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Everything posted by JohnKalo

  1. JohnKalo

    AI calls air strike

    To count the people alive in the group: (({alive _x} count units mygroup) == 0); and for the airstrike this should help:
  2. Well since the vehicle has a crew already maybe you can lock the crew positions and let the unit only get in the cargo seat: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/lockDriver https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/lockTurret Then with a simple condition all is set: NameOfUnit in NameOfVehicle;
  3. That must have hurt! Only thing I would do is change the name of the mission folder and try opening it again. Or place the mission in the SP folder and try again. Anything that might help. The only similar thing that could have happened is erase not needed things so as to film a video, and then an autosave could destroy all efforts. Something similar happened to me once. That is why I keep a variety of backup files. Some times when the mission is nearly ready I even upload a copy on the web just to be sure. Oh and why edit the mission via the server option that has the lobby and such. Why not make the mission via the editor?
  4. If the amount of players is known maybe this can help: count crew NameOfCar == 3 or this if number of players is unkown: {alive _x} count allPlayers == {_x in _NameOfVehicle} count allPlayers the == can be replaced with > or => and such.
  5. Thanks for replying. Oh there is also an issue with the weapons mags. Yep guessed so. No worries. I changed the weapons of the missions. Also the Defying the Odds Campaign is ready! What remains is link updates for steam. There is even a trailer for the Campaign! Hope the above are fixed and new updates bring extra content! Wishes for awesome summer vacations
  6. JohnKalo

    [SP/COOP-(1-4)] Defying the Odds

    Some may say that summer is over at the 15th of August so: After hundreds of editing hours and many emotions the final Campaign mission is: Episode 10 - Death Cream RELEASE! In this mission we had to follow multiple strategies since the battlefield conditions were changing rapidly! Through heavy fire, smoke and grenades we managed to reach the end and ended up with a very hard call. The decision we made would change things dramatically! Gladly after all team members thought about it we took the right decision and had a great ending. It was not easy but we understood the quality of team work. I really wish you guys make the right call too! As for the mission size two endings means double the size and hence the mission is rather big but not too big. As for the steam and armaholic links, the steam ones are set (<<<) whereas the armaholic ones at a later date. If possible please support us at our steam page via Rates, Likes and Subscriptions. It would really help. There might be an upload of all missions in one but that needs to be a .rar file and not a .pbo file. .rar files are not liked so we might avoid it. One of the problems is that if one mission changes the whole .rar file will have to change too. So you can just subscribe at the steam collection and have all in one. The armaholic links either they are going to be one chapter each or a whole file. In any sort of case I hope you have an amazing time. Changes will most likely not occur but if anything comes up we will keeps our heads up!
  7. Are the convoy vehicles at an unlocked state? If yes or it still does not work this might help: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/assignAsDriver and for the units to only aim at specific units you can use the doWatch, doTarget and forceWeaponFire in a loop as long as the opfor units are alive.
  8. You can try a disableAI "ANIM" while the animation is being played and then you can enable it when needed. That in coordination with disabling PATH or MOVE if needed.
  9. JohnKalo

    Trouble with say3D

    Audacity can be used to play with the sound. Lower at first and then higher. So as to simulate a say3d. And the sound can activate with: NameOfChopper distance NameOfPlayer < NumberOfMeters as a condition. In Arma editing simple things many times do not work so you have to use anything effective that you can think of. While having optimization and quality gameplay in mind.
  10. JohnKalo

    Trouble with say3D

    Why use sound and not music? In the description.txt : class CfgMusic { tracks[] = {}; class MyIntro { // display name name = "My intro music"; // filename, volume, pitch sound[] = { "\music\filename.ogg", db + 10, 1.0 }; }; class Ludwig9 { name = "Ludwig Van Beethoven's Ninth Symphony"; sound[] = { "\music\ludwig9.ogg", db + 10, 1.0 }; }; }; and then on a trigger go to the far end of the menu and in one of the tabs you will find a Music section. There you will be able to find the music. With sounds I recall having a similar issue back in the day so I had switched to music.
  11. @pierremgi Well in that case a: NameOfPilot enableSimulation false; @Salty_Pepper Glad it all worked out 👍
  12. Once the helicopter lands and is at the landing area (setTriggerOwner the chopper to the trigger) you can use the trigger with a condition: this && isTouchingGround NameOfChopper whereas in the activation a simple: NameOfChopper disableAI "MOVE"; and with a condition: NameOfPlayer in NameOfChopper you can have an activation NameOfChopper enableAI "MOVE"; When simple things do not happen after so many efforts
  13. JohnKalo

