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Everything posted by EO

  1. At first I was kinda pissed that this project wasn't AI friendly, now i'm like f**k the AI.
  2. Creepy and awesome in equal measure. ^^
  3. It's a no-brainer, he should either be called "Bill" or "Mr. Hicks".
  4.  EO

    Weather Effects Ravage

    Looks like you have built upon the original script in a constructive and respectful way, thanks for sharing.
  5.  EO


    I'm not so sure about this, above my pay grade i'm afraid, maybe someone else can answer this for you. It's also possible the building your using may not even be covered by the ambient furniture script, if i recall correctly most buildings received a furniture compositions, but not all of them.
  6.  EO


    Just add the building classname to the Structures Blacklist found within the Loot System module. Works perfectly for hand placed buildings too.
  7.  EO

    (Coop 1-3) New Year's surprise

    First off, this is a really superb stealth mission, from the date, time and weather settings through to the winter outfits, it oozes a cool frosty ambience. My lone wolf play through was tough but very satisfying. The stealth mechanics on offer here makes this mission as good as any Metal Gear or Splinter Cell vignette.
  8.  EO

    (Coop 1-3) New Year's surprise

    Looking forward to playing this later tonight...
  9.  EO


    What aspect will Zombies and Demons bring to the party?
  10.  EO


    An oldie but a goodie... Merry Xmas folks.
  11. Very nice post Uro, sentiments shared by all.
  12. @R0adki11, @FallujahMedic -FM- Just curious as to why the Unsung Mod thread is currently locked....
  13. Yes that's the thread i'm on about. ^^ (I've edited my original post, it was linked to Delta thread)
  14.  EO

    GF Sea Uniforms

    Yay! I can finally see them now! I was having the same issue as the other guys, but all good now. Nice work on those textures man.
  15. This looks awesome, especially the lore/backstory. MP project?...or is it being designed with AI in mind?
  16. Pics in the album are utterly fantastic.
  17.  EO

    ANZINS Terrain

    Tanoa running EO Real 3... Lythium running EO Real 3... Nice work Defunkt!
  18.  EO

    Rosche, Germany

    Ambient Birds for Rosche.
  19.  EO


    @AlexD1, here is a handy list of vanilla gear that Ravage uses for radiation protection. https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/183264-ravage-mod/?do=findComment&comment=3319950
  20.  EO

    [Release] Auto Run Script

    @Donnie_Plays If your still using Ravage these days, why not use it's autowalk/run feature...
  21. Regarding that very cool "First Snow" video, is that a scripted transition or an actual in-game transition? Edit...YT comments have provided the answer.
  22.  EO


    “The world is like a ride in an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. The ride goes up and down, around and around, it has thrills and chills, and it's very brightly colored, and it's very loud, and it's fun for a while. Many people have been on the ride a long time, and they begin to wonder, "Hey, is this real, or is this just a ride?" And other people have remembered, and they come back to us and say, "Hey, don't worry; don't be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride." Well, I've loved every minute of this ride. All the best for the future my friend.
  23.  EO


    @chrispools, the Save system module will only allow unlimited saves from the main Arma 3 menu, the in-game quick save option you refer too is part of the demo mission, a Radio Alpha trigger executed by the options.sqf.... _radio=createTrigger["EmptyDetector",[0,0]]; _radio setTriggerActivation["Alpha","PRESENT",true]; _radio setTriggerStatements["this","0=[] execVM 'ravage\code\scripts\system\options.sqf'",""]; 1 setRadioMsg "Options";