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Everything posted by Virevert

  1. Hi, This line in a trigger work perfecly, but the gun direction is south when it appears and the ennemy is coming from north...not good _ammo = "PRACS_Type74AAgun" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "m7401"); I tried the setdir command in the trigger, but no luck... Rotating the marker show no result also Is there a way to fix the problem? Thanks in advance
  2. Tanks again F2K Sel Your code is working. My machine gun is now facing the ennemy... Fantastic Tanks to you and to the other guy who took time to post a reply
  3. Tanks to both of you for the reply I am a 62 years old man and scripting is like Chinese for me.... I should mention in my message "script is not a option for me" I will try the setPos command Tanks
  4. Thank you very very much F2K Sel and a warm salute from Quebec City, Canada
  5. Hi! I am trying to get this line to work inside a trigger condition ({alive _x && side _x == east} count thisList) < 10 && >0 and it does not work I also try with this "||" and no luck Is it possible to have 2 conditions in the Trigger? Tanks in advance