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Everything posted by EO

  1.  EO


  2. @Temppa, I really love what you've done with Svartmarka, a totally fresh take on a map we all know and love so well. I'm not sure if you want bug reports but while i'm here... [7969,11302.5,0]
  3. Probably the most creative riposte I've seen.
  4.  EO


    It's the Apocalypse man, there's no outboard, just 3 dudes paddling like a motherf*****!!
  5.  EO


    When travelling through the Apocalypse one must find new and innovative ways to get there... @johnnyboy dude, your longboat script is awesome.
  6. Here's hoping the DMCA will be removed, even with sub-standard ground textures these are still really great maps to have in A3. I'm still trying to get my head around a DMCA claim for work that is sourced from the ToH Data License package.
  7.  EO

    South Asia v1.5 No errors!!

    If that's the case I'm really sorry to hear about that.
  8. I can't help you any further beyond this point, my question just seemed the most obvious considering your balaclava is not picking up a new texture through hiddenselections. Have you asked on the Arma 3 Discord, you might get more immediate help there.
  9. Had a blast flying around Seattle last night, thank you for your work...
  10.  EO


    This post has a template for adding your own custom soundtrack via the Ravage Atmosphere module. Welcome to the thread buddy!
  11.  EO

    South Asia v1.5 No errors!!

    Unless you have specific evidence that your work is being uploaded, I don't see the drama here, why can't two similar projects share the same forum/workshop space. It's no different than, for example, the various versions of Chernarus(Redux, Isles, 2035) that co-habit the Workshop. From what I can see both projects have differing feature sets.
  12.  EO

    Arma 3 Sound files .ogg to big

    This is a neat little tool from KK, drag and drop your .ogg files and it generates a CfgMusic config. http://killzonekid.com/tracks2config-and-sound_duration/
  13.  EO


    Now I like the sound of that. ^^ Speaking of dreams, I once dreamed about "Bob"....no really it's true, we both travelled to East City Downs Racetrack on a dangerous mission to release some of his autonomous friends from Bandit slave masters who controlled and made money from these passive bots, making them participate in illegal drone racing.... ....wait, maybe it wasn't a dream after all.
  14.  EO


    Seems wrong to "like" your last post, considering the reference to lost data, that's a real bummer for sure man, sorry to hear about that. ^^
  15.  EO


    I think those functions were once linked to Game Logics that were used as artificial spawn locations for AI. It's possible those functions are now redundant as those Game Logics have since been removed.....I could be wrong though, maybe needs clarification from the main man.
  16.  EO

    [SP] Cope's revenge 3

    For someone who was losing his love for A3, this little gem comes along and restores it. Some real nice gameplay effects, particularly the slow-mo feature, the music is also sublime. Thank you very much for sharing this.
  17.  EO


    Going by the cropped screenshot I'd say that's not normal, Competitor Suit with an Underwear description looks pretty weird, resurrected AI should rise with their original loadout they spawned in with. Are you using any other mods?
  18. Have you tried using the Zombie Blacklist Area module that comes with Ravage? It prevents zombies from spawning in a defined radius.....make sure the Blacklisted area radius is greater than the Zombie spawn radius for it to work properly. You can also try lowering the "Wandering Behaviour" setting in the Ambient Zombie module, that way zeds spawned by the module are much less likely to wander into your Blacklisted area. It's worth noting the default setting for Wandering Behaviour is 90 out of a possible 100, try lowering it to 10.
  19.  EO


    All the dome tents are working fine for me... ...are you using the latest version of Ravage?...if not you might just have to update the "Usable Beds" array in the Survival Module. "rvg_dome_tent.p3d","rvg_dome_tent_blu.p3d","rvg_dome_tent_grn.p3d"
  20.  EO


    My love for Ravage is much stronger than my love for A3, which is slowly ebbing away, (does that make sense?) Some kind of solid Ravage persistence in a dedicated environment would definitely pull me back in. Wishing you guys good luck with your persistence endeavours.
  21.  EO


    @Vandeanson, https://github.com/jakehekesfists/ravage-dmd-edit-chernarusredux