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Everything posted by Westonsammy

  1. Does anyone else have lots of issues with the RHS factions and ALiVE? I've had problems wherever the RHS factions are involved. Namely the logistics and Player task modules. For some reason the logistics module does not want to recognize the russian VDV as a OPFOR faction, and it refuses to let me use the module when i'm playing with a VDV group (Even though the AI Commander and his military placement modules are set to VDV and working just fine). I tried the same with MSV faction, and it recognized it as being on the OPFOR side, but not as being the MSV faction (It would only let me call in units if I set the Logistics module to "side" and not "faction"). I then tried the same with the US Army factions, and they all worked just fine. Very strange. I then had similar problems with the task generator, which seemed to randomly select which side was the enemy and which one was friendly. Even though I had set up the enemy and friendly factions in the module, it would give me tasks targeting our own assets and troops, often in the same session as when it had given us a task correctly targeting the enemy faction. In one case, while testing out my VDV mission, it gave me an objective to "pick up troops" in the middle of our airbase. Upon arrival, I found a single US Army rifleman attempting to kill all the friendlies with a "pick up troops" marker over his head. I'm not running anything else besides ALiVE, CBA, and RHS. I'm pretty sure I have everything updated as well. If anyone knows whats going on here, help would be appreciated.
  2. Ok, 2 hours of scratching my head and literally 1 obviously missing ";" later, I finally got it to work. The problem is, this seems to only affect the resupply options, not the reinforcement options. Meaning you can still call in all the US Army AI groups. So it only really fixed half the problem. I'm going to search around and see if there's anyway to restrict the reinforcement groups, but if anyone knows how, please let me know :) Also thanks for the help Spyder, I really appreciate it.
  3. Thanks! I'm trying this now, will edit to tell you if I have any success UPDATE: Well nothing thus far, I'm doing as you say, but for some reason it doesn't seem to be affecting anything in-game I'm pretty sure i'm doing something wrong with the staticData.sqf or init.sqf. I have them both set up as SQF files in my mission folder, I pasted the lines exactly as you showed, and I deleted both the groups and dialog options I didn't want, but again when I load up the mission in the editor nothing seems to have changed. Again i'm a total noob at this, so I've probably made some simple error somewhere. This is where I currently have the SQF files: \Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Westonsammy\missions\ye.Stratis And I have the lines you told me to paste inside of each of those (and nothing more, I might add). So if you see anything I may have done wrong or forgotten to do, please point it out. Again sorry if its some simple newbie mistake
  4. Quick question I'm trying to exclude certain vehicle classes from the player logistics module, but can't seem to find anyway to do so. I'm using the RHS US Army woodland faction, and i'm trying to make it so that players can't simply call in a Abrams platoon or something ridiculous whenever they feel like it. Currently, when using the player logistics, it allows for any RHS US Army Woodland unit or group to be called in. I tried restricting this through a number of ways, first with the player logistics disable module, but from my understanding that only applies to objects, structures and the players interaction with them? I put the vehicle classnames into the blacklist, but again it has no effect (On another note, i'm pretty new to the editor, and might have made a mistake with the classnames or something, especially because its RHS) I then tried restricting it through the military logistics module (Setting "Allow Armour" to "No", ect.) and that had no effect. I looked through the ALiVE wiki and other related modules, but couldn't really find much help on the issue. So if anyone could help me with this, I would appreciate it :D
  5. Westonsammy

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    Anyone spot the crashed WW2 Fighter Plane in the trees in Screenshot 2? Its just to the left, stuck in the canopy :cool:
  6. I need to learn to stop wearing pants when I check this thread...
  7. This is NOT a speculation thread. If you want speculation, you can go to drebin052's very well made post here:http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?175688-Next-DLC-and-Expansion-Speculation So with today's SITREP and the announcement that the team has begun working on the expansion terrain, I figured that this would probably be the last stage when BI is going to make any changes to what the expansion will contain. Which also means the last time for us to beg them to include certain features and content. I also noticed and was surprised that no such thread had already existed, and thought it pretty important that we make it known what we want to see in the new expansion. So here we are now. So what do you want to see in the expansion? Tons of content that puts OA to shame? Or maybe more new features like weapon resting or proper radar. Make your voices heard in the comments people, this is the time when BI can probably still make changes to the expansion. ---------- Post added at 21:38 ---------- Previous post was at 21:26 ---------- Here is my personal bucket list for the expansion... -More low-tech vehicles (ie iron/non-thermal sight HMG's, less armor, ect) -More variety in weapon systems/vehicles (No copy and pasted turrets, please) -Weapon resting (Assuming Marksmen DLC doesn't do it) - -Women -Less car wrecks all over the map -A new CSAT sub-faction (preferably without bug helmets) or an entirely new faction to rival NATO -Ponds/Lakes (Rivers was already confirmed as not possible D: ) -More gun attachment options (Undermounted, barrel, stock, ect) -More modern equipment and systems (Missile defeating systems, C-RAMs, Reactive Armor, actual radar stealth, ect).
  8. The Jetfox community currently has a custom Zeus server up with TEI, with additional revive scripts. All you need to connect is TEI and of course CBA. Server IP:
  9. Westonsammy

