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Posts posted by armyinf

  1. As of right now, any TankX vehicle can not go in the water, you can make it float, but it loses all engine power after about 2-300 meters from the point it hit the water, Yes Arma 2 it would, but if you use the Arma 2 physx on vehicles, they bounce and act like paper weights when hit with anything, or they touch anything.

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    sounds like a new arma 3 bug. i remember the aav-7 being amphibious in arma 2. oh well

    to elaborate on the machine gun issue, some of them don't function at all. the t80u's machine gun for example can't be used internally nor externally. IRL the external MG's on soviet tanks were primarily a means of air-defense, commanders weren't expected to use them in ground engagements

  2. Reload gesture for the GM6 Lynx doesn't seem to work when in a vehicle firing position, but all other weapons have perfect reload gestures, including a bunch of community addons I've tried so far.

    Other than that I must say I really like what you've done with it. From a technical standpoint I'm impressed that the little things like using weapon lights and IR lasers, changing attachments in your inventory, switching between rifles and pistols and raising and lowering your weapon still work when sat in a firing position (haven't tried binocular slot yet, does that work?), and that we can throw grenades and cyclumes and stuff.

    Yes you can use bino's/ laser des while in a firing spot! It's amazing, I wonder if you could make it so an humvee gunner can switch to bino's and back to the m2/ mk19 though?

  3. It's possible to limit arsenal / VAS but you have to add each class names manually .

    If you want to do so, go inside scripts\arsenal.sqf and modify

    ["Open",true] call BIS_fnc_arsenal;

    By something like that :

    ["Open",false] call BIS_fnc_arsenal;
    [myBox,["arifle_MX_F","arifle_MX_SW_F","arifle_MXC_F"],true] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualWeaponCargo;

    And create an object named myBox with and addaction linking to arsenal.sqf .

    ( Not doing this since i wanted the mission as mod friendly as possible )


  4. I fixed the sound on the m32, BUT I somehow broke the sight, more than it already was, It used to be see through glass with red aiming device inside, but now its just solid color.. any help is appreciated, here is the source files..


    All credit goes to Slatts/ public release, I just fixed the sound from 1.24

    I dont know if I am packing it right using addonbuilder, but i had to exclude the files to get the images to show in an ammobox.. I assume this is where I am messing up.

    *.pac;*.paa;*.rtm;*.sqf;*.sqs;*.bikb;*.fsm;*.wss; *.ogg;*.wav;*.fxy;*.csv;*.html;*.lip;*.txt;*.bisur f;*.shp;*.rvmat;

  5. As title states, I have been working on an Re-texture for the NATO IFV to be CSAT, I have the config work all done and the textures done, I am trying to make it so it spawns empty with out having to use the empty cargo init code, just speeding things up for vehicles that need spawned in game via mcc so they won't have to empty the cargo. If it can be done via a config/ script that would be awesome. Just need pointed in the right direction.
