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Everything posted by fragmachine

  1. fragmachine

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    What i noticed is that AI infantrymen in towns are often running into enemy APCs and MTBs. It was the case in A2 and it is a case in A3. I suppose that their target destination path might lead through the roads the enemy armor is localised. AI should avoid it.
  2. fragmachine

    Serious injuries (graphic) - gore/violence

    I think that good way to increase immersion and "gore" without dismemberment is for BIS making any wall, trees, bushes, glass - literally any object - left blood marks on it. It would also give us better orientation in the situation. If not overdone it can look much better and immersive. Vote: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=9037 To devs/modders on this page - is tex-overlay capable in A3 engine on any objects - land owned and dynamically placed in editor possible?
  3. fragmachine

    JSRS2.0 WIP Thread

    BIS is looking into indoor firefights ablility for AI so all of you please keep your fingers crossed :D Nothing to push hard, just an idea to look into the future - would be nice if there would be an applied filter sound/script to the indoor sounds when listener is outdoor (outside of the building) - same to the outside sounds when your'e inside the building - muffled like shots etc. (like in vehicles eg. Hunter but without so much occlusion). To the first - It is probably already possible - that indoor BANG sound could be heared in certain distance to the building but outside environmental/firefight sound being occluded inside the building would probably need some scripting. If the AI will have possibility to engage indoors it would enhance dramatically not only the soundscape but also the immersion.
  4. fragmachine

    Fire-Fight Improvement System

    It would be nice to have the AI squad teamleader asking for fire mission with some dialoque in the radio set to it. Also first artillery round should be shot to "calibrate" the fire mission and to make sure and confirm if any tweaking is needed. Then bursts could go on. Anyway really great mod but I would get rid of "bunnyhoping" animation though. Just my suggestions :cool:
  5. Is there any other way to run AiA than through the "C:\Program Files\Steam..." command line? I wanted to run it with some mods but there is not enought space left for even the orginal patch to ArmA II, ArmA OA etc. Any suggestions? Maybe im doing something wrong?
  6. fragmachine

    Not enough rag doll with frag grenades?

    I've made a mistake. Ofc I've mean HEAT warhead. And obviously RPG is not a grenade but just rather rocket launcher. It is a improper translate which is "ros. Rucznoj Protiwotankowyj Granatomiot, pol. Ręczna Przeciwczołgowa Wyrzutnia Granatów" - "Handheld-AT-Grenade Launcher. If it is rocket-propelled grenade then it means that it is rocket with the warhead - isn't it? It is just improper translate. Rockets that usually been flying in mid XX into space didn't had any warhead. But rocket with the warhead is a wepon when there is - a warhead - and obviously the engine - which is rocket itself.
  7. fragmachine

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    It would be awesome if the AI could use all the stances - but it is dreaming. Also there is need for prone to 180 degree roll for AI in very CQB (AI taken by surprise) and maintaining/switching to crouch stance in CQB.
  8. fragmachine

    Not enough rag doll with frag grenades?

    It depends on the warhead I think. It might be penetrating warhead - not he. The target might be Bradley so it is quite possible. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/75/Battlezone_Coverart.png (140 kB) Seriously, OpticalSnare - I hope that You look forward to work on Your awesome ArmA 3 particle Mod v2 because how it looks right now (for a 2013 game) - to put it mildly - is dissapointing. It makes a ton of difference to play with your mod in A2 :) (btw. tried Blastcore in A3 and seems to work but with some strange bugs like chimneys of dust right behind the main dust wall) - BTW I disabled it because You might not wanted it to be used in A3.
  9. fragmachine

    Altis: Criticism and Suggestions

    Hey, I think that Altis looks great, vegetation is looking great too but there is room for improvements. Bamboo-thing for example, very nice touch - is looking nice but unfortunatelly it is just static, there is no animation to it. Also bodies can without a problem penetrate it, I think that it should be more resistant. Maybe in the future it would be possible for physics to handle collision-boxes with bending it (at least to simulate it at certain radius from the player to not put too much stress on the PC) There could be a little bit more forests too.
  10. fragmachine

    JSRS2.0 WIP Thread

    Hope that JSRS 2.0 will get there :) Right now handheld weapons sound amazing, when it will be released with all library and scripts I believe it will sound like war symphony :)
  11. fragmachine

    Underwater Remnants [Potential Spoiler]

    Nice find! There is much more of this all over the earth: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yonaguni_Monument
  12. fragmachine

    Altis Skull Game? - Easter Eggs

    Oreo Castle I think ;)
  13. fragmachine

    Arma 3 FanArt

    Wow - great colour balance. It feels like there is war in there indeed! Great arts in here. If some of you are interested in sci-fi games you might also want to check Homeworld series arts by Rob Cunningham
  14. fragmachine

    JSRS2.0 WIP Thread

    Yeah explosion wise - they need kind of punch but without making them any louder (but making them loud enought over long distances). They need to sound powerful as they are powerful forces in reality. I believe it is kind of hard to achieve but would be nice that depending on the distance the explosion could become more bassy. Problem with catching that bass is it has to be more of "feel" bass than hear bass. Refference videos Speed of sound - notice instant tap boom when the shockwave hits the microphone - Even best quality can't catch that very bass at the bottom of the sound - - still nice examplenotice the echo on distant shoots in urbanised area -
  15. fragmachine

    Is WarFX Blastcore Coming Back?

