So about two weeks ago I came across a problem where I can't join any servers. I don't remember the original message I was given, but I tried joining friends in Takistan Life and could not. I figured it was just a problem with that MOD. Later on I tried to play just regular ARMA 2 multiplayer and still could not join any servers, my game was up to date with patches and battleye. So I uninstalled both ARMA 2 and OA and reinstalled but that came with no luck. I had mainly been playing DayZ with no problems at all and now I can't even play that, I get messages while loading the game such as - arma 2 oa addon 'dayz_anim' requires addon 'casigns2' and -no entry 'bin config.bin/cfgvehicles/house.scope' while joining the server.
I have searched both of those messages and the suggested fixes haven't worked. Verifying the integrity of the game cache for OA gives me a message that 1 file is missing and will be acquired, but it doesn't seem to. I have ARMA 2 retail and OA on steam and to me it seems that when I download OA that not everything is being downloaded. I get messages from many servers telling me that I had deleted content or files that are required to join, I haven't deleted anything so I don't know why I had that.
I have had these games for quite some time with no issues, but now I can't play online and messing around with the editor gives me with all kinds of messages depending on what I put in. I don't know what to do, following a fix for one problem just leads me to another problem and a bigger headache. I thought about buying both ARMA 2 and OA on steam through the Combined Operations pack but I don't want to spend more money on games I already have especially when it might not fix my problems.