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About GloryAndPain

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  1. GloryAndPain

    Insurgency | ALiVE - Official Release

    Thanks for the great mission Hazey, a big part of some excellent CQB ops we do now. Looking forward to the next update. Been a challenge to hash through quirks and bugs, but expected in something as complex as this. A couple notes: - Respawn disabled bug still prevalent, can't seem to determine core cause, but feels like it greys out more if I'm doing things that lead to negative scores. - Altis is to heavy a map for it. 30+ people and a cqb module worth fighting is simply too much, seems to break due to load. - Cherno works if you go RHS Russians and treat it like an conventional occupation rather than CQB intel search. - VVS works great, use it all the time. Questions: - Zeus likes to cake out and quit after a time, anyone else get that a lot? - Noob questions: Can I have multiple MHQ's without issue? I made the boxes invulnerable, but stuff happens, like dropping it in water. (zeus breaks a LOT) Wishlist: - RHS to index their air units in groups, so I can have an AI commander run the air war separately. - Some easier way to implement spawn-off-map enemy air at regular intervals unless X is taken or captured (some TAOR marker ideally) - Separate modules for Air vs Armored, so we can be more granular in their implementation and deployment like the CQB module Most issues are due to my knowledge I think, so I won't call them bugs until I can be sure. Great work again Hazey!
  2. GloryAndPain

    ATLAS Mod: LHD Plus

    Demo Mission with assets (includes VVS/w RHS and x_reload) mission only requires LHD mod to work. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xvluplp6fvagp5a/LHD_Implementation.Stratis.pbo?dl=0 Guide and Overview to implementing LHD: https://youtu.be/RUIUd2Xge2k
  3. GloryAndPain

    ATLAS Mod: LHD Plus

    I fought through getting this working on my ALiVE insurgency map, thought I would throw my efforts back where google can index them for others to find and have an easier time. A lot of the concepts needed to make this work are spread throughout many disparate posts from long-inactive editors, this should help consolidate some of that and help new mission editors. Any improvements or additional fixes, I'd love to hear as much as anyone else. :) Important code: Code added to VVS fn_spawnVehicle.sqf to help out elevation issues: _position set [2,0.5]; // sets spawn height of VVS VVS initialization: this allowdamage false; this addAction["Virtual Vehicle Spawner",VVS_fnc_openVVS, this addAction["Virtual Vehicle Spawner",VVS_fnc_openVVS,["VVS_all_1","All"]]; ["VVS_all_1","All"]]; Elevation function (top deck setting) this setPos [getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1, 17] Automatic vehicle teleport zone function (this one was hard to find), works for players too: {_x setPosATL getPosATL LHD_out} forEach thisList Present of this date issues: - LHD flight deck VVS spawn cannot remove vehicles, as they are being teleported there, so they will clip if not cleaned up or managed. - LHD deck is fine for choppers to roll around, even with advanced model on, but aircraft clip into seams, not usable for fixed wing as they clip, get hung and take damage - Walls and gates/fences are deadly, don't walk into them. - Keep moving on elevators to avoid clipping. - Some objects don't like staying on the LHD regardless (Portable Helipad lights for eg.) Demo Mission and Video guide in next post. (since this is my 1st post)