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About Greebo

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  1. in·com·pe·tent Adjective Not having the necessary skills to do something successfully.
  2. Greebo

    XBox 360 Controller

    I've set up mine as follows although I'm doing this from memory at work so apologies for any mistakes :) Left and Right Triggers: Foot Pedals. Left and Right Bumpers: Collective. A Button: Toggle Free Look. B Button: Change Weapons / Show GPS Overlay X Button: Next Target. Y Button: Fire Weapon. Left Analogue Stick: Cyclic. Click in Left Analogue Stick: Free Look Interaction button (lets you flick switches in cockpit without needing to use a mouse). Right Analogue Stick: Look around cockpit (this will either snap left / right or free look depending on what the setting the A button is toggled to). Click in Right Analogue Stick: Zoom / Optics (this is the 'toggle' zoom rather than the hold-down button zoom if that helps). D-Pad: Up / Down changes selection on the quick menu (Auto hover, manual fire etc). Right confirms selection. Left cancels the menu popup. Select button: Toggle first / third person camera. Start button: Release countermeasures. I think that's pretty much everything covered, remember to go though all the controls and remove and conflicting controls for Infantry etc that are in red.