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About Deezmon

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  1. Sorry for the late reply, but I am still having the issue and I am currently running the latest beta patch (103419). Edit: Also, the crashes only happen when loading an image. The image won't try to get downloaded if the .paa file isn't there. Another thing I noticed is that when my name is "[AG] Deezmon" on the server and in the squad.xml is written as Deezmon, only the info shows up on the players screen and the image will never show up unless I change my name to "Deezmon" Edit2: Also, even though I doubt it makes any difference, the Squad.xml works perfectly in the Arma 3 Alpha and the server had been run on the same server box
  2. I've seen various posts on multiple different forums and websites with people having this issue, but no mention of this specific issue that I am having. I had set up the squad.xml for the server that I am currently playing on, and it seems to work perfectly on our separate ACE server as well as on other people's DayZ servers. However when attempting to join my clan's server (US 264), I get stuck on "waiting for host" and then everyone else gets kicked from the server. I am unsure of what exactly is causing the DayZ server to crash but from reading the other forum threads I have to guess that it would have something to do with the MaxCustomFileSize? If anyone has any suggestions as to what I could do to get rid of this issue I would be extremely grateful as it would prevent multiple server crashes on our server. Edit: I had even tried to manually throw in the sqd_logo.paa file into the Tmp2302 folder in the hopes that if it was already downloaded into the server then it wouldn't have to try to download it from the webserver and cause everyone's clients to crash, but that didn't work.