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Everything posted by oukej

  1. All great changes are preceded by chaos ;) On a serious note we are really sorry about it. We have considered hotfixing it but the data have already been too far in preparation for oncoming patches and releases that any further attempt to retain old behaviors could have caused even more damage.
  2. We could, but wouldn't that be too much? We can also decrease their "sizes" so they are only detectable at let's say 1/2 of the sensors range. Not anymore. A small exception to that is friendly ID - once a friendly jumps in a vehicle it will turn green on the display. (For sake of game purposes we can assume every unit has a 2035 personal IFF coder that can be plugged into any vehicle ;) :D) But target visibility depends purely on vehicle properties (radarTargetSize, irTargetSize, visualTargetSize) situation - relative positions (background), altitude, speed ultimately the sensor which is looking at the target, it's configuration and specific innate properties (like IR seeing only heated targets)
  3. The vehicles need to be heated up first for the Titan to be able to lock them (e.g. they have to have their engine running for some time).
  4. oukej

    Jet DLC?

    Signature size (RCS, IR, VIS) configurable per vehicle has already been done and the properties are configured on several vehicles in dev-branch - check this post this post in Sensor Overhaul thread for few examples. What we didn't have time for and have cut is the dynamic changes (due to loadout, opened bay doors, etc.).
  5. oukej

    Airbridge and Dustoff achievement question

    Stratis GS mission is a coop one and probably the best one if you want to play GS alone. I've got my achievements in that one. And it's a good fun and challenge to play it solo..
  6. Buzzard isn't really good at finding radar targets near the ground, especially if they don't move, so there should be that balance. Otherwise the mentioned missiles haven't been reconfigured yet. Definitely crippled AAs is not our intention. Thanks for the notes! Already in the game ;) There's even no Radar on Wipeout, you have to find targets via TGP (which can automatically track IR or VIS targets within its FoV). And there's at least a CCIP in the HUD for dumb fired bombs, cannons and rockets. Installing dev-branch already? ;)
  7. Switching display spectrums is already possible via panel modes (RCtrl+] or [). Moving has been discussed. But because our picture-in-picture doesn't provide an image good enough for precise targeting it doesn't seem that vital to have it. Most of the time you'd need to go fullscreen anyway. Num 5. You're welcome ;) (If you have a target marked, then Num 5 will take you to your target instead) The rot. speed is identical on keybinds and analog, just the mouse is much faster, right? Could be possible via a different iGUI preset. We may investigate that later, but everything takes time, as usually, no promises. Give us an extra 24h each day and you'll see wonders :) Any keybind ideas? :) Ideally coupled with a contextually similar but not conflicting. Light and col. lights come to mind, but those would conflict. Other ideas? Darter - 0.1 :D Parachute - 0.2 :P Greyhawk, Ababil - 0.5 xh-9 family, Blackfoot, Caesar, Falcon - 0.7 Buzzard - 0.8 Wipeout, Neophron - 1.0 Tanks - 1.2 Xian - 1.4 Blackfish - 1.8 "Next target" toggles targets that are tracked by the sensor suite. Shouldn't work if you have weapon sensors only. Standard "Lock" pick what's under the cursor / center of view and works with everything. The problem seems to be, that laser targets are prioritized. But Macer can't lock on laser target and you need to mark the actual vehicle. And laser can be blocking both ways of doing so. I'd say switch the laser off as a workaround for now :/ This is possible to certain extent (as mentioned) by using autoSeekTarget . The munition still needs a marked target, but it doesn't require lock. It will fly towards the marked target and in the configured distance it will look for appropriate targets to lock onto. Usually that will be the marked target again (unless the marking was based on different type of sensor on the vehicle than what the missile will now use to search for targets). So some form of LOAL is possible and we're investigating whether it's usable enough as it is and are considering using it at least on LGBs . But there are concerns about how to communicate that firing without a lock can be a valid approach as we don't have a scope to do big changes. Other than that automatic locking (as on Titan AA now, or gen. heatseekers) in vehicles has proven to be a bigger issue than we thought and probably wont be possible. See the answer above and second reply in this post.
  8. oukej

    Jets - ILS

    ILS in game is following the glideslope as configured for individual airfields. Each one has only single active runway at all times - so for example on Tanoa main you can't fly ILS from the sea-side, even though that one may have a more comfortable approach with a safer glideslope angle. The configuration has also been taking into account AI. Balancing had to allow the AI to fly into the base leg and approach safely high enough above the terrain and while keeping tolerable vertical speed so AI remains safe all the way to the stop (except of Buzzard, right ;)) Agreed, that some of the glideslopes could be perhaps tweaked. Atm I can't say why there has been 5° on the northern Tanoa airfield. On the other hand...what's been the glideslope @ London City? ;)
  9. oukej

    Jet DLC?

    We'd like the dynamic "target size" changes too, would be definitely a nice game balance enrichment, but there's always only so much we can do :/ And thanks for all your recent posts here. It's been motivational to read through! :)
  10. oukej

    Jet DLC & Compatible Sticks

    You can bind more or less any combination across devices. As for TM Hotas - with a little extension - it has been an ultimate device to rule helicopter Time Trials ;)
  11. oukej

    Airbridge and Dustoff achievement question

    Dustoff counts all medevacs performed in Ground Support scenarios. Only Airbridge needs to be done within one mission. Still a challenge! Good luck!
  12. Can you pls provide more info? Broken in what sense?
  13. Orca has lost its Radar in 1.68 a bit prematurely . However it is still possible to pick targets for DAGRs by directly aiming at the target and pressing "T".
  14. Only these two https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/A3_Targeting_config_reference#trackLead https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/A3_Targeting_config_reference#trackOversteer By a tracking error you mean something like temporarily guiding towards a different position than the current (or future) position of the actual target? Or loosing target because the target has got outside of the missile's field of regard?
  15. CTRL+MWheel is already taken by zeroing. Otherwise MWheel with a modifier doesn't sound like a bad idea!
  16. We've tried that approach, but the FCS isn't currently compatible with stabilized (area tracking) turrets. CCIP (even if with it's own issues) seems still like a better option than nothing. But it's more of a test at this moment to see what u guys think about it. Thanks a lot for the notes!
  17. The state on dev-branch is WIP (as usually :))
  18. These attributes are still WIP :) It contains or will contain later the datalink properties and AI radar emission control.
  19. Can you please PM me a screenshot? You can try resetting your iGUI layout customization in the game options, see if that helps.
  20. The change to manual throttle has changed how vectoring works. It behaves now the same as it used to behave only when using analog throttle - FLAPS UP/DOWN control the actual vectoring (in VTOL 3 remember that vectoring near ground is limited to certain angles). Anyway, we'll need to revisit the VTOLs FM too. Atm it uses a WIP / placeholder lolcatization
  21. The realtime update of the property itself is what's not so simple :) If we did it, scripts, connecting it to loadouts, bay door anims., etc. would then be the more trivial part.
  22. Just prioritization. There are some critical issues that need to be solved for the base game, there are things to do for Tanks DLC, etc. :)
  23. Just an unnecessary little silly UI element in the vehicle info with no purpose whatsoever...at this moment :)
  24. FYI - 3rd person view is now smoothed more nicely and follows the aircraft in pitch - manual throttle control is inbounce (for now pls ignore the silly UI indicator in vehicle info) - send beers to BXBX