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About Jety2011

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Hi, you're welcome. I came up with the same idea as you a while ago. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with coding. When I'm finished studying in June, and finished visiting every party after gratudation i might take a look at the code and see what I can do. But don't expect to much, because it's more like trial and error if i try to code something :-D. Cheers!
  2. Thanks for this great update! But why releasing it sunday night ;-) I'm at work right now and sooooo tired that i can't even sit straight. :-D Anyway, great mod! Cheers!
  3. Jety2011

    AV_IndUs (US Army inspired units)

    Does this addon use standard arma 3 ammo, or does it use custom create ammo?
  4. Thank you very much! This is a great addon!
  5. Hi, could someone please explain me in detail how to use and get control over an uav? Cheers!
  6. That would be very cool indeed. Came across that yesterday. Before i forget it: Thanks massi for these great addons. Really really good work!
  7. Jety2011

    NATO 5.56 and 7.62 adjustor

    Hi Redfield. Thank you for this great addon. I tried a few things with an eventhandler before I found this one. This far better than using an eventhandler. I always had the problem that the eventhandler had to be assigned to ne spawned units. This is a great mod. Thanks!
  8. Soo. I created a little work around that fixes the alive mod issue. As I say it is just a workaround as I have very limited scripting skills and unfortunately no idea how to make a mod out of a script. So here is what i did: I created a trigger on the map which gets triggered when i call alpha. Make sure you can trigger it mulitple times (more units spawning during mission). Write this in the on activation box: null=[AllUnits] execVM "DAPMAN\Init.sqf"; If the script is in place and you call alpha the script is assigned to the new spawned units. If you think know, why the hell is this guy messing around with this stuff is simple: I really like this script because the ai does heal each other no mather if its blufor or opfor or whateverfor. And they can heal you. I even saw the ai dragging one of their injured units to a save possition (doesn't happen to often but it happens) TIP: If you use the TPW_Mods you can do the following: Disable TPW_bleedout in the config, enable TPW_Fall and set the tpw_fall_falltime to 0. If a unit is hit, it falls to the ground now instead of going prone. In my opinion it is a great future that brings more realism to the gameplay. Cheers!
  9. That's an idea. I'll give it a try. Which link do you mean?
  10. This script does. If an enemy ai is injured the other units of the ai team will try to heal him. But now I experienced a issue with the alive mod. The script doesn't work for units spawned with the alive mod. If I add a group of soldiers manualy in the editor it works with this group but not with the ones spawned by alive (and i guess it won't work with MCC neither). BUT: My idea is to place a trigger across the map which gets triggered everytime a bluefor or opfor unit is detected to assign the dapman-script to the new units to make it work with addons that spawn units during the missions. Maybe with the string from the init: [AllUnits] execVM "DAPMAN\Init.sqf" What do you think? :confused:
  11. Well. I managed to get it to work now. I found out the following: The Dapman script will not work if the unit has a medikit or an firstaidkid in its inventory---> Unit could heal itself. BUT: It worked with one of dapmans missions. That confused me. Here is the solution: 1. In this thread is a link to one of dapmans missions (page 4). 2. Follow the link and download the mission. It is a pack of 3 missions. 3. Unpack one of the ppo's. In the folder you will find the dapman script. 4. Inside the dapman folder (just like the one from the script you can download here) there is a file named woundingmain. This seems do be a different one then the one in the script you can download here. There are variables set for the medikit and the FAK. 5. Replace the woundingmain from the script here with the one from the mission and it should work if everything is in place. If something is not clear, feel free to contact me
  12. Thanks. That's great! I'll give it a try!
  13. Did you manage to get it to work? I gave it a try yesterday. I get the bloodscreen and everything but the units don't become injured. But I also think it has something to do with the medikits. Could this be the line that checks weather there is a medikit/FAK in the inventory?: ? ((!(isPlayer _unit)) and (({((_x == "FirstAidKit")or(_x == "MediKit"))} count _allitems)>0) or (_allmedics > 0))): exit Cheers!