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Everything posted by Tuliq

  1. Hey! Just trying out your script here. Very nice, but it seems there is a problem with the respawn eventhandler that causes the "respawn with same weapons" thing not to work. Seems that checking the corpse for the last loadout doesn't return the correct results. This makes everyone respawn in their underwear. Anyone else having the same issue?
  2. Seems everything is a challenge with RV
  3. Tuliq

    OPFOR too Futuristic?

    I feel that having the OPFOR an advanced enemy makes the game a lot more interesting. Are we also forgetting that there is likely to be many factions other than the current ones in the full release?
  4. Hey thanks! Glad you have found use of it. To show the real name of the weapon you could create a weaponName variable and grab the displayname from config like so: _weaponName = getText(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> format ["%1",_killweapon] >> "displayname"); replace this variable with the killerweapon one on the line format. Adding pictures require thar you copy the <img> stuff into the string of the _line variable. It is structured text code and doesnt work alone. You need to also add the weaponpic variable into the format array. Hope this helps!
  5. Thanks! Nice to see this getting some exposure! :)
  6. Tuliq

    Emptying boxes

    Hey! For boxes you have to use clearMagazineCargo and clearWeaponCargo, there should also be commands for removing items introduced in ARMA 3. Try clearItemCargo or check the wiki!
  7. Great! I updated it to make it a lot easier to implement. Remember that this script uses hint for its kill display, so it might not be for everyone.
  8. Yeah, that would work. Remember to set activation to either opfor or blufor and to make the trigger repeating op!
  9. Tuliq

    Zone restriction

    As with everything ARMA related; there is always at least one way! :) Create a trigger covering your fighting zone. Set activation to anybody. Set it to trigger Repeatedly. in the condition field write: !(player in thislist) in the on activation field: player setDamage 1 for a hint to appear you could write in on activation: Actually scratch that, not sure if sleep commands work with triggers.
  10. hey nedley! Have you tried changing the eventhandler to mpRespawn instead? this should trigger your script when the player respawns, as opposed to when he is killed.
  11. Tuliq

    Enemy counter

    I would do: create a trigger covering all the map, activation OPFOR (or what side your enemy is), make it repeating, in the condition field write counter. on activation: hint format ["Enemies left: %1",count thislist]; counter=false; on deactivation: counter=true; then make another trigger, set the condition field to true, and in on activation write counter=true; should do the trick!
  12. Tuliq

    Need Stance Indicator

    Thumbs up for this suggestion.
  13. Tuliq

    Steam discussion

    Got 94 games on steam. Couldn't be happier with their service. I have seriously had 0 problems with it. (Except for the occasional hiccup with patching, but that has been a couple of years since now.) Looking forward to adding A3 next! ;)
  14. Is it possible to determine the weapon a player used to kill another unit with? Need this for a simple killticker I am creating. Have been experimenting by using currentWeapon, and works like a charm, but in the event of a player using a timed or remotely detonated weapon like a grenade or satchel charge, this would not work. Are there any commands that can give me the exact weapon used in a kill?
  15. Yes I am using the currentWeapon method right now, which works, but is not reliable for the specific cases mentioned in the OP. I will experiment using the handledamage EH.
  16. Hey there! You could do something like this. This is a function that takes the position and radius of a circle and spreads points around it's circumference evenly. Then it stores them in an array for later use. Passed arguments are (in order) position(coordinate array), radius(number), and number of points. Return is an array consisting of position(x,y,z) arrays. _c = _this select 0; _cX = _c select 0; _cY = _c select 1; _cR = _this select 1; _points = _this select 2; _a = 360 / _points; _circlePoints = []; for "_i" from 1 to _points do { _posX = round(_cX + _cR * cos(_a*_i)); _posY= round(_cY + _cR * sin(_a*_i)); _coords = [_posX, _posY,0]; _circlePoints set [count _circlePoints , _coords]; }; //return _circlePoints [/Code]
  17. Yeah, I was thinking something along those two points myself. Will give it a shot. Ultimately it would be easier if the MPKilled eventhandler also passed the weapon type, but one can dream... anyway, thanks! :)