    Magic rates in Steam Workshop?

    It is because his work has been featured by PCGamer, twice: http://www.pcgamer.com/hitman-comes-to-arma-3-in-the-form-of-user-made-missions/ http://www.pcgamer.com/arma-3-mod-invites-hitman-to-the-party/
  10. Westonsammy

    Arma 3 Roadmap for 2015. Likes & Dislikes.

    Were there any dislikes in the list? I couldn't find them xD
  11. Westonsammy

    What do you want to see in the expansion?

    Yea they have confirmed this many times in many different places, from the looks of things the expansion is going to be like Operation Arrowhead from ArmA 2, with new terrain, vehicles, weapons, factions, ect.
  12. Just a quick poll to see what the most popular wanted feature/fix for ArmA 3 is, because I was curious and think it would be beneficial for BI to see what their fanbase wants the most. I have picked from what I believe to be the most requested or talked about features/fixes, and I have also excluded anything that we already know BI is putting lots of effort into (i.e DLC's) So feel free to vote for whatever feature/fix you feel is most important to you, and feel free to discuss why you think that feature/fix is best in this thread.
  13. Awesome map, but may want to get this moved to the mods/addons discussion section of the forums.
  14. Tactical Battlefield regularly run 40 player+ MP sessions, and I usually get 30+ FPS unless we are playing on a particularly laggy map (such as Zargabad) I can see major desync and framerate issues happening on some of those 90+ player mega-servers, but for your everyday MP it should be fine.
  15. Westonsammy

    Which faction do you prefer to play as

    Wow, you are the last person I would expect to like CSAT vanilla xD
  16. Westonsammy

    What do you want to see in the expansion?

    Never really found melee to be usefull in ArmA. Whenever i'm that close to an enemy (which rarely ever happens) I would much prefer to just unload into his face than pull out a knife or something and start dancing with him.
  17. Westonsammy

    how does arma 3 feel to you ? (as of update 1.36)

    No ArmA game has ever felt finished to me, and none ever will. There is always something else to be added, another bug to be fixed, improvements to be made. And that is a good thing, IMO.
  18. The theory that AI can see through terrain has already been disproved multiple times with tests and the like, also in my 700+ hours of ArmA 3 I have never, ever seen AI shoot through the terrain, and have never seen or heard of it happening before. AI cannot necessarily "see" where you are when you run behind a building or wall, but they can guess. Usually when you run behind something the AI can penetrate, they will keep shooting in your general direction in an attempt to kill you, like any normal person would. As for their accuracy when blasting the side of a house or wall, I haven't noticed too much of a problem, I rarely get hit by this and i'm pretty sure I have never been killed this way. Just wanted to clarify on those two points, you do make some other legitimate criticisms about the AI, but I want people to focus on those, not on the ones that have been disproved time and time again.
  19. Westonsammy

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Has anyone made an edit of BECTI that is RHS compatible? Would love to play that.
  20. Westonsammy

    Which faction do you prefer to play as

  21. Westonsammy

    Which faction do you prefer to play as

    CSAT 1: Most interesting Vehicles+Weapon systems 2: Don't have to look at their bug helmets every time I aim at someone
  22. I was about to come on here and start bitching about how many petitions have been popping up as of late then I saw this Where do I sign? P.S. I know where to sign
  23. Westonsammy

    Community Upgrade Project: WIP thread

    "142 Assault Rifles" Excuse me as I go change my pants
  24. Westonsammy

    What do you want to see in the expansion?

    Oh, also BI, if fog could be white this time instead of blue, that would be GREAT (especially if it is an Asian terrain. Fighting in misty bamboo forests? Count me in).