    [SP/COOP-(1-4)] Defying the Odds

    July shall not pass before ... Episode 09 - Robotic Persuasion RELEASE! In this mission testing it was really crazy. While everything started well a glitch appeared. There was one unit that had frozen. Shooting at it caused no damage and he had no weapon. You see his weapon was moving around with no body carrying it and it was shooting and killing us. Like a ghost being on a shooting rampage. I was literally crying out of laughter about this but sadly after many continuous and simultaneous respawns the save loadout function glitched as well. The result was that we respawned with different hostile side weapons. It was something that eventually ruined the experience. Apart from the above and yet another minor glitch everything went well and we managed to end the mission successfully. In order to avoid the glitches for good I had to make multiple adjustments. I even placed safety triggers just in case and implemented some testing group ideas so as to make the mission smoother. However if any sort of glitch is still there please notify me about it. It goes without saying that everything is tested multiple times in the editor before the hosted server so it is really hurtful when things go so wrong. Also due to an addOn a glitch has been discovered in Missions 05 and 06. I have asked for the issue to be fixed but since it might take a while I will change what needed so as to defeat that glitch after 72 hours have passed following the discovery. Moreover Mission 10 is also ready and awaiting testing. It is the Campaign Finalle and it will be released once tested. Aditionally updates have been made to the credits sections. To the post and to the missions 01 to 04. The 05-08 missions also will need an update. Just waiting on the addon glitch to be resolved. Last but not least hope you guys have an amazing time playing these missions and that the ending will satisfy you all. We should not forget that the ending will depend on your choices in the final mission!
  14. This should also help:
  15. Had checked those two but the first was not good and the second is not explained enough in the wiki. At least for me.
  16. Just to clarify ... because I am doing the credits does not mean that the campaign finale is nearly ready. I would wish 👌 Now can somebody please inform me about the best way to add rolling credits at the end of the mission? And how I have to call them so as for all players to see the credits. It is about an MP Hosted Server.
  17. The M249 weapon cannot be used. It pops up this error and the soldier holding it ends up with only a pistol. Also when placing a weapons cache it seems to be empty: Please fix the M249 issue or notify me elsewhise so as to update Mission 05. Thank you.
  18. In the init.sqf : waitUntil { !isNull player }; addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled", { params ["_unit", "_killer", "_instigator", "_useEffects"]; if(isPlayer _unit)then{ [_unit, [profileNamespace, "inventory_var"]] call BIS_fnc_saveInventory; }else{ [_unit, [missionNamespace, "inventory_var"]] call BIS_fnc_saveInventory; }; }]; addMissionEventHandler ["EntityRespawned", { params ["_entity", "_corpse"]; if(isPlayer _entity)then{ [_entity, [profileNamespace, "inventory_var"]] call BIS_fnc_loadInventory; }else{ [_entity, [missionNamespace, "inventory_var"]] call BIS_fnc_loadInventory; }; }]; It might pop up an error at the beggining. It does work though. The "error" only occurred after a game update.
  19. Maybe you can try working with this: https://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30731
  20. Glad to hear that. Thanks for the advice!
  21. Just decided to make a credits video and play that one instead. The size is not that big so it is for the best. No need for help on this one. Thanks for offering assistance 👍
  22. Thought that was what rolling credits meant Yes you have assumed correctly. A black screen and rolling credits afterwards. Like them scrolling down like it happens in games in general.
  23. JohnKalo

    Does "Show/Hide" help FPS?

    Best solution would be, as stated above, to just erase all units and objects on the left if they go to the right or on the right if they go to the left. Also so as for the mission not to possibly lag at first you can disable their simulation and then enable it according to which side the player chooses.