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Everything posted by RuecanOnRails

  1. RuecanOnRails

    Arma 3 Movement in buildings (Buggy?)

    I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the doors are to scale. Carrying all that bulky equipment and running around through small hallways shouldn't be easy.
  2. RuecanOnRails

    ArmA3 may have fried my graphics card...

    It could perhaps be your power supply. I don't see Arma as being the culprit. Rather just coincidental that it died while running arma, could have happened with any demanding game. Searching I found this http://www.evga.com/forums/tm.aspx?m=874078&mpage=1 Not directly the same issue, but it is about someone who had a couple cards fail on them within months. Most people there also speculate the issue was from the power supply. Do you have access to another computer you could try the "dead" card in to make sure it's truly is dead?
  3. RuecanOnRails

    Arma 3 Movement in buildings (Buggy?)

    If you lower your weapon when walking in doors you can move around a lot easier. The weapon is bulky and usually out infront of your character. An easy play to get stuck on walls or windows. There is a rifle collision addon that was made a while back it might be worth checking out. It will automatically lower your weapon if it collides with a wall or other obstruction allowing you more freedom to move around. Then when you are in an open area automatically raise your weapon. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18796
  4. RuecanOnRails

    Problems with movement in game

    I think the issue might be your laptop is not powerful enough to run using the settings you have depicted. (I'm not certain on that, just a first impression) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147391-Will-my-PC-run-this-What-CPU-GPU-to-get-What-settings-What-System-Specifications What video settings are you running under? Do you have many background programs running before you launch the game?
  5. RuecanOnRails

    99% GPU Usage 680?

    Sorry, I'm sure it looked bad right here out of context... However over the past 4 months, he literally has done nothing but complain for the sake of complaining. If you go through his previous posts via profile you will find all his rants, reported posts, and insane theories on Arma. I'm just getting tired of seeing his posts show up being off topic and add nothing to the thread. Yeah, I've always found ways to bring my GPU up to 99/100% usage while gaming even when it's not possible to do so in the game engine. Going through driver settings you can allocate extra resources to further enhancements that the engine just isn't calling for. *With that, I'm done posting in this thread as unless the Original Author posts more questions, this issue is solved in my books.
  6. Best to go complain in the wasteland's developer thread or wherever he hangs out and releases the mission. Arma is built upon community created content, even if that content is poorly optimized (by the mission creator, not Arma devs). They will not implement any sort of moderation of user created content as that would remove all the freedom we currently have. Most of the new users coming to Arma 3, see and assume that every mission available in multiplayer was made and released by the Arma Devs.
  7. RuecanOnRails

    99% GPU Usage 680?

    Actually you are wrong. The game is still using the 50-75% based on computer performance and bottlenecks. The extra 25-50% in usage you see is not from Arma 3. Rather from your nvidia or amd drivers running different anti-aliasing algorithms, additional post processing, and image enhancements. It is not "fake" nor is it a scam being done by Arma 3. You sir, are a horrible troll who does nothing but complain, slander, and try to start fights. None of your posts contribute to anything constructive; Please just leave.
  8. Might be best for him to visit a TECH forum rather than a game community forum ;) While many of us are able to list off suggestions and point out things that will work. Tech specific forums will help you get the most out of your budget.
  9. RuecanOnRails

    99% GPU Usage 680?

    You just have an additional rendering option in your drivers turned on is all. I'm not sure what it is, perhaps a better but more intensive form of AA. You can always try to change settings in your driver profile to see what does what, you might get a few more frames out of it. But if your fully using your gpu I'd suggest keep it at that unless you find you are lagging in game.
  10. RuecanOnRails

    99% GPU Usage 680?

