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About UncleHo

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  1. That was my report.. and it seems like this error is at least very similiar. Same symptom, just one single line in the save/load window....
  2. Cool, thanks! Sounds good, too! As far as I know, the others meant that THEY as a MISSION MAKER aren't able to teleport all of their buddies.. am I right? Not too sure if I got this one right.. I mean, that MY TEAM MEMBERS cannot teleport TO ME (via ALT+T as far as I know?).. but it worked for me (if I hit ALT+T I teleported to my team). They all had the MCC active and just checked out a fresh version via PlayWithSix.. so I don't think that was the problem. Great. :) Not too sure about that... If I remember correctly now even the units I did freshly spawnwithin a zone acted the same.. even the ones placed without a zone directly on the 2D map of MCC. They were moving, but they were behaving like they didn't see us as enemies... you could run among them and they were combat ready and all, running around frantically as we shot them all, but they didn't return fire. Didn't do further testing that night, it seemed like all the enemy AI didn't see us as enemies any more... it happened sometime along the mission or while tinkering around with MCC, because all was well when we started the mission and we encountered our first firefights... but maybe that did in fact happen AFTER one of those "mysterious respawns" of an enemy group..... because I remember that this group spawned VERY close to our team.. but didn't do any harm, was just running around... we wouldn't have survived this with them being "normal", I guess. That would be great!
  3. Hello, First.. MCC is an awesome thing.. period. But - in all its awesomeness - here are some issues I encountered with the recent version (mod version) :) 1.) As soon as I place a virtual ammobox via MCC, the MCC config which you can save is broken and not loadable anymore.. (seems to occur for me via profile-slot saving or via the "snippet" saving, doesn't matter). THIS bug is reproducable for me anytime (good thing, I guess). 2.) Sometimes after loading an MCC config, zones have disappeared.. no idea when/why this happens, as far as I have seen others noticed this behaviour too. 3.) Teleporting doesn't work for my teammates.. although allowed in the settings. Works for me as the mission maker though... Can't say at the moment why this happens. 4.) Enemies seem to respawn without reason (respawn NOT set to > 0 for these groups.. so this can't be the cause). Other noticed this too, but I can't say why this happens, sadly.. 5.) Sometimes enemies doesn't seem to be "hostile" to us.. I (mission maker) was definitely NOT in ghost mode, but there were bunch of enemies being aware und running around in combat stance but not returning fire to me or my teammates.... (maybe we somehow turned to guerilla with positive standing towards CSAT?? Don't know) Seems to happen to CSAT forces which spawn later on.. at least the "first batch" of CSAT forces was hostile to us. 6.) This one I don't know if it's intended or not: Within the 3d editor, the collision detection is active.. meaning I can kick "things around" with the actual selected objected I want to place. This is very annoying if you place something bigger, because instantly after placing you have the next copy of the object attached to your 3d cursor. and this thing kicks the just placed object violently aside.... This one is reproducable for me anytime! So, 2 out ouf 6 issues are reproducable on my side... not too good I guess, but better than nothing... Hope that helps!
  4. May they have a damage model for this thing and it has been damaged? Well, even when it works, its almost useless, pure guesswork hitting something.. Is this really intended?? Are "real electronic sights" THIS bad? Even more funny: If you get a vehicle with a machine gun and not a grenade launcher, then there is no crosshair on the screen... (?)