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Everything posted by TomTurbo11

  1. It honestly was very hard to read but I think I get what you are asking: About your first problem: I don't know what you mean, maybe someone else does. I never had this happening to me. Second problem: This isn't going to change. They said that their mod is to be played as a vietnam war mod and if you want to play with other units or other scenarios you will have to disable the mod, because those ambient sounds will always play. Regards
  2. TomTurbo11

    Arma3 Videos

    Hey Guys This is my first Machinima ever. ;) Have Fun
  3. Nice, I'm really looking forward for these.
  4. Nevermind, it works now. Looking forward to try it out =)
  5. "Sorry, no posts matched your criteria. " Thats all I get when I try to download it from your site with this link : http://sfp.granq.se/files/@sfp0232.zip
  6. TomTurbo11

    RH wip Thread

    Ho-lee-sheet, these look amazing, I think, now I know which M4/M16 pack I'm gonna download. ;)
  7. Hey At the moment I'm trying to make some base-feeling at Stratis Airfield. You know, with soldiers patroling and others are talking to each other. Also I'd like one soldier to sit on a bench [Objects (Furniture) ==> Bench]. At the moment, all I get is this I'm doing it with the AI named p1, the bench named b1, and a waypoint with the follwing code: p1 switchMove "Hub_Sitting_Chair_Rifle_A_idle1"; p1 setPos (position b1); p1 disableAI "anim"; If anyone can tell me where my fault is, or can direct me to some sort of guide (because I didn't found one) I would be more than happy :). Regards. EDIT: I tried a little bit more (something about 2 hours :icon_rolleyes: ) but I managed to fix it.
  8. TomTurbo11

    Make an AI sit on a bench

    I use a different code for the vertical positioning, but yours may work too, idk :) I use this for the marker this setPos [getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1, 1.55]
  9. TomTurbo11

    Make an AI sit on a bench

    I found it under: EMPTY ==> Objects (Helpers) ==> Pointer (Cyan) It has the exact same classname as stated in the description. And it works btw. :)
  10. TomTurbo11

    Make an AI sit on a bench

    I would love to continue on my mission, but every time I come back from work, there's a new update (wich is great btw). And with my shitty internet, it takes ages for the download to complete. =)
  11. TomTurbo11

    Make an AI sit on a bench

    This is very cool, gonna check it out, thank you very much.
  12. TomTurbo11

    Make an AI sit on a bench

    Does make sense :) Thats what I got: So as I said, it's sure as hell not perfect, maybe not even good, but it's good enough for me. I placed a Camping Chair and named that b1. Then I placed a Recon Paramedic (named p1) and put this in the Init-Field: 0 = this spawn{_this switchMove "InBaseMoves_SittingRifle2";}; this disableAI "anim"; this disableCollisionWith b1; removeBackpack p1; The removeBackpack p1 is just that the backpack doesn't glitches trough the chair. btw. if anyone has a better solution or ideas for improvment, I would be glad to hear them. :)
  13. TomTurbo11

    Make an AI sit on a bench

    Well at the moment its not perfect, but its good enough for me.
  14. I created a ticket for this. :) http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=12002
  15. TomTurbo11

    UH-99 GhostHawk firing issues

    Well if I never tried this, but if I am the pilot, they shot quit often (not as much as a human but still..). Gonna try it out when I'm home. Btw. The Ghosthawk is the UH-80. The AH-99 is the Blackfoot. :cool:
  16. A little question: What are those grey/black squares on the Map for? Because some players told me that they found them a bit disturbing. Sorry if it's a stupid question. :) Oh and btw. Would it be possible to make sure that the AI does not attack our spawn? Because I don't like being shot at the base. :)
  17. TomTurbo11

    [MP]Taviana ACE Domination

    Geez, this really works. :D Thanks.
  18. TomTurbo11

    [MP]Taviana ACE Domination

    Very nice thing you made, but I have some problems (or maybe I am just stupid :)) I like the Nimitz very much but I don't see how to get the Planes on deck. I can get the plane on the Elevator, but it doesn't have a reverse-gear, so I don't get the FA18 away from the Elevator. I think we would need a Towingtractor, or is there a button I missed? Oh and I think it would be awesome to play the Map with ACRE. Thanks for the Mission anyway