    You shouldn't be able to fry your GPU using stock clocks. If you have overclocked your GPU then you risk instability and eventual damage (very rare) You should be fine, but if you're concerned try running Furmark to stress your GPU to see if it's fully stable under your current settings. Running your GPU at full, is a good thing. It means the resources are being used. While they are likely not being used directly by the engine, you have some other option in your driver details turned on that is analyzing the scene and making visual improvements. That's whats using the extra bit of gpu power when looking at more complex scenes. As for temps directly, I can't say what they run at normally for nvidia cards, but 56 is no where near high enough to burn out your card. You can always make a more aggressive fan profile to bring the temps down a bit if you choose.
  11. Post your computer specs. Make sure your drivers are all up to date. Try running the Dev build right click on Arma 3 > properties > betas > select development build. Verify the game cache Right click on arma 3 > properties > local files > verify integrity of game cache Do you have any mods or addons running?
  12. You should be testing performance in single player, not multiplayer as the servers can cause low fps and lag if they can't handle the load or you are have a high ping. Arma 3 also STREAMS from the HDD with many I/O, which can cause LOD popping, stutter, and general slugishness if your drive cannot keep up with the constant new data needing to be loaded/rendered. The biggest upgrade you could do would be an SSD if you don't already have one. You can also try to set up a ramdisk for some of the constantly read files. And as others have said the game is still in development, bugs issues, and performance may change once it hits final release. Making it hard to recommend some hardware over another or even suggesting upgrades.
  13. RuecanOnRails

    Getting kicked off game on every server.

    Make sure you don't have any addons running. If you have an addon and the server isn't running that addon you will likely be kicked. Check your ping, your internet may be experiencing some issues or slowlness which is giving you a high ping, most servers have a threshold which will boot players beyond a certain ping. You can also try other various servers. Try low/non populated servers as well.
  14. As others have said, PhysX is purely CPU bound. It currently can not use the GPU for PhysX so no need to worry about PhysX with Arma 3 for the time being. The game is entering Beta in 2 days at which point the cost of the game will increase a bit in addition to that, the Alpha Lite you are currently running will be disabled. If you think you may enjoy this game you should pick it up while it's still cheap (ignoring your current issue as that can be solved with some troubleshooting down the road) Back to your issue, are you using a stock cooler for your cpu and is it overclocked? You can try to upgrade the cooler, or bring the clocks down a little. You should also download some sort of overlay so you can constantly monitor your temps and see if cpu is getting too hot. To test if your CPU is stable download and run Prime95 for 45 minutes and watch your temps. If you want to test your GPU's run Furmark. Those two programs will stress your gpu/cpu and heat them up beyond what they should experience during normal gameplay. If they are stable there, then your issue may be elsewhere and not from overheating.
  15. RuecanOnRails

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    The FM and Take On Helicopters has been brought up numerous times, you can do a quick search to find arguments for both sides (nothing that's needed for this thread) My views, are I would love to see the Take On Helicopters flight model brought over, I would fly only on the hardest difficulty. It's not about creating a sub community of E-Peen, but rather a flight model that responds and feels correctly. The aircraft's in TKOH respond somewhat correctly for the situations you put them in. IE you can't do sharp maneuvers without risking heavy damage to your aircraft. I can and I enjoy flying in TKOH on the hardest difficulty with ease because I know how the aircraft will respond with whatever inputs I use. (I of course use a HOTAS control set up). Yes it has a bit of a learning curve for people who don't know how to compensate and adjust trim, but it's a great experience once you do. When I get in a helicopters in Arma 3 I can't fly at all, because it is far to arcade like. I end up having to use my keyboard and mouse to fly and even then I'm a sub par pilot. A perfect world would see both flight models added into the game and a separate difficulty for it when selecting the mission. Allowing mission host's to choose if they want to have a realistic flight model in place, or the current one. It shouldn't be about compromising one or the other, but rather combining both into a situation that allows the mission host to have some more in-depth control over difficulty ranges. The issues with that is all the extra coding required for the AI to behave correctly in each difficulty. It's also very time consuming adding all the physics to each aircraft. The future will let us know. If not at release, hopefully with the eventual re-armed addon which officially combines previous titles.
  16. RuecanOnRails

    Arma 3 Graphic or texture problem 1

    So this issue occurs only at night, everything works 100% during the day? Being unable to replicate the issue on my end I'm not sure what else I can suggest trying. Did the game ever work fine previously? Or have you had this issue since you purchased? Have you tried switching between stable and dev build? I think the Beta will be hitting the dev build in a few hours, perhaps try that. It might somehow include a fix. Another thing you can try, although I don't believe it will help if you're issue only occurs at certain times during the gameplay and it's likely a config or game issue. Re-install your graphics card driver. Download your latest driver and uninstall your current one using driver sweeper to remove every last bit of it. http://www.guru3d.com/content_page/guru3d_driver_sweeper.html Don't forget to make a feedback post for others to vote up if they experienced the same issue, or found a fix previously. http://feedback.arma3.com/my_view_page.php
  17. RuecanOnRails

