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About Paronity

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  • Interests
    Software Design, Engineering, Gaming
  • Occupation
    Software Engineer for IBM

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  1. Nothing major. Things are coming along nicely. All memory leaks are squashed. CPU usage is under control. Thread management is still a bit flakey (when one thing goes awry, it has trouble recovering). This is what I'm working on now. I don't expect it to be perfect when it goes out for the first time, but I also don't want anyone's server to be effected if the RCON tool just halts. That to me, is unacceptable. I added some more features (such a netlog parsing to map BE GUIDs to In game Profile IDs) which took some time to implement. I also added the ability to have event driver URLs calls. For example, you can have it parse a URL when a ban is made so that it can post ban posts to your forums or something like that. Finally, I am building a little management app that will run on the ARMA servers themselves (if the tool isn't running on the same box as arma already), that will monitor the process and kill/restart it if need be. I'm attempting to make it as full featured and helpful as possible, and my OCD keeps getting in the way as well. Rest assured that development is still fully under way and it is coming along nicely. No ETA updates though. Thanks for your interest.
  2. Awesome! I'm sure it will start out with issues as it's hard to test anything yourself (you know what to look for).. Will you be needing a MySQL database for testing, or do you have one available? I'm hoping to get the first usable prototype out today or tomorrow, if I can stop adding stuff to it and just get it working. ;)
  3. Hey guys! Wasn't sure where to post this, so I figured here would be a good place for it. I am the creator of Paronicon for the CoD series, and since those servers now officially suck, and new games almost guarantee to not give us hostable servers, I took on a new project. This one is for Arma2/Arma3 (maybe more, but these are what I'm testing with). Will do some more backwards testing soon. There are some tools out there for the arma series in general, but none with the feature set that I (we at GSN Gaming) were looking for, so I set out to build my own. It is very close to being ready and I am looking for people to test it out for me. Let me know if you are interested. You can follow updates on it at the following: Homepage: http://armarcon.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/getarmacon GSN Forums: http://gsngaming.com/forum/146-armacon/ If anyone is interested in being a guinea pig for me, let me know. It will currently only work with a MySQL database (it will be able to run on SQLite as well for those that don't have MySQL or don't want to set one up). If you need a MySQL server, I will give you a database on my server for you to test with if you would like. Just need people to test it out for now and give me some solid feedback. We (As server admins) need some good tools to help us do our jobs. I'm also welcoming any feedback as to what features and what should be included. Look forward to working with you guys! Thanks for reading!
  4. Paronity

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Both. They can increase the performance by tuning the multithreading of the engine, as well as the drivers can increase performance by tuning them as well. To note, I don't expect my entire CPU to be utilized, but I do expect to be able to pull decent frame rates with a rig that is well above the recommended specs. I think that is what most people are trying to get at. Most games easily tax the GPU and make use of most of it's processing power, yet ARMA 3 continues to put my card in "meh" mode because it doesn't even have to try.
  5. LOL....this was the first image I sent to my buddy once I was in the game.... http://cl.ly/NLHd :)
  6. Thanks for your reply. Since posting, I have tried many things and I think I actually figured it out. It was a custom script that I had put in there for a train to be "working". The train itself didn't cause any issues, but adding the sounds to the moving object was apparently too much for the clients to handle for those that had PC's that couldn't keep up. As soon as I removed the sounds clips for the train, I see no more issues. It got back up to 54 players last night and hopefully will continue to do so. As for admining, I don't use any tools that are public. I write all of my own code and RCON tools as they all hook directly into our forums so that our staff can manage them with absolutely no knowledge required and no trickery of accessing them. Thanks again for your reply, but I think we are all good on this now.
  7. Hey guys, Have gotten a tremendous amount of information from the forums to help when managing our servers. so much in fact, I haven't had to create an account yet, but I am dealing with something that I have not been able to figure out and I am hoping that someone can at least point me in the right direction. I am a server admin for gsngaming.com and we run 3 ArmA 2 OA servers right now (2 DayZ and 1 Wasteland). The wasteland server is doing very well and has grown to rank 86 very quickly, however the last 3 days it remains almost empty. The reason for this is that at least 50% of people that join the server end up being disconnected for one of four reasons: 1.) Their local client of OA completely crashes (from Windows). 2.) Their BE client stops responding and they are removed. 3.) Miscellaneous file missing from the _ca folder in their local data. 4.) (Actually is probably in with number 3) Error Memory Data #3 I have scoured the forums the best I can, but I can not find the reason for the issue. The people that are experiencing the issue(s) are able to get on and play for 10-45 minutes before they get kicked or their game crashes. The "victims" of this issues span several types of hardware and operating systems. There is no common link (as far as I can tell). These very same people are able to join other server and play for hours on end without any issues as well, additionally, could play one ours just fine not more than 4 days ago. Here is a snippet of the RPT file. These error are MUCH more frequent then they were before: I have manually reinstalled BE as well as have tried the latest BETA path and official release. Same results. The issues started to occur when the 1.188 BE was release, but surely if that were the case, it wouldn't be just this server... Additionally, there are still several people that can play it regularly for hours and hours without a single issue (myself included). At any rate, I am at a complete loss and ANY help would be greatly appreciated. ---------- Post added at 22:54 ---------- Previous post was at 22:29 ---------- Server: