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Everything posted by Zyromkiru

  1. HDR Quality: Standard Texture Quality : Ultra Shadows Quality: High Particles Quality: Very High I have a GTX 660. Only thing I see different is the textures which I have the option of ultra
  2. Zyromkiru

    No friend system?

    I wouldn't expect anything like this in the alpha, at least not for a while if it even will be in the alpha.
  3. Zyromkiru


    ALPHA. also steam basically NEVER refunds unless pre-orders
  4. Zyromkiru

    Anyone else having crashes?

    almost always
  5. Zyromkiru

    PVP heaven..for now

    the controls are better and playable for any fps/tps player
  6. yup happens very often here too..they will fix it im sure
  7. Zyromkiru

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    I see my gpu get ramped up to 99% usage but my cpu I believe has probably only gone to 40%-50% or so. I have a 660 (non-ti) and an i5-3570k and I believe this game favors certain parts FAR more than others and my parts seem to be liked more than others except when I'm in multiplayer...
  8. Zyromkiru


    I gotta admit I usually kill people in 1 hit so.. looks fine to me :) also they said they were trying to make it better although idk if this is the FINAL rag doll or not but time will tell and we have until Q3 to find out :D
  9. Zyromkiru

    Feedback from a good pc

    Okay went back to the last place in editor and the performance there was 50-60 (capped) at all times basically so it's really just the servers. I even spawned about 30 guys in that spot and didn't see much difference really. I have been on some servers and it's just as good as singleplayer but like i said other servers are just garbage and this game is quite optimized really. I do get better performance in Arma 2 BUT when im in town like ares in arma 2 i get about 23 fps where as this game i get about 50-60 so the game is great. I still need to OC my cpu and test the difference but that will come in due time :) or ill just sli although idk if this game handles sli very well or not.
  10. Zyromkiru

    Feedback from a good pc

    This game I would assume would favor an intel cpu like every other game.... My card is weaker than yours but I get pretty good frames... except i found a not so optimized area BUT it coulda been the server I was on.... I do notice this FPS drop at random times as well on servers (some don't)
  11. Zyromkiru

    The Giant Alpha Media Thread

    http://s304.beta.photobucket.com/user/guza44/library/Arma%203 Low->Ultra graphics Also some extra ones
  12. Zyromkiru

    low FPS in multiplayer

    means bad host. on a good server you get no loss
  13. Go into steam groups and join the Arma III official group and join the chat :3
  14. Zyromkiru

    Livestream of Alpha gameplay

    Will be streaming at http://www.twitch.tv/zyromkiru Will start once game is installed, will probably have running while i mess with graphical settings to show how much fps i get and what you might expect. Running at 720p as native res takes a tole when trying to stream good quality. Check Signature for Status FPS will be 30 at first and may pause live stream to up it to 60 FPS if I get lucky but since I have no idea how optimized the game will be lets assume it will stay 30 fps for now. OS: Windows 7 64-bit GPU: Nvidia 660 GTX CPU: i5-3570k Ram: 8GB DDR3 1600
  15. Zyromkiru

    Supporter Edition DLC Includes?

    well they did put this on the store page: In my opinion not promising enough really but that's just because I have no real reason to spend near $100 on the game. I'll buy them as I go since dlc isn't enough for me to buy the supporter and older games as a bonus lack interest from me as i will be playing Arma III only.
  16. I searched and couldn't find this exact information I am wanting and want to be direct about this. The supporter Edition says you get all future arma DLC but as I look at Arma 2 all the DLC requires the standalone version Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead. Does this mean we have to buy a second standalone (if one is made) in order to get the DLC? or will there not be another standalone version for sure (or does that count as dlc in this case). If something like this was already made then close the thread but I cannot find it.
  17. Well either way I'll be supporting the game so I'll probably just buy through steam if it's on at the time since I never have purchase issues.. don't care either way just as long as I get this ASAP and actually GET IT.
  18. Zyromkiru

    Putting Stratis into perspective on size.

    really I could have sworn this was including both land and water.I'll have to check it out.
  19. Zyromkiru

    Putting Stratis into perspective on size.

    BI shows that cherno is 225km and say that atlis is 270km. including the whole map which is basically what I'm talking about
  20. Zyromkiru

    Arma 3 Performance vs. Arma 2

    Although, do note that with things such as Post Processing turned on all those trees use that and will give you a big hit, also with AA turned on they like to take you down a little as well. Most everywhere else the game is COMPLETELY fine and smooth as butter. Newer things and polygon count don't bug me as it's all up to the optimization and how things are done and I have been in soo many situations with games where newer things ran better. There is at least no reason in my opinion that the game should run slower on a rig such as mine. Maybe run slower on a weak graphics card and cpu as that WILL give them a hard time. Do keep in mind that Arma games haven't really gotten any love from Drivers yet so it seems.. If this game is popular enough it will most likely lead to better drivers meaning better performance from that as well.
  21. Zyromkiru

    ARMA 3 - TrueSky Weather, Effects

    The clouds are nice but also have defects. I don't know if this will be fixed since it's from another source that they are getting the clouds from but when turning the clouds change and I will lose it in game if I see this constantly....
  22. Zyromkiru

    Putting Stratis into perspective on size.

    80/100 = .8 = 80% (example) (cherno)225/270(Atlis) = .83 = 83% Chernarus is 83% the size of Atlis (Stratis)20/270(Atlis) = .074 = 7% Our playing ground is big and it isn't even 1/10th the size of Atlis ... the map is enormous Even if Cherno is big most of it is trees and Atlis being a whole ~17% larger is an added bonus!
  23. Zyromkiru

    Arma 3 Performance vs. Arma 2

    well I tweaked with Arma 2 and it seems Takistan has good performance for me and I can have all the goods turned on if I want and have it be completely playable with the view distance of my choice (prefer 1,500-2,000 for performance but being able to see all i need) but Chernarus seems to give much less performance and it mainly seems that object detail is the killer mainly and I find it funny how I can have certain settings on and have almost no performance drop such as vsync which usually drops more fps in other games. I'm sure it's because of the HUGE amount of grass and trees, although even in the building areas I have better performance in Takistan than Chernarus so I'm thinking that this new game will actually be easier for me to run the game due to the type of island it is without mass amounts of trees and pure grass, etc. Plus all the time they have to optimize the game before Atlis is out. Have noticed something I dislike though and it's t hat on multiplayer you have to change view by user profile (or whatever it is) and singleplayer you can just scroll it to your liking. Personally if you are given the choice I would love to have a scroll bar for view distance on MP although it might cause too much trouble so probably a bad idea...
  24. Zyromkiru

    Supporter Edition DLC Includes?

    Just curious really. Even if it's clear it's not at the same time but either way the question is pretty much answered here and it's obvious that supporter edition is more of a donation. I do hope it's only dlc though because standalone does split the population as said in a previous comment.
  25. Zyromkiru

    Putting Stratis into perspective on size.

    Just find the video with the person falling from the sky and you can see how big atlis is... it's huge compared to Arma 2's map for 1 reason..all that wasted land of pure trees is now partly water (cooler since you can go under it) and more towns and all. If you watch that vid wherever it is on youtube you will see how many buildings there are (or were) in atlis