    I believe that OpticalSnare responded in one of the topics (can't remember) that he is going to make his new mod on A3 but take everything with grain of salt. There is no official statement. PS.: Hopefully so :D
  16. fragmachine

    Altis - Info & Discussion

    Wow Altis is one of the best BIS islands - that I must agree with! Various terrain unlike Stratis, from flats to mountains, heavily urbanised areas into villages, stream ditches (unfortunatelly still no running water - looking into future). There is not much of the forests but with these on island there would be a massive lag. Also the AI is now deadly in CQB. It seems that they navigate better inside the buildings. And I have average 95 FPS (in vid options tab) on the Altis with all setting except PiP and viewdistance maxed out! (i73770k, gfx 680 2gb, 8gb ram, ssd 256gb) Congratulation BIS! PS.: There are also some errors in the editor but no biggie it is a really great experience now to play this game :cool:
  17. fragmachine

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I just tried it on Utes with one enemy soldier without the ammo. Revealed myself by shooting couple rounds in the air and the enemy after turning to me start fleeing. That's the news of the century :) Hopefully A3 will put more on indoor firefights :)
  18. fragmachine

    Development Blog & Reveals

    If I recall correctly AI in ArmA II CO would flee if had no ammo. Tried it in editor and it always worked for me - but I was running the game with ACE mod (no AI mods). Would be strange if it is different in A3.
  19. fragmachine

    The sound thread

    Stereo sounds are something that are already in games for X years so it is nothing new. In ArmA series for sure but it has drawbacks besides the graphics and unique gameplay. Before someone says about BF3/4 being unrealistic - I don't talk about gameplay. Listen to that sound engine, I think something like BF Bad Company 2 sound engine would be possible to adapt by a dedicated sound team (with tweaked distance sound obviously). Im not here to bash anyone but I talk about facts. While stereo sounds and filters are nice - it is nothing new, groundbreaking in the game industry. Well, screw "the groundbreaking" - it has to be said that sound engine is not on pair with games from 2010. Sound samples are really top notch but you can hear how they struggle when these are processed by the sound engine. Sound flanging is one of the major immersion killers in here. BTW. Maybe in ArmA 4 <troll_mode_off> :p
  20. fragmachine

    Not enough rag doll with frag grenades?

    Funny that grenades does not posses such power to knock out of feets the enemy (shrapnels do the work) but artillery round would be enought to throw bodies 5-6 meters up (only, if it wouldn't turn the body into pieces - then poor soldier would had to be buried in Atsiki, Myrina and couple other places).
  21. fragmachine

    Prefered gamemode

    PvP of course. Can't stand playing against the AI. You say that PvE is Coop while PvP can't be Coop? Arguments please. It is all in mission design. Personally I find PvP much more interesting (only if it is not a Wasteland or deatchmach).
  22. fragmachine

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    If only. Insert 5-6 groups of NATO soldiers with careless behaviour or without ATs and 300-400m away insert one Ifrit with HMG. Put yourself as a NATO grenadier among other NATO groups, fire a grenade launcher towards the Ifrit. Result should be that the Ifrit will always and only attack you at first, ignoring rest of the soldiers among you - if attacking them at all.
  23. fragmachine

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    ^ I had no problem with it too. Ive been able to spot soldiers after 8-10 seconds. It should be this way so the camouflage will have a real use. Idea with the test release is good. Same tactics with Alpha and Beta release been adapted by Jarhead with his JSRS 2.0 project - so it can be really beneficial. BTW it really looks great right now - just how the vanilla should look like. Congrats!
  24. fragmachine

    The sound thread

    Then you seem to not understand what the modding is. It is about creativity. You probably never heard about Advanced Combat Sound Environment. It goes deeper than sound mod. It is sound engine extension for the ArmA sound engine that allow soundmodders to make their own dynamic soundmod. If you play ArmA II CO try it with JSRS 1.5 + HARCP DSS and you will get understanding what im talking about. ACSE is going to be much more advanced than HARCP.
  25. fragmachine

    Serious injuries (graphic) - gore/violence

    Shot in the heart... Well in reality it could take one up to few minutes before you been dead. Instant death fatal shots areas are brain and spinal cord. Would be nice to have such realistic and accurate representation of wounding system in game, wouldn't it?