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Everything posted by oukej

  1. oukej

    Helicopter camera

    Please check the updated VTOL Field Manual entry.
  2. oukej

    Helicopter camera

    Merged with another thread.
  3. oukej

    Helicopter camera

    We're aware of the issue and will come up with a solution. Sorry for the inconvenience. It's been caused by external camera unification so the camera follows vehicle also in pitch. Which is awesome for airplanes, but for helicopters it has reduced the awareness when landing.
  4. oukej

    Broken controls.

    Your customized keybinds shouldn't be affected as long as you don't pick Apex or Arma 3 preset again. But if the controls have been changed without your input anyway - can you pls tell us which actions were affected on your side?
  5. oukej

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    So far this has been actually deliberate due to the drones current missiles. May change later on. Most probably they will only happen after the release.
  6. Not planned for any of the current vanilla tanks.
  7. oukej

    Jet/Helicopter Throttle...

    Hey! Sorry about this issue. Please take a look at Newly this behavior is also noted on the keybind tooltip.
  8. oukej

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    The tank doesn't seem to have it's engine running. Possibly invalid, cold target for a Titan launcher.
  9. We did ;) Thanks a lot.
  10. oukej

    Tigris / Cheetah

    The AA can still lock the missiles via pointing at a target and pressing [T] even without using the radar. Passive radar on helicopters can no longer be used for automated target tracking. The radar will only pop on the screen, but the helicopter will still need to acquire it via other sensors or similarly to the point above by directly cueing the missile. Which should most of the time force it to come inside the AA engagement range. Tweaks are still possible. We will look into making them a bit more capable. Yup to this notion :)
  11. oukej

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    What's better at 360 no-scope than gadget robots? Please pass your feedback about gameplay directly to its creative director. Thanks for the heads up. I can only confirm this on Xian. Blackfish can still land on helipads. Can you pls verify?
  12. oukej

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Moreover our team is changing the Arma's vision towards a casual twitch & trick shooting PvP with elements of a clicker shopping game ;) </sarcasm>
  13. oukej

    Development Branch Captain's AI Log

    Configurable in configfile >> "CfgBrains" >> "DefaultSoldierBrain" >> "Components" >> "AIBrainCountermeasuresComponent" Same functionality as https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setVehicleRadar Because that's the place to be https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/forgetTarget
  14. oukej

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Look for action "Stabilize turret", cateogory Weapons. By default Ctrl+T. We've also added a new Targeting Camera hint which you can find in the Field Manual.
  15. oukej

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Actually the new Speedbrake action = speedbrake + landing gear brake. I recommend unbinding Speedbrake (analogue) and using the new one (even with anlg. input) Depends whether it's a distress (e.g. pilot bailing out from an airplane on fire) or combat deployment via parachute. Only in the first situation is the parachuting person considered hors de combat and protected by laws. Anyway, not sure our AI could evaluate that so it seems better we restrict that. (It might have been caused by an experiment with parachutes detectable by sensors)
  16. The FoV changes shouldn't be there anymore. Same applies to all airplane and helicopter pilots. Other positions (cargo, turrets) haven't got the treatment yet. Possibly post-1.70. There have also been some adjustments to the head motion so it moves less around the cockpit (loosing HUD less) and a bit more fwd/bwd (for better acceleration/braking sensation). Hardcore VTOLs are not 100% intended. We're trying to work out a solution to make it easier. For moar feedback please use this thread ;)
  17. Check Slammer's driver. WIP :)
  18. Merged into one autopilot thread.
  19. There are :) Sadly won't make it in for Jets DLC release.
  20. You can actually use the missile's own sensors for target acquisition. The issue is you have to find your target first, point at (with the airplane or freelook; with Falchion-22 the target has to be less than 15° off boresight) and press "T" to mark it. Then you should see just the diamond, without the square brackets. That means missile is tracking the target (while the vehicle sensors have still no idea). The automatic locking (like Titan AA) for vehicle weapons hasn't been possible, although we've investigated that option. TBD
  21. It's a limitation of sharing the same resource for left/right. We could eventually allow resizing that resizes both panels at the same time. We've tried it but we've run into issues with the customization menu itself.
  22. oukej

    Throttle System Option

    The throttle has been changed to incremental for kb/m users. Players with analog controllers had the option even before. There were several motivations behind this move. One was seeing how people kept a finger on the Shift key all the time when flying. We've found out that many people didn't realize how the throttle worked precisely (maintaining speed from the moment when increase or decrase key was released). The 0-100 can be considered more of an industry standard, even in arcade flight games. As for convenience of default controls - what keys have u remapped the actions to pls? Good point. Will put the action back. The new Speedbrake action works also when mapped to analog controller (and I'd recommend using it), but it makes sense to keep the old one for exactly these conflict reasons. Thanks ;) What other problems have you experienced pls?
  23. Ok. Let's find out - would you be able please to send me a simple mission or a video so I can see the situation?
  24. That shouldn't be the case. As long as the target is within sensors FoV (in this case same as the camera fov) and detection conditions are met (speed, range...) it should automatically pop up on the display and you should be able to acquire it by pressing "R" (Next Target (veh)). Or by Lock target action - which marks a target in the center of view/under cursor (which, as I've mentioned in my prev post., But also back to vis. spectrum - some environments are just too hot. Truth is, currently we only have IR guided Macers. We want to eventually add variants.