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Everything posted by RuecanOnRails

  1. Have you tried entering the server IP to join? Instead of going through the list, add it as a new server. You can also try to use Play WithSIX.
  2. RuecanOnRails

    RPG Causing problems

    Hmm, that's an interesting problem. If I had to guess, I'd say your PSU is not delivering enough power to the gpu to render the explosion. What GPU and PSU do you have? You can check Event Viewer in custom views > Administrative Events to see if any sort of errors occurred before the crash. Because the computer literally powers off immediately, I don't think it's a software issue. Usually software issues cause a second or two of freeze then display a blue screen with the related error.
  3. RuecanOnRails

    Optimizing Graphics

    PhsysX is required for the game to run. However it's not the invasive power hungry PhysX that many assume. It's relatively light and works on the CPU ONLY. RAMDisk can increase performance assuming you have enough ram to cover all or a majority of the constantly read files. If you want to find out what files are being read, look into setting up process monitor to analyze 10 minutes of your normal gameplay then export the data to a spreadsheet to get total I/O's per file and set up your own personalized set up. You might be better off installing the game onto an SSD if you don't have the ram to spare. The performance gain will be fairly similar.
  4. RuecanOnRails

    Stuck running

    http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=739 Please upvote if you like. You can also search/post other issues you have found on the tracker. It's the quickest and easiest way for a dev to see and fix it.
  5. RuecanOnRails

    SLI Utilization Issues

    The main reason people aren't taking your issue seriously is simply because you used and defended the common mistake... "Game A can run at X settings, So game B should run at that too!!" The Arma series can not be compared in ANYWAY to other games. It's simply in a league of it's own which is why the only acceptable argument is "Arma 3 is running worse than arma 2" at which point people can then help. You also never asked for help in setting up config files, but rather said the game is broken and needs to be fixed as the fault could not possibly be on your end. The Arma series does not use any sort of "canned" or forced settings to ensure a specific fps across the board where low = low end gaming machine and ulttra = enthusiast gaming machine. Instead Arma gives the player FULL control over settings and optimizations. You need to go through an create your own personal settings that work for you. Reduce a few things while pumping up others as you see fit, balancing looks with performance. These settings are NOT accessed by the in-game menu. Rather through the arma config files and editing via notepad. Arma 2 uses very similar configuration setup. If you look into optimizations for Arma 2 and applied them to arma 3, there's decent chances you will improve your overall experience. Arma 3 streams content from your hard drive. Try running it off of an SSD if possible, you will instantly get faster LOD loading. You can also look into adding a few of the constantly accessed files to a ramdisk. Set up process monitor to analyze your gameplay ofr a few minutes to see what's being read, loaded/unloaded, and overall amount of I/Os.
  6. I think this is a problem with windows and extended displays allowing free mouse movement if cursor is available. doing a quick google search I came across this link. while I haven't tried anything that is suggested it may help. http://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/15751/when-extending-my-desktop-across-multiple-monitors-how-can-i-limit-my-mouse-t
  7. RuecanOnRails

    Please use the full spectrum of Steam

    Yet another steam thread... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?138343-Steam-discussion&highlight=steam My views on steam are, it's great for core game distribution and that's it. I really don't want to see any further integration with steam works, steam friends, vac, etc. For my mods and addons, I greatly prefer the "fan sites" where I can download and manage everything myself. End of the day I have several versions of Arma with various mods loaded up for different missions and play style. Steamworks would turn it into a simple click and go disaster making it a pain to keep dozens of different mod combinations. VAC can not handle Arma, it's way too complex. BattleEye does an amazing job with previous arma titles and will continue to do an excellent job in the future. (look up threads on why battle eye was chosen versus other anti cheat)
  8. Hey guys, I stumbled onto a new cloud service similar to dropbox but offers much larger with a free account. It includes a really clean looking desktop and mobile app with full support. If you sign up under my referral link we both get an extra 5GB. (new account 20GB) (yes, that is my incentive for posting, I'm not trying to hide that) https://copy.com?r=VqPQGz If you want to sign up but don't want to help me or yourself you can do that too. (new account non referral 15GB) https://copy.com I provide both links to give you the choice as I don't want to shove referral links down everyone's throat. :) When it comes to making backups of your personal data, remember 3 things. Redundancy, Security, and Encryption. ~Just figured I'd share this with anyone who missed getting in on other cloud launch promotions.
  9. RuecanOnRails

    New cloud service offering 20GB for new users.

