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Everything posted by connorwarman

  1. connorwarman

    Simple Respawn Scripts?

    Should the script work in editor? ---------- Post added at 16:10 ---------- Previous post was at 16:02 ---------- Scratch that I figured it out, is there a way I can set a spawn limit?
  2. I hope so, the second thing on my list of Alpha to do's is to test all the vehicles.
  3. connorwarman

    Opinion: Too many opfor one shot -one kill weapons

    Its not a problem with the weapon, its a problem with the AI. The base ArmA2 AI has view distance on max as default, allowing them to see you before you see them in some cases. This is what is causing you to be killed so easily, simply lower the AI skill in the options menu.
  4. connorwarman

    Putting Stratis into perspective on size.

    Sweet Jesus that is huge. The possibilities...
  5. connorwarman

    The alpha and its supported vehicles

    As long a the new version of the Little Bird is in it I will be satisfied for days.
  6. connorwarman

    Who's going to make the first domination gamemode?

    I would hope that new game modes come out instead of the same old ones we have been playing for over 4 years now. Dont get me wrong I love Domination, but I would love to see something new.
  7. Im looking to make a mission for my unit. The basic mission idea can be found here: http://crusadersrise.enjin.com/forum/m/9648535/viewthread/5936070-swamp-defense I have been looking into a way to make the Russian squads to come into one at a time. I have it set up now where the first two squads come in and attack our position via waypoint. Then the second set of squads about 1500M behind them coming to our defensive position via way point. Only problem is, the second wave gets to our position before we have killed off the first. So I would like to have it set to a trigger where the second group dosent come until the first group arrives at our position. Any help is appreciated.
  8. connorwarman

    Wave Defense Script

    Looks cool, using it now. ---------- Post added at 21:00 ---------- Previous post was at 21:00 ---------- It is, look at Nimrod_Z's comment above.
  9. connorwarman

    Wave Defense Script

    Thanks for the help guys.
  10. Interesting post! And sweet Jesus the basic road map looks awesome!
  11. Great guide, I have been working on something similar for my own ArmA group.
  12. Some screenshots from my groups sessions. http://i.imgur.com/7acWJoM.jpg http://i.imgur.com/7Hm4Ode.jpg http://i.imgur.com/UR6Lteh.jpg
  13. connorwarman

    Using backpacks/rucksacks

    Carrying a backpack will increase your weight, which in turn will decrease your amount of stamina.
  14. connorwarman

    ArmA 2 and all its glitchy glory! :D

    The bugs in this game never really got to me. I was always able to find my way around them and enjoy myself. The moments make up for the bugs, there is nothing like sitting in the side of a Black hawk as it flies over the rich Takistan terrain.
  15. connorwarman

    Interested in buying Arma II

    As a person that came into Arma 2 through DayZ. I can honestly tell you this is one of the best games I have ever played. The amount of options you have before you is fantastic, and is really not shown in any other gaming experience out there. TL;DR-Yes, please buy this game.