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Everything posted by EO

  1. Regarding changes to GUI/HUD, everything checks out fine in 1.01 as it did in 1.00 for my 2560x1440 screen resolution. (Interface size: Small)
  2. The phantom is a scripted creation and not part of Ravage, I was just lucky enough be be given the chance by @haleks to test out his unreleased mission concept recently, hence the screenshots.
  3. Maybe not so, these guys were scripted by haleks...
  4. No issues with HUD/GUI. Resolution: 2560x1440
  5. Played a little more today....man this is so cool my head is spinning! It feels like a total conversion mod. It's taking me a wee while to suss out the systems and tools available, the diary entries are invaluable, but it's also been cool to try and learn the systems using the GUI menu. Some kind of enhanced leap or jump feature would be alien cool. My only gripe is the VR Entity as player avatar, it's a little jarring against the Tanoa shrubbery so I'm playing in first person, maybe it's just a placeholder but some kind of different avatar would also be welcome. Speaking of Tanoa, this mission feels like it could be ported to other terrains, I'd like to play this on Altis. I really hope you gain enough feedback to feel the need to continue development of DT, you seem to be able do that very rare thing in Arma....pleasing the SP crowd!
  6. In the mood for RDR2... Mods: Kholm, DBO Horses, CUP.
  7. Really enjoying the mission, lots of interesting tools to play with. Just one question so far, is there any criteria for successful mind control?....all my early attempts are failures.
  8. Saturday night all wrapped up. Thanks!
  9. Very nice George!.....that scuzzied overlay will really compliment those bashed up helmets.
  10. Press Helmets Armor Level II comes in handy... Adding in some bullet holes.
  11. Press Helmets... Last couple of Racing Helmets... Tinted the Eye Protectors...
  12. Hard to believe this is the born from the same game we all know and love, a bona fide Total Modification.
  13.  EO


    Speaking of which, here are a few teaser pics showing some of the retextured gear assets (headgear, backpacks, vests), to hopefully enhance the vanilla Ravage experience...
  14.  EO


    @RZNUNKWN, if you want to have minefields within a Ravage scenario, why not activate them via a trigger. Place down a minefield module, within the minefield module replace the "TRUE" condition with... triggerActivated myTrigger Place down a trigger named "myTrigger" then sync it to the minefield module. I'm pretty certain this solution won't conflict with the Ravage Clean-up system.
  15. A few more racing helmets... Again, like the Skate Helmet, these racing helmets are worth the addition for that Armour Level I they provide.
  16. Sorry to veer of topic here but this piqued my interest. ^^ How does one achieve this?
  17.  EO

    Welcome to Glasgow

    Sullen Skies pbo waiting in the wings....
  18. Love the look of those covers. Good job! This may be good starting point for adding hiddenselection to your CfgModels config... https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Config_Properties_Megalist#hiddenSelections.5B.5D
  19.  EO


    @RZNUNKWN, Regarding the aforementioned Enhanced Inventory Mod, it's mag repack feature will still work when resuming a SP save, assuming of course you started the mission with Enhanced Inventory already loaded. Some of it's features won't work if you try and add the mod to a pre-existing mission, you have to introduce the mod to a fresh mission.
  20. Got lucky with the racing helmet, that was my first attempt but it seems to have turned out well. ^^ I think the reason i got it out so quick after George's request was the process I'm using for these retextures, you can probably see from all the recent screenshots that their is a particular "look" and color palette to all the gear on show here, so using GIMP, I can take a vanilla texture template and after a few clicks here and there a new addition is born!
  21. Looking real good, I can imagine those trees will look epic amongst some mountain valley fog.
  22. Thx for the cool feedback and suggestions guys!....all are duly noted. The significance of this picture is I finally managed to configure the Leg Strap as a backpack. (as well as a vest)
  23.  EO


    It's worth noting that most but not all A3 structures have an ambient furniture composition created for them. The Tanoa military barracks most likely don't have one yet, which is why it won't spawn any furniture. Regarding your second issue with loot spawning at the corner of the map, that's a new one for me and not something I've experienced myself, I reckon that's coming from an outside influence and nothing to do with how the Ravage systems operate. The only advice I can give when building a mission around the Ravage modules is to start from vanilla (i.e. Ravage/CBA) from there add any other mods or scripted enhancements one at a time, testing as you go. Doing it in reverse seems the wrong approach imho.
  24. Camoed Skater Helmet... Cool or ridiculous?.... Personally I think they are worthy of a few variations, that Armor Level I they carry is not to be sniffed at.