    Nothing really. Just another option. It does have an undelete option which will restore a previously changed or deleted file which could be handy. If you aim it at your current dropbox or google drive folder, it will create double cloud redundancy. The only thing that really separates this one from the others is that for a limited time they have a promotion to build up their user base. They are offering new users 15GB, +5GB if signed up using a referral link for both the new user and the referral. You can get an extra 2GB by retweeting through the webapp. It's a good way to get and build up a decent amount of cloud storage at no cost before the promotion ends. This is comparable to dropbox which offers only 2GB, and 500mb per referral. Right now I have it set to backup my entire phone and a few files locally on my computer.
  10. RuecanOnRails

    New cloud service offering 20GB for new users.

    In order to get the extra 5gb added from the referral you need to do 2 things. 1. Install the app onto your computer. 2. verify the email. If you log into the copy account on their website, click your name and go down to see referrals/bonus status. It should show a pending 5GB with whats missing such as "Waiting for email verification" or "Waiting for install" They also have a option where if you retweet a link you get an additional 2gb Thank you everyone who signed up under my link, I appreciate it very much :) If you don't want to install it, that is fine. You can still use their web app to upload and download files to. The web app is limited to a max of 1gb upload size.
  11. RuecanOnRails

    Launch Game To Second Display

    I don't think there is a way to do it naively with arma 3 at the moment. Arma 3 will launch in full screen to the primary monitor. However you could create a batch file that swaps primary and secondary display. You could even set it up directly to switch primary display then launch arma 3 and wait until arma 3 is closed and switch back. Just doing a quick search for batch file to swap primary and secondary I came across this thread on guru3d. It looks promising. You will need to customize it to your set up. http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?t=258578 If all that is not worth the trouble, you could manually go into your display settings and swap your primary there. When done playing switch it back. ** You could try pressing windows key + P. depending on your version of windows it might work as to swap displays.
  12. RuecanOnRails

    what do you think about the game so far?

    I think the poll choices are a little vague as right now it's hard to say. While the game is shaping up to become the best game in the series, I'd have to give my vote to Arma 2 simply because arma 2 is fully developed with multiple DLC packs, limitless mods and content It's also more familiar to work with. Arma 3's current development state can't be compared to arma 2's current updated with all dlc/expansions. At this moment I can see the potential with how well and quickly expectations are being exceeded. Arma 3 is quickly showing the ability to be the leader of the series. But I can't say that yet, once the game hits a full release candidate state it could very well be true. The modding and feature support just isn't quite there yet because we are still in Alpha development phase. However I voted it as the best arma to date based on where Arma 2 was at this point in development versus arma 3's current overall look, feel, support, and mods. It has in nearly every way built upon and improved every key feature from previous games. There is nothing wrong with performance optimization in Arma 3 besides usual ones from being in development with errors and a constantly changing and evolving code. It has the same performance all previous arma titles if not better. Arma takes a different approach to performance. Instead of locking you down to very limited settings to keep everyone in a certain fps range based on their system. They fully allow the user to create their own ideal playable settings. Just because you crank all setting to max, put view distance to 12k and can't get above 12 fps doesn't mean the game is broken. All that means is you exceeded your own limit of whats playable. You have to adjust settings to your needs, not expectations if very high works in game a,b, and c, doesn't mean very high will work in arma 3. Over time I would like to see performance increases, however I'm not expecting much as it's up to the user to configure their settings accordingly. Perhaps an easier way to change some settings besides opening the config files.
  13. You should send a support ticket to steam to try and get the issue solved. As far as I know steam does NOT disable accounts entirely. They simply block you from purchasing or redeeming anymore games on that account. What kind of evidence do you have that steam has disabled your account and to what extent? And it was not just a case of a stolen steam account. Also buying steam keys from third party sites have a high chance of being obtained using stolen credit cards which is the primary reason behind steam not allowing you to purchase out of "out of region" keys. The games obtained from stolen cards can get disabled but the steam account is still left usable minus those games. You are also banned from purchasing additional games. Solution after contacting steam if they cant resolve the issue is to create a new steam account.
  14. RuecanOnRails

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    There has been no word that the removed functions will stay removed. They may temporarily be removed until the launch of Battle Eye. Why should they waste extra man power fixing hacks in an alpha with no anti-hack measures enabled. It's quicker and easier to temporarily disable problem areas while working on the game until battle eye can take care of people abusing those scripts. With those functions removed we can still fully test what the alpha has to offer.
  15. RuecanOnRails


