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Everything posted by EO

  1. There are already a few of those in the pack. ^^
  2. Something like this...
  3. Working on another unused vanilla civilian model and texture, I'll slip these into the Civilian Expansion soon... Next up will be some armed factions.
  4.  EO


    Hey Ravagers, if your interested in adding a little more civilian variety to your missions I have just released a Civilian Expansion to compliment my gear pack.
  5. I, on the other hand love crows....so i'm super-stoked that this feature has been included. How about the possibility of adding startled crows, like a random chance of the player startling a few crows as he brushes past a bush or tree, or maybe the first crack of gunfire.... Another one for you, forgive me i'm on my first strong coffee of the morning, bees or flies spawning in and around garbage piles... And speaking of civilians, I literally just released a Civilian Expansion to compliment my gear pack, feel free to add support for them if you find the time mate.
  6. Ravaged and Frithified Gear has been updated. Added a European themed Civilian Expansion: 20 unique civilians created using a mixture of Ravaged and Frithified gear plus vanilla assets. They can be found in Eden under the Civilian tab > EO Civilian Expansion. Designed with the Civilian Presence modules in mind. Add this piece of code to the main Civilian Presence module in the "Code On Unit Created" box: _this setUnitLoadout selectRandom ["EO_Hoodie_4","EO_Retro_1","EO_Retro_2","EO_Tee_1","EO_Tee_2","EO_Jacket_2","EO_Tee_3","EO_Jacket_1","EO_Tattoo_1","EO_Shirt_1","EO_Shirt_2","EO_Jacket_3","EO_Hoodie_1","EO_Tee_5","EO_Hoodie_2","EO_Hoodie_3","EO_Retro_3","EO_Tee_4","EO_Tattoo_2","EO_Shirt_3"]; A 100% Bermuda Shorts and Sandals Free Zone.
  7. The next update will be a European style Civilian Expansion... They will all be available under the Civilian category in Eden, and designed with the Civilian Presence modules in mind.
  8.  EO


    I really enjoyed watching this evolve over in the GM discord. Your an amazingly prolific maker of beautiful micro-terrains.
  9. @FoxFort, you can click on the Contact icon in the main menu, from there you can see what assets are tagged as "Premium Content".
  10. They can....https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1114594249
  11. The CP module predetermines what kind of civilians are spawned based on the terrain, you can manually add your own civvies via the main CP module, from the Wiki... These 2 attributes allow the for definition of custom code that gets called when unit is spawned / despawned by the CP system. Example: Apply random loadouts from CUP Units mod to civilians... _this setUnitLoadout selectRandom ["CUP_C_TK_Man_05_Waist","CUP_C_TK_Man_06_Waist","CUP_C_TK_Man_01_Coat", "CUP_C_TK_Man_08_Waist", "CUP_C_TK_Man_03_Coat","CUP_C_TK_Man_01_Jack", "CUP_C_TK_Man_06_Jack","CUP_C_TK_Man_03_Jack","CUP_C_TK_Man_03_Jack"]; Apply random identity... [_this, selectRandom ["TO_C03_Pilot","TO_C03_Medic","TO_C03_Collins","RC_B_HQ"]] remoteExec ["setIdentity", 0, _this]; .
  12. So cool to see crows make an official appearance.
  13. While this is nice to see, in reality it's still very disappointing using the CP modules with the civilian loadouts as they currently are.... Please can the civilian outfits be changed from the shorts and sandals combo to something more fitting the Livonia terrain.
  14.  EO


    @haleks, I only mention this as it was a passing thought while playing this Ravage/Warlords hybrid...It's nice to be be able to call in the Ravage survival crates, but what's really missing is a Uniforms crate with some Ravage gear inside.....
  15.  EO


    You can see from the screenshots they are part of my squad, so I use them like regular squad AI. Move There, Regroup etc. are all available. I turn they're visual detection to 0 so they don't turn on me.... Edit: Contact DLC adds a new Looters faction which is perfect for the occupied sectors, they all spawn in with civvy gear, no military stuff.......at least not until you try for the Airport, that's where the Spetsnaz are.
  16.  EO


    Yeah man, all good fun... I can use command points to spawn in the ravage supply crates too. It's pretty neat commandeering the zeds, I use them as a distraction while I get the killshots. If i can polish it up a little more I'll upload the scenario.
  17.  EO


    Taking the Warlords scenario and turning it on it's head Ravage style...
  18. @Glow, All things are possible, check the Warlords wiki for customisation. Contact Faction classnames: LDF: IND_E_F NATO Woodland: BLU_W_F Looters: IND_L_F Spetsnaz: OPF_R_F
  19. Add OPF_R_F (which is the faction class for Spetsnaz) to the OPFOR Faction Config in the Warlords Init module.
  20.  EO


    Have you tried.... this setVariable ["BIS_enableRandomization", false]
  21. Stay tuned Boppers...stay tuned.