    Arma 3 Graphic or texture problem 1

    Looks like a possible conflict from an addon/mod. I know you went into your extensions folder and showed they were all unticked, but one may have slipped through the cracks and changed certain config files. Verify your game through steam to make sure there are no corrupt files. Try a full game re-install, including your config files. Have you always experienced this issue? did it only just start happening? Did you make any changes to hardware or software right before the issue?
  18. RuecanOnRails

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    The whole Physx argument has been done so many times on this forum, don't think it needs to be thrown into the dev branch discussion.. I would like to add to it while its hear though, PhysX in it's current state is a complete sham. The only reason it gives a benefit over AMD cards is because it's entirely closed source to run off very specific proprietary hardware. NVidia purposely keeps it closed source to ensure a false advantage in "features". It is essentially used to lock out features from their competition, to me it just feels wrong and hurts the gaming world overall. AMD's approach to physics, has been to develop and keep all their physics open source allowing easy creation/modification and cross hardware compatibility. Personally I refuse to support PhysX games until one of two things happen. One, they go open source to allow AMD or other future GPU manufacturers the ability to convert the PhysX code to their own equivalent hardware. Two, they market and sell dedicated PhysX cards. At this time, Dedicated physx cards are not a viable option. They not supported and patches roll out to block them happen with every driver update. Meaning at any moment they could be locked out for good. It's a constant struggle for hybrid physx solutions. If an amd card is detected in your system, GPU PhysX gets DISABLED entirely. I would gladly buy an official dedicated PhysX card if one was available and supported. Nvidia also requires some pretty hefty contracts in order to implement PhysX into games. No one knows the details for it to be used in Arma 3, however I wouldn't doubt somewhere in the fine print it forbids allowing the use of PhysX and an AMD equivalent solution to be used allowing a complete feature set across all compatible hardware. Why not choose AMD GPU physics, TressFX, OpenCL, DirectCompute, Bullet, for particles and keep nvidia physx for current ragdoll, and vehicles? Those are open source allowing Nvidia cards to run them as well. Unlike the current situation with PhysX and AMD. The whole argument is not about one brand of cards being better or having an advantage over the other. It's about accessibility of technology/features. Developing content that can only be used by one hardware manufacturer is alienating half of your community. This is very apparent when there are possibly not as advanced, but equally adequate methods of particles physics which can be used by all instead. In other notes, I still find the AI is a little too slow in close quarter combat. The ability to run near them without being shot due to their turn and tracking speed is still present. I saw the update to adjust shots at large distances, hopefully we'll soon see their ability to turn and aim at the enemy with more accuracy at 10 feet away.
  19. RuecanOnRails

    Why Altis might be way too big...

    Linus, of Linustechtips did a great overview and test run *pun intended* of the Omni. It's also ONLY for PC. Check it out here There is more than enough movement and sensors to allow leaning, crouching, and other various stances (you won't be lying down, but you can crouch and lean forward to equal prone) I'd still need to use my keyboard though ;)
  20. RuecanOnRails

    lag spikes every 4 seconds

    it may be from your HDD unable to keep up with the demands of I/O. If possible try to get an SSD (worth every penny) You can try to use ramdisk and symbolic links to move some of the larger and heavily accessed files to it. Or move the entire game to a ramdisk. Make sure you HDD is not past 75% full, as you will begin to see slower and slower performance based on where the data is physically written to the disk. Defragment your HDD. It might be that your files are so fragmented in order to load a texture, your drive has to search hundreds of different locations. When it comes to performance in multiplayer. It is heavily reliant on the SERVER, and not your specs. If the server is hosting many people with a poorly optimized mission then you will likely have more problems versus only a few people with a well written mission. As you said, your single player works fine. which leads me to believe it's likely your choice in servers. Try to find one or two that work well for you and stick to playing on those for a more stable playing experience. Also if you're playing on a wasteland server, that would be the cause of your lag spikes. Wasteland is not greatly optimized and the servers hosting it are usually under-powered for the amount of player slots they offer.
  21. RuecanOnRails

