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Everything posted by oukej

  1. oukej

    Helicopter camera

    This seems like a misunderstanding. At no point I've implied that we no longer care about the issue. Please understand that solving this issue is different from fixing a bug. We've made what we believed was an improvement to the camera tech - a less rigid, smoother camera, with better awareness of the vehicle's flight vector, sensation of its motion and a bit more of a "physical" feel. We've staged in on Dev-branch for 2 months, 14 days as a Release candidate. We've released it with 1.70. We've received negative feedback, got data and we've rushed in with another small update to solve the primary objection - the lost awareness when landing. We do acknowledge the other feedback too - be it seasickness or just the change itself altering perception of the motion within perfected, pinpoint accurate maneuvering routines. We don't have a resolution for that yet. Please bear with us.
  2. Is what you're talking about the effect of the airplane aligning back from sideslip? As for auto-trim - we don't have such feature but we're trying to hack adjust the forces in a way that the airplane stays leveled throughout most of it's operational speed range and it doesn't pitch up in higher speeds as much and require trimming. Not ideal but necessary for controlability via kb+m.
  3. oukej

    Helicopter camera

    new properties in viewPilot (and other viewXY) are speedZoomMaxSpeed speedZoomMaxFOV
  4. oukej

    Helicopter camera

    It is a config option already ;)
  5. oukej

    Helicopter camera

    pls see
  6. oukej

    Helicopter camera

    I'm sorry but atm we won't be reintroducing the FoV changes with speed. The change has been based on numerous complains about induced sickness, loosing perception of speed, distance, sometimes zooming out too far that the instruments become unreadable. Saying that we're well aware that the initial view in several helicopters is not good, way too much forward. Including the xh-9 family, but no only - the xh-9s are not the only helicopters we need to care about. We'd like to improve that. . Thanks everyone for the continued comments and feedback on the 3rd person! Often you're suggesting an ingame option - tbh we'd like to avoid that. It would increase the required manpower on the issue quite a bit (maintenance across sandbox, testing) and we don't have that.
  7. This can be fixed by thrust configuration and we're just doing that atm :) Doesn't sound modest at all :O ;)
  8. oukej


  9. The initial munition speed is the carrier's speed plus the magazine's own initSpeed. Then there's a fixed time of a given thrust (we don't have boost sustain motors). Also different missiles can have different drag (when flying straight and when maneuvering), making some of them glide better after the propellant is out. Here are two examples of missile flyout from a carrier at 0 airspeed (we can ignore altitude, let's assume sea level). Keep in mind that these do not reflect the real life inspirations and are scaled down for gameplay purposes. Falchion Zephyr However lock distance is not calculated automatically from the actual engagement situation. The distance is defined in the config and in optimal situation (high speed high altitude carrier, non maneuvering target) the missiles would be able to perform well beyond it's maximum lock distance. On the other hand even now, just by flying fast enough (Shikra), it's possible to escape Zephyr at the edge of it's lock range.
  10. oukej

    Helicopter camera

    Please stay on topic and refrain from commenting on each other's attitude The best way to improve the game and help us do the right calls is to stay brief, to the point or even provide simple, clear ingame examples :) At this point I'd like to encourage you to try setting up the extCameraParams. Think about general awareness, seasickness, usability in attack runs (aim awareness), flight vector and distance perception, etc. You can post results and findings in here Thanks a lot!
  11. oukej

    Helicopter camera

    Let's just focus on the black box - the result is what's important. Remember that Arma is not just helicopters or just jets. Often the solutions can't be isolated. We can still iterate on the camera motion. But after the hotfix we have to take more time before coming to conclusions. Please bear with us.
  12. oukej

    Helicopter camera

    Valid complains that 3rd person camera used to be "suboptimal" (and sim industry non-standard-ish) for aircraft control and flight vector awareness is what triggered the changes in the first place :) One example https://www.reddit.com/r/arma/comments/5h06zz/aircraft_3rd_person_camera_proof_of_concept/ So from airplane's perspective we've received positive feedback after the change. VTOLs are a mix of an airplane and helicopter, even when it comes to feedback.
  13. Doesn't seem like there are any fixes needed. Must be caused by something different. I have tested couple of CUP and RHS helicopters and haven't been able to reproduce the zoom-in issue. @derbismarck - what mods have you been using when recording the video?
  14. oukej

    Helicopter camera

    Regarding the FoV changes you'll find more info in helicopter fov changes on airspeed thread. With FoV it isn't that simple - changes in FoV or too wide FoV can easily cripple the perception of distance. Saying that we also acknowledge that the initFov in xh-9 heli family may not be the best atm. Regarding controls sensitivity - there hasn't been any change we're aware of. Can you please start a ticket at https://feedback.bistudio.com/ with details? You can also compare the behaviors in first person (so the perception is not affected by camera changes) in the legacy branch. And as for the camera itself after hotfix - we're watching the feedback closely.
  15. oukej

    Throttle System Option

    I am sorry but I have to refute the option for different throttle behavior.
  16. As long as they'll only have the data link sensor and no standard seeing/hearing it should be possible.
  17. oukej

    Helicopter camera

    Always a work of several people - including you, community - from feedback, gathering and processing it up to actually doing the code, testing it and releasing. So thanks! :)
  18. Now possible due to Dr.Hladik's new sensor type Not configured in data yet (pop up error).
  19. oukej

    Helicopter camera

    Atm we're preparing an intermezzo update to the main branch.
  20. oukej

    Helicopter camera

    Plus an overall improved config control over 3rd person camera, all thanks to bxbx :) extCameraParams[] = {multFactor, speedMin, speedMax, factorSpeeedMin, factorSpeeedMax, heightMin, heightMax, factorHeightMin, factorHeightMax}; factor == 0 -> camera follow horizon factor == 1 - > camera follow vehicle heading factor (0,1) interpolation between horizon and vehicle heading
  21. oukej


    Either by selecting one of the two presets mentioned above once again or by manually binding the panels to keys (you'll find them in Controls/Common)
  22. oukej

    Arma 3 Jets Radar

    The action is available in Controls/Common, look for Left/Right panel mode. The Right panel action only appear in the action menu if they are not bound to any key.
  23. oukej

    BUG with designator distance!

    For more info pls see and