his Kurki... which he forgot that day...

  5. You can ALT-TAB, but only if Arma 3 is not the only application running. Try to open a folder window first and then run Arma 3. You can ALT-TAB :)

    Also, you can CTR-ALT-DEL and run the application manager. Arma 3 will minimize.

    Seriously.. I am ALT- Tabed right now while I play with the editor, It works, run the game as Full Windowed instead of full screen...

  6. You've been there.

    You've seen the sun set on the desert and heard the sounds of mortars and rocket shells in the night. You know the taste of sand on an MRE. You know the sound of an A-10 as it takes off for a strafing run. You know the taste of salt in your mouth as your Zodiac pushes for the beach.

    You've done that.

    You didn't get just a lousy T-shirt. You got wounds, scars, memories and a brotherhood. For you, it wasn't a game. It was a job. It was a job you volunteered for- many times, more than once.

    Welcome to 'Been There Done That'.

    We are a group of veterans, active, inactive and retired, who game, socialize and continue the brotherhood. We don't care about your skill level, your gender, your age or if you were combat deployed. We don't care if you were a Soldier, Sailor, Airman or Marine.

    We only ask one question. Did you serve?

    We'd love for you to apply. Why? Because you've Been There and Done That.

    So have we.

    ***ONLY REAL LIFE MILITARY VETERANS ARE ACCEPTED*** Doesn't matter if your Served in Her Majesty's Armed Forces, Canadian Navy, German Air Force Etc.., our only requirement is you served, Or Currently Serving. We do not Accept Non Military Members.

    If you're interested in joining the 'Been There Done That' experience, please feel free to drop an application at: BTDT

    MULTIPLE PLATFORMS / MULTIPLE GAMES Currently have over 400 members, For those who can't join due to not being Military, check out our Facebook and give it a like.https://www.facebook.com/btdt.militarygamers


    2/7 Infantry

    OIF 09-09 OEF 10-11 OEF 12-12

  7. Only jumping I have done in my 5 1/2 years in the Army is to jump across little streams and such in field during landnav... or drop kicking each other while wearing body armor... I guess I have also jumped from the Turret of a Bradley but I broke my leg... (Insert really long Brigade wide safety brief for months after).....

  8. ^ What EmirSc said.. While I am a big Xbox guy... I own two xp500's couple scuff controllers and two xbox's... PC gaming is a different beast, Arma has way to many controls to try and fit onto a 14 button thing... Plus moue and keyboard handle much better, I tested the Hunter with my xbox controller and I have to say total crap. If your wanting something to use beside keyboard and mouse, pick up some rudder pedals, I watched Dslyecxi from Shack Tac's video and hooked up an old set I had, worth it, I'll be grabbing a good set closer to launch for sure...Assigning lean while infantry to the pedals works amazing.

  9. sentry techniques are still taught in the military, such as shoving a knife into someone's throat and pushing the blade forward to sever their wind pipe, jugular, and etc.

    What Military are you a part of? I can't smoke joe because He cried home to mommy about Mr. Sgt is sooo mean to me.. They would never let me teach joe how to slit a throat... I mean I guess maybe I am just a Grunt and not some super secret 42A....