    I'm pretty sure I'm too late to this thread. However if you have the money and willingness to spend invest it. You can pick up the supporter edition of Arma 3 from BI's store. It includes Arma 3, Arma Anniversary (entire arma and arma 2 collection minus one dlc for arma 2) It also includes all future DLC for arma 3 for free (excluding standalone expansions) http://www.arma3.com/buy The supporter edition not only gives additional support to BI, but it also gives you nearly the entire Arma collection. Which using mods such as All In Arma to play previous titles in arma 3 engine.
  16. RuecanOnRails

    finally got immersed into arma 3

    You could also pick up Arma 2 for added content. combined arms, complete, anniversary, or some other arma 2 package that gets you arma 2, operation arrowhead, and a dlc or two. All in Arma http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?152706-All-in-Arma-(AiA)-TKOH-OA-A2-A1-merge-with-A3 Allows you to combine previous arma content with arma 3. While it's currently only a mod, After full release BI may make a "rearmed" type of dlc like they did with take on helicopters. The content that is offered in Arma 2 is well worth it, the game is a little harder to get used to in terms of jump in and play but the ability to play arma 2 in the arma 3 engine makes it unbelievably good.
  17. RuecanOnRails

    Scafolding glitch

    I'm pretty sure that's not a glitch related to arma 3. Report it in the wasteland forum thread. Also wrong section of forum for reporting bugs.
  18. Other than it getting disabled in the settings, have you tried unplugging and plugging it back in for the game to recognize it again? Try updating drivers/software Reboot your computer. Verify game cache Create a new profile in Arma 3, it will set everything to default for that profile, then try to enable track ir.
  19. RuecanOnRails

    AZERTY keyboards settings

    You should be able to simply go into options then to the key config in arma 3 and rebind all keys to suite your preferable set up.
  20. RuecanOnRails

    Black Screen on Spawn in MP

    Switch over to the dev build of arma 3. You can do that in steam by going into arma 3 properties then selecting beta (something along those lines) I believe there is a sticky thread on how to change between dev and stable.
  21. RuecanOnRails

    Mouse not working for helicopters

    Have you changed the keys in anyway? Give a quick look through your key binding set up, you may have conflicting key somewhere. Have you tried returning them to default?
  22. RuecanOnRails

    Beta - release date?

    The game will go beta, once the developers are ready to make it beta. No sooner, no later. If you go to the page to buy Arma 3 http://www.arma3.com/buy Scroll down to the bottom of the page and read the section under bundle availability. The ALPHA LITE expires June 18. The Supporter edition purchases end July 15 and the Alpha states "5 MARCH - BETA Q2 2013" My best guess is their aiming for june - july beta release. All we can really do is speculate as there are no hard numbers released to the public on expected development roadmap and if they are behind or ahead of schedule.
  23. RuecanOnRails

    ArmA 3 Supporter - distribution of future DLCs

    I don't think there's an answer for this right now. At least I haven't seen it discussed or asked prior. As an owner of the supporter edition I can tell you when I purchased the supporter edition from BI store and activated it in steam. I redeemed the game "Arma 3 Supporter Edition" When I purchased the game again, this time just the standard edition it shows up in steam as "Arma 3 Alpha Retail" Even though in the library for the games, it's listed as just Arma 3 alpha, they are different items. Which leads me to believe you will receive the DLC automatically to the supported edition as it's released. It will not come as a separate steam key, nor as a gift. The additional games arma anniversary and OFP are received as a gift which can be redeemed or sent to a friend. I could be wrong, I'm just speculating. We will have to wait for an official word from a DEV, or just wait and see when the first DLC comes out. (wont be for long time)
  24. RuecanOnRails

    Any chance for default melee weapons?

    I'd like to see some sort of melee option, but not for combat. I'd like to be able to use the stock of my rifle to smash a window prior to throwing a grenade through it.
  25. Loading times wouldn't be too bad for such a large landmass, comparable to possibly to south east asia map from take on helicopters. That map featured 120 x 120 km The seattle map comes in at about half that size. Although those maps lacked a fair bit of detail as they are meant to be seen from the sky, not the ground. I was unaware that there is already a submarine mod for arma 3... Looks like fun. I still stand by my original thoughts that both islands on one map would only be acceptable if they keep the real to life scale and built upon official sea combat. I could only imagine a combination of arma 3 and silent hunter 5