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Everything posted by EO

  1.  EO


    If opening doors and gates becomes a major pain in the ass during your survival scenario, then this is a must have... ...download link in video description.
  2.  EO


    @librameister, Ravage was updated just recently on October 9th, here is the changelog for v161...
  3. It does throw an error on mission start... ...although it doesn't effect the functionality of the script, the on/off addactions are there and work well....
  4. A perfect script followed by a beautiful song. (it's one of my favorites too) Thank you very much George.
  5.  EO


    Cool mod indeed. ^^ The weapon jamming script in haleks Dust mission is equally cool too, I've been compromised a fair few times now with that dreaded dry click, click, click...
  6. Maybe just as well JBOY created this one....VD BushCutter sounds itchy and painful.
  7. Nice! Predator jungle fantasy FTW
  8.  EO

    Rosche, Germany

    Really cool map, the German countryside is quite wunderbar! May i suggest some more bird ambience... ...alternatively i'd be happy to upload an Ambient Birds for Rosche.
  9.  EO

    Thank you BI [2018 Roadmap Update]

    Pretty disappointed "Old Man" has been put on the back burner, another blow for the Single Player base, when this carrot was dangled back in June i took a full bite. Reading between the lines I'm not so sure it will ever see the light of day...it's a very guarded and circumspect statement from BI, especially when it seems to have been replaced at the last minute with a regurgitated 3 year old MP mode. I do hope they can overcome these design challenges...
  10. Agreed. ^^ However I'd hoped R* would have given us more "sandbox" options to tinker with....how I long for the ability to slow down the time acceleration just a little, it currently passes way to fast at the moment. It's my only real bugbear with a game that is nothing short of a perfect single-player experience. I'm not so sure I would feel the need to play this again if it ever came to PC, I'm also playing on an Xbox One X coupled with a 4K OLED and it looks just drop dead gorgeous so I'm not sure what value a PC version could bring to what I'm experiencing right here and now.
  11. @FallujahMedic -FM- or @R0adki11 are your best bet, just give it a little time and they should do the business for you.
  12.  EO


    Regarding the Ambient Zombie module, have you tried setting the Sun Factor to "No"....the default setting is "Yes" which will decrease zed spawn during daylight hours.
  13. Is this a trick...or a treat??? Great stuff as usual johnnyboy Happy Halloween!
  14.  EO


    Anyone else replicated the bug found by @LSValmont? I just tried loading the test mission but it requires CUP, always thought the best practise for bug hunting was vanilla style, Ravage/CBA. Maybe I'll try uploading a vanilla mission to my dedicated server to see if the bug can be replicated there, my first impression was that the mission being hosted locally was the problem..just speculation.
  15. Interface Size: Very Small [[2560,1440,902,677,1.77778,0.47],[24,24,12],[24,24,12],true] Interface Size: Small [[2560,1440,1056,792,1.77778,0.55],[24,24,12],[24,24,12],true] Interface Size: Normal [[2560,1440,1344,1008,1.77778,0.7],[24,24,16],[24,24,16],true] Interface Size: Large [[2560,1440,1632,1224,1.77778,0.85],[24,24,20],[24,24,20],true] Interface Size: Very Large [[2560,1440,1920,1440,1.77778,1],[24,24,24],[24,24,24],true]
  16. Mods: Island 51, DBO Horses, CUP, Sullen Skies.
  17.  EO


    I'll do the test if you pay my power bill...
  18.  EO


    Given the time required to replicate the "bug" I'll pass on this particular test, sorry.
  19.  EO


    @LSValmont, Have you tried that same test on a vanilla terrain? Altis for instance.
  20. Genuinely wasn't sure how well this would be received, but a fair few folk seem to like the pack, so I'll continue to work on it from time to time. Messenger Bags... I'm currently trying to, unsuccessfully, modify the config to add some Facewear items to either the Headgear slot or the NVG slot.....DRIVING ME CRAZY!
  21. I'm guessing so, not really my field, i'm just suggesting an alternative. If it helps here is the init.sqf for the "Hide Terrain Object" module...
  22. Does it have to be a scripted solution? There's the option of the "Hide Terrain Objects" module.
  23. @Starker, this report should have been posted here.
  24.  EO


    I've played Ravage from the very first version right through to the current one, I think most of my longest playthroughs were before the returnDays function was added so I can't put a firm number on it, however I can recall a few years ago i had my own private server for a few months and uploaded the Altis demo mission with a few tweaks, one of them being no time acceleration so the mission played out in real time, the server also persistent so the mission kept rolling even when i was disconnected. I played out that mission for nearly 10 days, before succumbing to rad poisoning. I loved the fact the server ran in real time, so my night-time sessions were played out in the dark and vice-versa for my daytime sessions. Those 10 days were definitely my golden Ravage memory......(with the possible exception of the Ravage MP testing period)
  25.  EO


    Yeah man, for sure a gasmask on it's own will give an element of protection. I think the guy over at the Steam Workshop who posed the question knew about gasmask protection, it was gear other than gasmasks he was unsure about.