    SLI Utilization Issues

    Don't forget to override the auto detect with a start up parameter to ensure you are getting the proper number of cores when running the game. -cpuCount=X I also believe the game assigns certain tasks to different cores. So unless you are meeting the demand of each task your cpu usage will appear lower. Such as AI having it's own core to work with. Try making a benchmark mission. And Just a heads up, this thread is heading towards being closed. Original discussion of SLI has been "solved" as the issue is with card manufacturer driver support and not scaling across multi gpu's. If you want, go into your graphics card settings and turn on some bells and whistles to give the gpu's more to do, That should bump the usage up higher while keeping the same FPS and look nicer.
  22. RuecanOnRails

    RPG Causing problems

    You might be able to ignore the problem, as long as it's only happening with RPG's while looking through the scope. Might change with Beta and the 3D Scopes. If you can get a hold of another PSU to test, it might be worth checking before buying a new one. You could also try to install your gpu into another computer and see if it works there. If you have a pcie 1x to 16x or some other riser laying around (probably unlikely) You can hook the gpu into any PCI/E slot. It won't offer the maximum bandwidth but for testing purposes you could still stress and cause the gpu to pull max power. If you decide to look into getting a new power supply, check with Jonny Guru's reviews. Top PSU review site out there, if they say a PSU is good, it truely is good. http://www.jonnyguru.com/modules.php?name=Search
  23. RuecanOnRails

    RPG Causing problems

    worrying, perhaps. But closer to a solution :) Now that we know the problem is caused when the gpu is under full load we can begin troubleshooting to find the exact problem. Try moving the GPU to a different slot and ensuring the 6 pin power cables are fully plugged into the card, and the power supply. If you motherboard has a 6 pin power connector beside the PCI slots, make sure you have one plugged in. it's used as an auxiliary power source when the pci slots are put under stress. The GPU can pull an additional 75W from the slot itself.
  24. RuecanOnRails

    No multiplayer

    (Possible solutions below are in no particular order, just whatever I think of trying first, feel free to try the quickest ones first) First thing to do, verify game cache by going into the properties in steam and clicking verify game cache. That will make sure you have no corrupted files. Secondly try changing between Dev and Stable build. If there was an error updating from one to the other, changing back and forth should fix that. Third, make a new soldier, perhaps your current profile has something wrong with it and making a new one may fix it. If you originally used an Alpha Lite key before purchase, check to make sure you didn't re-install the Lite version of the game as it has no multiplayer support. It should be listed in your steam library with two entries one labeled arma 3 alpha and the other arma 3 alpha lite. One quick way to check, is to go into the mission editor place a player down then try to save the mission. The alpha lite does not allow saving, if you can save you are using the correct version. You can also try to join a server using Play WithSIX http://play.withsix.com/ Other than that, are you able to elaborate a little on your issue? Are you not able to join any servers, are there no servers at all, are you unable to see the server listing, do any errors pop up, are using or have any mods installed/turned on? If all else fails, you can create a post on the feedback site http://feedback.arma3.com/
  25. RuecanOnRails

    RPG Causing problems

    A 750W should be more than powerful for a single card. A 750 can get away with a 3 card sli if you push it. One easy way to check the power supply is to do a cpu and gpu stress test at the same time. Use Prime95, and Furmark http://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/furmark.html http://files.extremeoverclocking.com/file.php?f=103 Let those ramp up for a little bit, that should pull nearly max from your gpu, cpu, as well as testing the ram. You can try to move the GPU to a different PCIE 16x slot if you have a free one available. Perhaps it's something to do with the pcie slot? Of course, since it's only happening in Arma 3, it could be caused by arma 3. Try switching between the Dev build, and the Stable build. Have you tried verifying the game cache? perhaps try to re-download the entire game. Make a backup of your current install then allow steam to re-download. Worst thing could be not firing a rocket while looking down the scope ;)